CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 329: Take advantage of

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"Yes, you're right, we'll wait here. He Hao will let someone take me to see him." Luo Qingyun nodded, and did not argue with the security guard, simply stood Waiting at the door.

Seeing this, Wu Yan had to walk aside quietly and called Qiu Yue.

After receiving the call, Qiu Yi quickly came out of the hospital and saw Luo Qingyun, pulling her aside.

Luo Qingyun saw him, only thinking that it was Su Yunhao who asked him to bring him in, his face rejoicing, "Qiu Yan, you can count it, you take me in soon, does Yun Hao want to see me?"

"Qing Yun, the president is resting now. He woke up last night, but soon fell asleep again. The doctor said that he needs time to recover and now needs to rest. The wife gave an order and no one is allowed to disturb the president's rest "Qiu Yue explained to her.

"Is that so?" Luo Qingyun heard, with a thoughtful look.

"The president has just finished such a large operation, and the whole person is very weak. Would you give him some time and let him rest in peace?" Qiu Zheng advised again.

Luo Qingyun nodded, "You're right, I should let him rest first, and then restore my body. I'm too anxious, I shouldn't do that."

Qiu Yan gave Wu Yan a wink at this time. Wu Yan was helping Luo Qingyun and took her away.

Qiu Yan looked at the back of the two of them leaving, his heart sighed.

Turning around, he was about to go back to the hospital, but saw a familiar figure, got out of the car on the side, was twisting the enchanting posture, and went inside.

Before he could think too much, he immediately kept up with the other party and entered the hospital building.


Zheng Baozhu has been hiding at home and has not dared to go out since the accident.

She couldn't figure it out. The person who should have been hit by the big truck was Luo Qingyun, how could she become Su Yinghao.

When she regretted it, she was even more afraid that she might find someone to do it.

After all, the injured person was Su Yinghao. Su Jiacai was so aggressive that it was not impossible to get the driver out.

After hiding in the house for several days like this, she received a call from Lianhua this morning, telling her that Su Shihao was awake and had amnesia, so if she wanted to get Su Shihao's Heart, it is best to take advantage of the present and take advantage of it.

For her, there was no way out of her doubts.

Aside from her excitement, she suddenly felt that perhaps it was God who stood by her this time and gave her a chance to replace Luo Qingyun.

After all, compared with letting Luo Qingyun die, Su Yihao's amnesia will make her easier to get his heart.

Thinking like that, she deliberately dressed up and came to the hospital.

According to the bed number that Lien gave her, she came to the door of the VIP intensive care unit.

As he was about to go in, Qiu Yan rushed up from behind and called out to her: "Miss Zheng."

Zheng Baozhu heard his voice, stopped and looked back at him: "Assistant Qiu?"

"Why did Miss Zheng come to the hospital so early?" Qiu Yan looked at the time. It seemed too early to come to the hospital to see the patient.

Zheng Baozhu smiled with a guilty conscience, and said, "Because I was worried about Brother Hao, I woke up earlier. I heard he was awake, so I came to see him."

"Oh? That's the way it is." Qiu Yi made a look of complete realization, and seemed to say to himself: "I said that the president just had a car accident, but why did he not see Miss Zheng come to the hospital, it seems Zheng Miss is waiting for the president to wake up. "

Zheng Baozhu was told by him like this, his face froze, he laughed twice, and did not answer.

At this time, the door of the ward opened, and lotus root came out of it: "Miss Orb is here."

Zheng Baozhu saw her as if she saw a savior: "Lian Ye, I've come to see Brother Hao Hao, how is he now?"

"Just fell asleep, Mrs. is with you, please go in." Lotus said, and looked at Qiu Yan aside, "Assistant Qiu, there is nothing to take care of here. Madam said that the company's affairs must be You look at it, you go back first. "

Qiu Yue didn't want to stay here to face these women at this time either. Since Bai Cihui wanted to support him, he stopped no longer, only nodded towards Lotus, and turned away.

When he left, Zheng Baozhu went to Lianhua, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Lianhua's eyes: "What's the matter, later, my wife is waiting for the advanced to see the young master."

