CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 204: Willing to see her

Chapter 204

"For him, for the Pearl Group, of course there is no benefit, but it is good for you." Zhao Wei said.

"Benefits to me? What's the benefit? Isn't he dismantling our Huo's electronics stand now? How can we produce electronic products without components?" Huo Xiwen couldn't think of the benefits she could gain from it. .

"Finding a new partner may take some time, but compared to your precious life, Miss Huo, what is the loss?"

"So, after all, he just doesn't want to have anything to do with me, does he?" Huo Xiwen, at this moment, finally understood the key to the matter.

"You need to understand this way, and there is nothing wrong with it. Actually, the boss didn't have to achieve this level, but you have never given up. He had to push you away in this way." Zhao Wei also refused to cooperate. The method rushed to the pain of pain. You should know that the cooperation with Huo's can make Mingzhu Group earn at least hundreds of millions more each year.

Fu Muzheng said that if he didn't do it, he wouldn't do it. It would make a lot of seniors in the company feel the pain.

"That is to say, if I would give up on him, he would not terminate the cooperation, would he?" Huo Xiwen choked back tears and choked.

"Forget it, Mr. Fu only wants you to be safe. If you can let go of his feelings and keep a distance with him, I don't think he will take such extreme measures." Zhao Wei replied.

"Okay, I see." Huo Xiwen said this, and the whole person fell into silence.


Huo Xiwen came to the company the next morning, and her expression looked a little embarrassed. Obviously, she didn't sleep well last night.

The secretary thoughtfully gave her a cup of hot latte to get her in.

Huo Xiwen took a sip of coffee and looked up to the secretary, "Help the secretary to pay the general secretary through the Pearl Group and make an appointment to meet with the general manager."

The secretary heard the words and hesitated for a moment, "Are you making an appointment? President, are you talking about making an appointment in the normal process?"


"Okay, I'll go now." The secretary agreed, but she was very puzzled. If she remembered correctly, Huo Xiwen wanted to see Mingzhu Fu, and he never seemed to make an appointment.

It seems that Mingzhu is really going to turn his face with Huo's, and now Huo Xiwen refuses to see it.

After the secretary left, Huo Xiwen was opening the folder in front of him and was preparing to start work.

The cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

Pick it up and it turned out that Zhang Junxian called.

If she remembered correctly, since the last time they met, it seems that the two have not contacted again.

Why did he suddenly call today?

After hesitating, she still connected the phone, "Hey ..."

"My dear girlfriend, I haven't been in contact for a few days, but you miss me as a boyfriend?" At the end of the phone, Zhang Junxian was still the playboy's frivolous tone.

"What's the matter with you calling me?" Huo Xiwen's voice was calm, and she didn't have much mood to chat with him.

"What? I can't call you anymore?"

"If it's okay, I'll hang up. I'm busy now."

"So hurrying to hang up, it seems that the Pearl Group has suddenly stopped working with you, and it has indeed caused you a lot of trouble, making your big president so busy."

Huo Xiwen did not expect that the cancellation of the renewal of the Mingzhu Group and Huo's had reached his ears so quickly, her eyebrows frowned instantly. "You called, are you talking about rumors?"

"Of course not, don't think of me so badly, anyway, are you still my nominal girlfriend?" Zhang Junxian said.

"If you have something to say, hurry up." Huo Xiwen was a little impatient.

"It's really a matter of course. Your mother seems to be very concerned about the progress of both of us. She asked my grandma and my mother to dine at Mengxi Restaurant tomorrow night. You don't know about it?" Zhang Junxian said.

"I don't know." She went back too late last night, and her mother was asleep, so she didn't have time to tell her about it.

She got up early this morning and came to the company, so she never met her mother.

"It seems that Auntie hasn't told you yet, but it doesn't matter. I'm calling you just to remind you that the elders care about us both. Let's show them affection in front of them, so that they don't have to worry about it. Ask, what do you say? "

"I know."

"I don't need to worry if you are willing to cooperate with that. Well, I won't bother you for your work. Goodbye." Zhang Junxian finished and hung up the phone.

Throwing the phone aside, Huo Xiwen just felt like a big head.

Mao's mind is everything, but he has no clue.

The secretary knocked in at this time. "Miss Huo, an appointment has been made. Mr. Fu said he has time to see you at three this afternoon, but it is only fifteen minutes long."

"Help me notify the driver and let him wait for me downstairs at two o'clock," Huo Xiwen said without looking up.

