CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 196: Burned alive

196 Burning alive

This is a question for Luo Qingyun.

Of course, she can't tell He Fen that the child is not Su Qize, and he doesn't say He Fen believes or not. Even if she believes, she may not be able to accept it. I'm afraid she won't let go of this answer.

But if she didn't say that, she would definitely want this child who belongs to Su Qize's life extension.

At the time, Su Qize said that he wanted to marry her. He didn't want to keep the child in her stomach. In order to prevent him from being absent one day, would it be comforting to his parents?

How to do?

What should she do to answer it to be perfect?

Luo Qingyun was in a dilemma.

"I'm asking you? Why don't you answer my question? Where is my grandson? Where is he?" He Fen saw Luo Qingyun hesitant to speak, and he was anxious for a moment, and his tone aggravated again.

"I'm sorry ..." Luo Qingyun was ruthless and looked up at He Fen in front of him.

He Fen heard and frowned, "I'm sorry? Why are you saying sorry to me? What happened to your grandson?"

"I ... I didn't give him up." Luo Qingyun knew to himself that he wanted to let He Fen think about the child, just tell her that the child doesn't exist at all.

Although she would be sad and sorry in this way, than to tell her that the child is not Su Qize, let her feel better.

"What did you say?" Sure enough, when He Fen heard this, she felt that her eyes were black, and the whole person almost fainted. She raised her hand and pointed her finger at Luo Qingyun in a trembling manner. Once again! What's wrong with your child? That's Qize's child. Qize's only bloodline left in the world, you vicious woman, what happened to your child? "

"It was an accident. The child is gone. I didn't mean it." Luo Qingyun explained.

"Unexpected? How could it be an accident? The child is so healthy, so big in your stomach, how can it be gone without saying?" He Fen still didn't believe what he heard.

She had high expectations for that child.

At that time, Su Wanbo was derailed by Jiang Yanxin. She was also for the children in Luo Qingyun's stomach, so she was not angry with her at the same time.

Unexpectedly, her forbearance did not make the child go wrong.

Guixi was worried that He Fen was too sad and would hurt her body. She hurried forward and supported her. "Ma'am, how are you feeling? I'll call the doctor."

He Fen waved his hands and looked lethargic, "Help me upstairs and back to the room."

She didn't want to face Luo Qingyun any more at this time, she was afraid that she could not help but wanted to do something to her.

This abominable woman didn't even attend her son's funeral. She sneaked away alone, but she didn't even save her child.

She was really blind at first. Why did she let this broom star enter the door?

If she was not allowed to marry Su family, Su Wanbo would not know Jiang Yanxin, he would not be derailed, and Su Qize would not be sick because of this stimulus. .

Blame her! Blame her! !!

Guiyi quickly lifted He Fen off the sofa and carried her upstairs.

When Luo Qingyun saw this, she also got up and wanted to come forward to take a hand, but Guiyi gave her a stop look, so that she didn't come forward.

The outstretched hand froze in the air, Luo Qingyun still didn't dare to help He Fen.

She knew in her heart that at this time He Fen must be full of resentment towards herself. If she approached, she would only make her more bored.

After waiting for a long time in the downstairs hall, Guixi came down from the second floor.

The two eyes were opposite, and Gui Yan's expression was a little complicated.

"Guiyi, how is she, mother-in-law?" Luo Qingyun asked worriedly.

Guiyu looked at her and sighed softly. "My wife has been thinking about that baby grandson all these years, and she has sent many private detectives to find the whereabouts of your mother, but it has never been successful. I met you today, she thought You can see your grandson, but you never thought about it ... instead you are her. What do you think of your mood? "

Luo Qingyun heard that and bowed his head, "I'm sorry for her."

"Grandma, forgive me again and ask you again, the child ... is it really gone?" Gui Yan obviously did not believe Luo Qingyun's words, she knew in her heart that this child's weight in Luo Qingyun's mind also saw How much she has protected this child, I dare not imagine, under what circumstances will make her unable to protect that child.

Luo Qingyun shook her head gently, without speaking.

Guixi heard the regret, "It's really a shame, Master is really blessed. He died so badly that people were burned like carbon blocks ..."

"What did you say? Qi Ze didn't have a heart attack, did the doctor fail to die in time for the rescue?" Luo Qingyun heard Gui Yan say this, and the whole person was shocked.

Guiyu saw Luo Qingyun's surprised look, his eyebrows frowned instantly, "Don't you know that the master died because of a fire in the ward where he lived? Didn't you go to the hospital to see the master last?"

