CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 205: Childish quarrel

Chapter 205 Childish quarrel

Get up, walk to her, reach into her pants pocket, take out a handkerchief, "Wipe your face."

Huo Xiwen took the handkerchief, but did not wipe his face. Instead, he clasped his arms with his hands, opened his mouth, and bit him **** the back of his hand.

"..." Fu Muzhen frowned instantly, but did not push her away, just let her bit her arm tightly.

Huo Xiwen bit him with a lot of strength, until he felt a bit of blood in his mouth, and then he seemed to return to God and loosen his teeth.

Wiping the blood stains accidentally on the corner of the mouth with a parchment, she looked at his eyes and said word by word, "Fu Muyu, you have no heart and don't know the pain."

Fu Muzhen looked back at her, her eyes were always faint, "Did the qi fade? Fifteen minutes is up."

"Rest assured, I will go. Even if you ask me, I won't stay." Huo Xiwen forced the tears in his eyes, turned and left.

In his hand, the blood-stained puck tugged tightly.

After taking her away, Zhao Wei immediately walked in from the door and saw Fu Muxuan's bitten hand, and immediately called the secretary to deliver the first aid box.

"Why is Miss Huo still biting her mouth?" He muttered as he cleared the wound for Fu Mu.

"Huo's contract, let's continue with them." Fu Muzhen sat on the sofa, leaning his head on the sofa quilt, and said tiredly.

Zhao Wei heard that the movement of his hand was delayed, and it took a long time before he said slowly, "Miss Huo, will she finally give up?"

"It's not interesting to not give up." Fu Muzhen looked at the ceiling, his voice became extremely hollow.

Zhao Wei didn't dare to answer any more. He knew that letting Huo Xiwen give up his feelings for him was actually more sad than Huo Xiwen.

But is there any way?

As long as the boss of the Jack Party did not die, the crisis on them could not be lifted.

After clearing the wound, he exited the office silently, and instructed the secretary that there is nothing particularly important. Do not go in to disturb Fu Muzhen. Don't answer the phone, just transfer it to him.

Although the secretary was not very clear about the relationship between Fu Muzhen and Huo Xiwen, she could vaguely guess that the relationship between the two was not simple.

As a secretary with excellent professionalism, she naturally understands that everything is centered on the boss, and the boss does not want to let you know what you do n’t want to ask.

Therefore, she agreed to Zhao Wei's command without a hint of doubt.


After getting out of the Pearl Group Building and boarding the car, Huo Xiwen felt that his entire strength had been drained.

The driver looked at her sitting in the back chair with a stunned look, and asked carefully, "Miss Huo, are we going back to the company now?"

"Back to the company." Huo Xiwen spit out these three words, turned his head out the window, and closed his eyes.

The crisis between Huo's and Mingzhu Group was lifted, which relieved Huo's senior executives. Huo's veterans also gradually changed their attitude towards Huo Xiwen's young heir and trusted her ability.

Of course, this does not include Huo Jiabao, the guy who has been singing against her from beginning to end.

Assistant Sun went to Huo Shi to sign a new contract and returned it to Huo Xiwen before Huo Jiabao came in from the door.

He held a cigar in his mouth, walked and swayed, and looked like a full-fledged sister-in-law. He did not take Huo Xiwen as the CEO at all.

"Old Sun, I heard that you just signed the contract with Huo, it's hard." When he walked to the desk, he reached out and patted Assistant Sun, who was standing beside him, in a tone that sounded like the boss praised him under his hand. Employee.

Assistant Sun heard it and only smiled humblely. "General Huo has won the prize. I'm just a errand. The really hard-working person is Miss Huo. This contract was negotiated by her."

Huo Jiabao smiled at this moment, and turned to look at Huo Xiwen sitting on the boss chair behind the office desk. "Sister Xiwen, you talk about it too, why do you make yourself so hard? Do n’t want to follow We cooperate, we can go to other companies to cooperate with us. Our city Y is a major manufacturer of electronic components, and not just his Pearl Group. You are a dignified Huo Group president, and you will come to him to pay him. Let's say that, but it's shameful. "

Huo Xiwen knew that Huo Jiabao had come to find faults, and she was not angry. She just sneered and looked at her savvy, cowardly cousin. "Jiabao's work in the company is not short. I think you are in the industry. I know very well, I can say such things even if I don't think of it. Don't you know that although there are many companies and manufacturers of electronic components in Y City, there are almost no comparable with Huo's in terms of scale and equipment. We at Huo's Electronics have always positioned ourselves to provide high-end, sophisticated electronic products to consumers. If the quality of our products cannot be guaranteed, wouldn't we smash the Huo's sign that my dad has worked so hard for so many years. "

"Xiwen, you know that I don't mean that, why bother me with such a big hat? I just think it's too difficult for you to manage such a large company as a woman. There are some things that you don't need If you can give the work below, let the people below deal with it. I also feel bad for you, don't you ... "Huo Jiabao heard Huo Xiwen say this, and his big tail wolf-like smile appeared on his face.