Zheng Baozhu nodded and went into the ward along with lotus root.

The VIP intensive care unit where Su Minhao lives is the most luxurious ward in Anren Hospital. It is not a five-star hotel, rather than a ward.

There is a living room, a kitchen, and a special accompanying room.

When Zheng Baozhu went in, he saw Bai Cihui coming out of the patient's room. The door was too late to be brought in, and there was a special **** to guard it.

When he saw Zheng Baozhu, Bai Cihui took the door with him and lifted his feet toward the living room.

"Aunt Cihui ..." Zheng Baozhu went to Bai Cihui and shouted.

Bai Cihui looked at her with a cold look. "You are here."

Zheng Baozhu didn't know if Bai Cihui was still angry about her previous design of Luo Qingyun, but she seemed a little overwhelmed by her cold attitude.

Lotus stared aside, stepped forward and offered Bai Cihui a hand, let her sit down on the sofa, and said, "Mrs. Miss Baozhu knew that the young master woke up and rushed to the hospital as soon as possible."

"Did you inform her?" Bai Cihui took a look at Lotus, deliberately asking.

Lianhua smiled and smiled, "Where do I remember to inform her? It is Miss Baozhu who is worried about the body of the young master. She made several phone calls every day to ask me. She happened to come and call me this morning. I Then she told her that he was awake at midnight last night. "

"Really?" Bai Cihui listened to her, but sneered: "I thought she didn't know about Hao Ha's car accident. I haven't seen it these days. Now Hao woke up before running over."

Zheng Baozhu listened to her tone, clearly blaming her for not caring about Su Shihao, and in a hurry, she didn't know how to explain it, then lowered her head, her eyes became red and pitiful.

Seeing this, Bai Cihui said coldly, "What? You think I'm wrong?"

"No, Aunt Cihui, I ..." Zheng Baozhu knew that Bai Cihui had an opinion on herself. She didn't know how to reverse her view, so she cast her eyes to the lotus root aside for help.

Seeing this, Lotus replied, "Mrs., in fact, Miss Baozhu isn't to blame, I didn't ask her to come."

"Oh? It's you again?" Bai Cihui looked at Lianhua unexpectedly.

"Yes, the young master is in a car accident, and you are struggling, and you are busy cooking Luo Qingyun. I think you are in a bad mood, so let Miss Baozhu not come over to disturb you for now. Now the young master is awake, and your mood is much better, this That's why she was here, "Lotus said.

"You are kind." Bai Cihui gave a strange look at the lotus root, then turned his eyes to Zheng Baozhu, who was afraid to look at him, and sighed: "Bouzhu, since you are here, I don't hide it from you either, Hao Hao is indeed awake, but his condition is not very good now, so ... "

"Aunt Cihui, don't worry, I don't care what Brother Haohao looks like. As long as he lives, I will always love him." Zheng Baozhu quickly determined.

However, Bai Cihui didn't want to say this. She just wanted to tell Bai Cihui that Su Yinghao now needs to rest, and the rest of the things are set aside, so as not to disturb him to rest.

However, Zheng Baozhu's statement just made her feel a little loose, and she said with emotion: "It's hard for you to like him so much."

"Aunt Cihui, I love Brother Hao Hao, you have always known this, so I want to ask you something." Zheng Baozhu said, suddenly kneeling in front of her.

Bai Cihui was startled with a shocked expression in her actions, so he asked Lotus to lift her up.

But Zheng Baozhu refused: "Aunt Mercy, I hope you can answer my request, otherwise I won't get up."

Bai Cihui looked at her and asked, "You say, what kind of request?"

"Now Brother Hao has amnesia. I hope you can fulfill me and Brother Hao. This is the best opportunity." Zheng Baozhu said with a serious expression.

"What do you mean by this?" Bai Cihui frowned and asked.

"It means ..." Zheng Baozhu took a deep breath and solemnly said, "I hope you can tell Brother Hao Hao that I am his fiancee. When he is sick and discharged, I will have a wedding with him. "

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