"Fire? How could this happen? I received a call from Secretary Pan saying that Qi Ze had died and rushed to the hospital, but before I arrived at the hospital, Secretary Pan called me and let me go directly to the airport ... Said it was Qi Ze's last words, let me go abroad immediately. "Luo Qingyun recalled the scene at that time, and she was still very sorry now. She had gone too fast and could not see Su Qize at the last.

Why is it a fire?

How could such a hospital catch fire in such a hospital?

Luo Qingyun couldn't imagine what the scene was like at the time.

How painful is a living person to be burned to death?

"You never knew, Master was burnt to death by fire? Master is so pitiful, the whole person was burned beyond recognition ... The wife is also unwilling to forgive Mr. because of Master ’s death, so no matter how he asks her later She refused to remarry him. "Guiyi was also surprised. For so long, Luo Qingyun didn't even know the real cause of Su Qize's death.

Luo Qingyun was there, after a long time, he asked, "How could it be a fire?"

Although Su Qize said when he was admitted to the hospital, he should not be able to come out, but his words obviously implied that she was because Su Haohao would not let him out of the hospital alive.

Could it be that Su Shihao is letting fire?

Luo Qingyun just had this idea, and immediately vetoed it. No, Su Yinghao was not that kind of person.

Not to mention Su Qize is his cousin, even if there is no relationship between them, he will not be such a fierce hand.

She knows that Su Shihao has always done a great job, but he won't have such a bottom line.

That's a life!

How could she doubt him about it?

No, no ...

Gui Yan heard Luo Qingyun's question and thought for a while, and said, "The answer given by the hospital was that the equipment was short-circuited, which caused a fire. As for the specific situation, I am not quite sure. I have to ask my wife about this, but Now, my wife looks like this, I'm afraid I don't want to see you. If you ask her about the young master, it is tantamount to exposing her scars ... "

Of course, Luo Qingyun would not be stupid enough to ask He Fen about the beginning and end of this matter. She looked at the sky outside and said to Gui Ye, "Gui Ye, mother-in-law will bother you to take care of it. I ca n’t stay here too, so I can save my mother When I come downstairs to see that I am still upset here. "

"Grandma, please leave a contact information, I will advise the wife well, maybe she would like to see you someday, or contact you." Guixi said, handing her cell phone to her.

Luo Qingyun took the phone, entered his number, dialed, and the phone in the bag rang.

"Where does Grandma live now? I think you are with Miss Huo today. When have you been so close?" Gui Ye has been in Su's family for many years. Naturally, everyone knows that the relationship between Dafang and Erfang is very rigid.

Originally, when Luo Qingyun was in the second room, Huo Xiwen was the grandmother of the Su family. According to reason, their relationship should not be so close.

But today, seeing Huo Xiwen's look of Luo Qingyun's maintenance, made her confused.

Luo Qingyun naturally did not want Guiyi to guess the relationship between them, so she said, "She is no longer a member of the Su family. There was no contradiction between us now, and now I have mutual friends, so I walked around a bit. Today, I went to the hospital to see that friend. "

"This way ..." Although Guiyan still had doubts in her heart, she was not good at asking too much.

Luo Qingyun said: "Well, Guiyi, I'll go first. Mother-in-law, I hope you can comfort her more."

"Walk slowly." Guixi sent her out of the door and watched her stop the taxi before leaving.

On the second floor, he gently opened the door of the master bedroom and saw He Fen lying on the bed with a pale face.

"She's gone?" Waiting for Gui Gui to enter, He Fen looked up at her and asked.

Guiyu nodded. "Leave me. I left her phone."

"Do you think what she said is true or false? My grandson, is it really gone?" He Fen looked somber and calm, and asked Guigui.

Guixiong shook her head. "It's hard to say, it's really sad to see her like that. It doesn't seem to be a vacation. But if the child is still there, why should she lie to you? That is the eldest grandson of the Su family."

Then, she remembered something, and said, "Yes, there is another thing that is strange."

"What's the matter?" He Fen asked quickly.

"Grandma, she didn't even know it. The young master was burnt to death that year." Guiying said.

"What? Didn't she rush to the hospital to meet Qi Ze's last side before we went to the hospital?" He Fen heard, her expression also shocked.

"When it was halfway, Secretary Pan called her and said the master's last words, let her go directly to the airport. But this is too strange, wasn't the master burned to death by the fire? When the fire broke out, Secretary Pan should If she was n’t with the master, otherwise she would n’t be safe. How did the last word come about? The young master did n’t know it was going to catch fire, so why did he talk about the last word? ”Guiyi couldn't figure out this thing.

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