"Then I would like to thank Brother Jiabao for your concern." Huo Xiwen's smile was salty and kind.

"Look at you, what are you polite to me? We both are brothers and sisters, shouldn't I be concerned if I care?" Huo Jiabao said, his eyes rolled, and he said, "I heard that He is arranging a blind date for you." Target, I heard that it was the kid from the Zhang family, but don't blame my brother for not reminding you, that kid is a kind of affection, and there are a lot of little girls outside, don't be fooled by him. "

"You came here just to tell me about this?" Huo Xiwen was a bit surprised, Huo Jiabao was never the kind of person who would take the initiative to care for her.

Instead, he should hope to see her unfortunately than anyone else.

In the previous abduction in the United States, although there was no direct evidence to prove that Huo Jiabao instructed, looking at the whole country, the person who was most hostile to her was him.

If she had an accident, the biggest beneficiary would also be him, so she had long since judged from her heart that it was him who was behind the kidnapping case.

Now, he was suddenly concerned about his life-long events. She thought it strange that she thought about it, and what he was thinking about.

"You don't have to be touched too much. I don't do it for you or me for Huo's. As far as I know, although Zhangyuan's Mingyuan looks bright these years, it's actually rotten inside, otherwise you think about it. With the strength of their Zhang family, how can they let the sole heir marry a second-married woman? Not yet want to continue our Huo family's power and revive the glory. "Huo Jiabao said.

"What happened to the second married woman? Jiabao brother, in your harem group, there seems to be a lot of divorced actors and models? So look down on the second married woman, you really take a woman seriously, save yourself Auntie cares for you every day. "Huo Xiwen was still listening to his analysis seriously, but later he couldn't bear to hear his obviously discriminatory words.

Huo Jiabao heard and was anxious, "Did I tell you something seriously? Why did you get involved with me again? It's true that you were divorced. What about the divorced women around me? I'm just playing with them, and I won't marry into the house. Do you think Zhang Junxian also plays with you? Also, don't use my mother to oppress me, you little girl. "

"You have a big tail wolf. You do n’t care about my affairs. Zhang Junxian is good or bad. I do n’t need you to remind me. You can manage it yourself.” Huo Xiwen was irritated by him, got up from his chair, and widened The eyes are like a little cockfight.

Poor Assistant Sun stood by, not knowing what to do.

It is very common for these two brothers and sisters to quarrel in the company, and everyone usually can hide but hide.

Now he was arguing in front of him, and now he wanted to leave again, it seemed a little too eye-catching.

After thinking about it, he began to persuade, "President, general manager, both of them are calming down, but don't hurt brothers and sisters for being an outsider."

"I'm not such a stupid sister." Huo Jiabao hummed.

"I'm not such a bad brother." Huo Xiwen retaliated in resignation.

"I'm bad ?, who was a kid, who followed me every day, begging me to play with her?"

"That was because I was young and ignorant. I knew you were so bad that I would not play with you."

"Little girl film, it's against you, don't think you're grown up now, I won't hit you?"

"Fuck me? Huo Jiabao, you can do it if you have the ability, don't make me look down on you."

"You ..." Huo Jiabao was so mad that this little girl really grew up, and when she became the president, her wings were hardened, and she dared to beat him like this.

Assistant Sun watched the quarrel between the two brothers and sisters. Seeing that it was going to go from **** to hands, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed Huo Jiabao. "Huo Huo, Huo Huo, calm down, this is the office."

He didn't even say that you are both grown-ups, and you are going to fight each other.

Huo Jiabao realized at this time that this was the president's office. He slightly focused and put away his arrogant look, pointing at Huo Xiwen, "Huo Xiwen, I kindly remind you that you don't have to show your affection, don't be caught by then. The Zhang family dragged the water down, causing a joke, and hiding alone and crying. "

Huo Xiwen twisted his head and hummed, not bothering to care about him.

Huo Jiabao talked boringly, turned around and left the office.

After Assistant Sun left, he sighed and persuaded Huo Xiwen, "Miss Huo, why don't you argue with him?"

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