CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 330: Don't want to care

Chapter 330

In fact, after Luo Qingyun's incident, Zheng Baozhu was not the daughter-in-law of Bai Cihui's mind at this time, so I suddenly heard that she proposed such a seemingly mean method to deceive Su Shihao. She felt Zheng Baozhu in her heart. This person's impression score has dropped a lot.

"Do you think I'll lie to Hao Hao, and he can like you?" Bai Cihui looked at Zheng Baozhu in front of her with a cold look. Why didn't she find out before that this girl did things, there was no bottom line, in order to get The man he loves, really makes it out.

"If it were you, Brother Hao Hao would surely believe it. I have confidence to let him accept me." Zheng Baozhu knew that this was the only chance for her to get Su Haohao, and she had to seize it anyway.

Obviously, Bai Cihui would not readily agree to her request, and he was hesitating, Lotus said aside, "Madam, I think Miss Baozhu's proposal is absolutely necessary."

"Are you in favor of letting me deceive Hao Hao?" Bai Cihui looked at Lian Huan a bit unexpectedly. She knew in her heart that Su Haohao's amnesia may not be permanent. If she chooses to deceive him now, when will he remember his previous memories, I'm afraid she won't explain well then.

Lotus root bowed his head, Fu ears said a few words in Bai Cihui's ears, only to see Bai Cihui's expression changed, and then groaned for a moment, and said to Zheng Baozhu, "You get up first."

"Have you promised me?" Zheng Baozhu heard the news, knowing that there might be drama in this matter.

"Miss Baozhu, Madam let you get up, naturally promised you, can you grasp the heart of the young master, I will look at you in the future." Lianhua said with a smile.

When Zheng Baozhu heard this, he couldn't help but immediately got up from the ground and always appreciated Bai Cihui.

Bai Cihui came to the hospital at midnight yesterday to accompany Su Yinghao. At this time, the person was already very sleepy, so he waved at her, "Well, I'm a bit tired. Now Luo Hao is also sleeping. I am here today Well, you want to see Hao Hao, come back tomorrow. Alian, send her for me. "

"Yes, Madam." Lotus agreed, motioning to Zheng Baozhu to go out with himself.

Zheng Baozhu immediately said to Bai Cihui to let her take a good rest, and then stepped out of the ward across the lotus root.

The two came out of the inpatient department and walked through the garden of the hospital to the gazebo in the garden and stopped.

Lianyung walked in front, and suddenly turned to look at Zheng Baozhu behind him, "What have you done a few days ago? Why don't you see Grand Master?"

"I ... this ..." Zheng Baozhu looked a little hesitant. She didn't dare to tell Lianhua that she didn't come because of a guilty conscience.

"It seems that the incident of the young master's car accident is really not that simple." Lianhua said deliberately, seeing Zheng Baozhu's expression changed, and she said, "It seems that we all underestimated Miss Zheng's ability and did not expect Things like murder can be done. "

Zheng Baozhu heard this allegation, his face suddenly turned pale, and his lips were shaking: "You ... I ... I didn't ... it didn't matter to me ... It was an accident ... an accident ..."

"Miss Zheng, don't say anything secret in front of people, you don't have to cover it like this in front of me. Don't you understand, I've always been on your side?" Lin Tong's eyes turned, her face turned There was a faint smile.

Zheng Baozhu did n’t know that Lian Ye had been helping herself. She knew she could n’t lie to her eyes, so she had to admit: “Yes, I really did this, but I did n’t mean to hurt Brother Hao, I I just want to deal with the abominable woman of Luo Qingyun. You didn't know that the arrest that day was actually ... "

Lianyuan watched her pull away and waved at her: "I don't care why you did this, I just want to tell you, if you want to stay with Su Shihao, you will behave well in the future. Madam is not to you now Very satisfied, don't you feel it? "

"I ... but did she just agree to my request?" Zheng Baozhu looked at her with a puzzled look.

"You are really naive." Lianhua sneered, looking at her with a scornful look. "Why do you think she suddenly changed her mind and promised you?"