Fu Muzhen, you finally see me, do you know what I want to say to you?


The morning passed very slowly. After holding several meetings and making a dozen resolutions, Huo Xiwen only felt that his head was about to explode.

She managed to stay until two in the afternoon, and she didn't want to stay in the office for a moment. She put on her jacket and went out.

The driver was already waiting for her downstairs, got in the car, and headed straight for the Pearl Group.

However, more than ten minutes away, the car stopped under the building of the Pearl Group.

After getting off the car, Huo Xiwen lifted his foot into the building, but was stopped again by the security guard, "Miss, you stay."

Huo Xiwen no longer had a fight with the security guard at this time, and she looked at the other side with a weary look. "I have paid the appointment with you, do you want to stop it?"

The security guard glanced at his notepad and shook his head, "You and Fu paid the appointment at three o'clock, and now it's only two-thirteen, you can't go up. However, you can first sit down and drink on the first floor lounge area. Cup of coffee and then go upstairs when the time comes. "

"..." Huo Xiwen was speechless. Is it necessary for Fu Muzhen to do so absolutely?

However, remembering that he was so indifferent to himself last night, I was too lazy to care about him.

This man, in order to force her away from him, can do everything.

Go to the lounge, sit and wait for 45 minutes, then the security guard came over, and respectfully said to her, "Miss Huo, General Secretary Fu called and said that General Manager has time now Please go up. "

Huo Xiwen got up, went out of the lounge, and walked to the elevator.

Taking the elevator straight to the floor where the president's office is located, Huo Xiwen's expression was solemn and his steps were heavy.

When I got out of the elevator, I saw the secretary standing at the door of the elevator and glaring at her. "Hello, Miss Huo, please, Mr. Fu is waiting for you."

Huo Xiwen took a heavy step, behind the secretary, step by step to the president's office.

When I entered the door, I saw Fu Muzhen sitting on the leather sofa, holding a cup of tea in his hand, savouring carefully.

After the secretary sent her into the office, she quietly backed out and took the door.

Huo Xiwen looked at Fu Muzhen's expressionless face, lifted his feet, and walked to him step by step, "You finally see me."

"You only have fifteen minutes, and say what you want to say quickly." Fu Muzhen raised his eyes slightly, glanced at her lightly, said.

"You ..." Huo Xiwen was very angry, but reasonably told her that she had come to see him not for quarrels, so she suppressed her anger again and again.

"Okay, I ask you, why did you cancel the cooperation with Huo's Electronics? We have been very happy to cooperate before, haven't we?" Huo Xiwen stared at him tightly and asked.

"Don't you already know the answer? It won't change if you ask again." Fu Muyi took a sip of tea, his tone was flat.

"Don't you just want to clarify the relationship with me personally? But the cooperation between the two companies is public affairs, why do you mix public and private?"

"I'm such a person, do you know it now?" Fu Muzhen's deep eyes lightly fell on her little face that forbeared anger, said quietly.

"You ..." Huo Xiwen was again speechless by him, taking a deep breath, she gritted her teeth. "What the **** do you want to do to continue working with Huo?"

"What do I want? Aren't you very clear?" He asked her back.

Huo Xiwen clenched his fists secretly with both hands, and his heart was very hard. "Mu Fu, do you have to be like this? I have said that I like you, it is my business, you can not accept it, and I will not force you, but You can't force me to make me dislike you. Why do you have to do it this way? "

"If you don't stop thinking about me now, I'll do too much later." Fu Muyi's tone threatened.

"So you ... don't want to accept me? I said, I'm not afraid, even if I'm with you, I will die tomorrow, I'm not afraid." Huo Xiwen's eyes were red and his heart was so grieving that he wanted to cry.

"I thought I had made some things very clear, and I don't want to repeat the same thing."

She is not afraid of death, but he is afraid! If being with her would threaten his life, how would such love differ from poison?

"Fu Muzhen, you're a coward." She finally shouted at him angrily.

"Did you finish it? Fifteen minutes are coming." He didn't react much to her anger and disappointment, but raised his hand and looked at the time on his watch to remind her.

Huo Xiwen's tears couldn't stop flowing, but she didn't want him to see him crying. She stubbornly raised her hand and wiped the tears on her face. She sucked her nose and said, "Well, don't you just want me to give you up You win, Fu Muzhen, I just give up on you. From now on, I don't like you anymore, but the cooperation between our two companies, you are not allowed to cancel, do you hear? "

"OK." He nodded, a slight smile on his face.

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