"Why? What did you say in her ear?" Zheng Baozhu asked quickly.

"Do you want to know?" Lianhua deliberately sold a key and saw Zheng Baozhu's expression of anxiety, so she slowly said, "I told her that Luo Qingyun would not give up easily, and if you stay at this time, By the side of the young master, I can just hit Luo Qingyun severely and make her completely desperate. So, do you understand your role now? You are just a lady's chess piece against Luo Qingyun. "

"Why ... what?" Zheng Baozhu heard that, his face was unbelievable, was Bai Cihui just to use her? Do n’t you really want to be her daughter-in-law yourself?

"What? Do you feel aggrieved?" Lianhua looked at her severely shocked look, and her smile was even more disdainful. "Satisfied, at least now you have the opportunity to reap the sincerity of the young master, and take it seriously As long as the young master's heart is seized, his wife's attitude will not matter then. "

Zheng Baozhu didn't say anything. She lowered her head for a moment to ponder, and then slowly raised her head to look at the lotus root in front of her: "Why do you help me?"

"You can understand that I don't like Luo Qingyun." Lianhua casually perfunctoryly.

"Is that so?" Apparently, she didn't believe it.

Lianhua knew that if she wanted to dispel the doubts in her heart, she must give her a reliable explanation, so she said: "Mrs. is old, and her health has not been good recently. As a housekeeper, I have to think for myself. For a moment, if you come to be the future hostess of this family, I believe my position in this family will definitely not change, are you right? "

Zheng Baozhu listened to her explanation, and immediately a contemptuous smile appeared on her face. "It turned out to be for your own benefit. Don't worry, if I can become the hostess of this family, I will definitely have your benefit."

"I look forward to that day." Lilian answered with a smile.

"You help me well, that day won't arrive very late." Zheng Baozhu was no longer the same attitude as before, and her tone of voice was a lot harder.

What she didn't know, however, was that the lotus root's water was much deeper than she had imagined, and she was nothing more than a **** on the palm of the hand.


United States, California.

The sun shines inside the villa with a line of sea views.

Early in the morning, Su Qize, who just woke up, jumped into the pool and was swimming.

Secretary Pan didn't know when she entered the garden from the house and came to the pool, holding a bathrobe in her hand.

After Su Qize swam back and forth for half an hour, he went ashore, and Secretary Pan handed him the bathrobe and took him a large towel on the side of the lounge chair.

Su Qize put on his bathrobe, took over the towel, wiped the water from his hair, took the mineral water on the coffee table and took a few sips.

"Why did you come here early in the morning? Something?" Put down the water glass, he turned to look at Secretary Pan who had been standing beside him, and never spoke.

"There is something wrong with city Y." Secretary Pan said a moment of silence.

Su Qize heard his words and frowned instantly, "What's the matter?"

"The eldest son had a car accident and was seriously injured." Secretary Pan reported.

Su Qize heard the words "car accident", his expression tightened instantly. "What's going on?"

"It should be a man-made car accident, not like an accident, and the other party's target is Luo Qingyun. The eldest son just blocked her." Secretary Pan answered.

Su Qize heard this, and the hand holding the towel clenched his fist secretly, his knuckles were cold white, and his face was even colder: "Think of a car accident? Is it a trick again?"

"Do you think this was done by Madam?" Secretary Pan asked.

"Who else besides her?" Su Qize gritted his teeth, and then asked, "how is Qingyun now?"

Secretary Pan shook his head: "Not so good, my wife kicked her out of Su's house. I think she probably can't go back. Mr. Su, would you ... go back and help her?"

"Help her? How can I help? If I show up, do you think she can stay with the elder brother?" Su Qize sneered. "Not to mention, this route was chosen by her. Even if it is hard, she can only go by herself. Carry."

Secretary Pan heard this, and for some reason she was relieved, but she felt a little uneasy and confirmed to him: "You really don't intend to help her?"

"Do you think I'm free now?" Su Shihao glared at her coldly, said.

Secretary Pan shut up immediately, but she answered in her heart, "For now, you are really busy."

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