CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 392: Devoted to children

Chapter 392

"Although the lawyer may not be able to take the child away, if I remember correctly, the news that broke out on the Internet today, in addition to the class bullying classmates, also has an important point that he is the elder son of the eldest brother . Are you sure to admit this in front of a lawyer, and then make it public in this situation? I remember that the elder brother would let people delete the information on the Internet, and now the illegitimate child will explode again, I ’m afraid The charge of the Haoting Group's responsible person for bullying can't run away. "Su Qize smiled indifferently.

"You ..." Bai Cihui didn't expect that he could seize his weakness. Although she had already intentionally made the identity of the group public, but now such a scandal broke, obviously it is not the most revealing group identity at this moment. Good times.

Her face was as ice-cold, she seemed to remember something, and looked angrily at Su Qize: "Did you do it, right? The news on the Internet is you spread it out, right? It must be you, you think you can put it down like this Hao rushed down from his current position, can you replace him? "

"Oh ..." Su Qize sneered at her allegations: "Auntie is really old and right and wrong. If I want my current position, I think I need to disappear overseas for four years, Have you been so peaceful these four years? "

"What do you want?" Bai Cihui was dumbfounded and asked.

"My intentions have been made clear. It's very simple. I just want to take my child to Qingyun and let them stay together for a few days, that's all."

"That's it? Just stay a few days?" Bai Cihui didn't believe it.

"That's it. Of course, if the auntie allows, there is no problem in staying a long time." Su Qize shrugged.

"Why?" Bai Cihui asked.

"Why?" Su Qize looked at her.

"Why do you help Luo Qingyun this way? She is a woman of Hao Hao, why are you so good to her?" This is where Bai Cihui was puzzled.

"She is a good woman, and naturally someone should treat her well. Since the older brother can't do it, I will do more for him." Su Qize answered quietly.

Bai Cihui heard this answer, his expression freezes instantly.

Good woman?

Is Luo Qingyun really a good woman?

Or does she have some kind of magic that fascinates her son and her nephew?

No, she has lived under her eyelids for so long. She knows that she is an ordinary woman, so ordinary that she can't be any more ordinary.

"Okay, I can promise you to take the child away for a while." Thinking for a moment, Bai Cihui raised his head.

"Then I thanked Auntie first," Su Qize said.

"But I want you to promise me a condition." Bai Cihui said again.

"You say."

"I want you to promise me that you will never come back to fight with Hao Hao about all he has now, including Luo Qingyun. If one day, he thinks of Luo Qingyun, if she must, you must fulfill them." Bai Cihui His expression was extremely serious.

In fact, after she said the second half of the sentence, she was a little unbelievable that it was from her own mouth.

Deep down in her heart, she still understands that Su Yihao may not be able to put Luo Qingyun in this life.

Although she did not want to admit or accept Luo Qingyun's existence, if one day in the future Su Suohao restored her memory, she knew that she would definitely not be able to prevent him from being with Luo Qingyun. On that day, she fell It's better to be generous and complete them, or to make Su Xunhao grateful for himself.

After listening to Bai Cihui's words, Su Qize's expression was stunned, but soon a smile appeared on his face: "It turned out that Auntie was not as cruel as I thought."

"Cruel? How could I be so **** my own son?" Bai Cihui laughed wryly.

In this life, she has lived too strong and awesomely strong, but no one knows that the soft part of her heart is consistent.

"Can you be so **** your son, can you be so **** your husband?" Su Qize asked back.

Bai Cihui heard the words, his face froze: "What do you mean?"

Su Qize looked at her expression and seemed a little bit confused, but he didn't want to talk too much with her at this time. His purpose of coming here at this time had been achieved, and he could go away by holding the child, thinking that Luo Qingyun was still waiting at home. Then, he said, "Nothing, auntie, let someone take the children down, I'll take them away."

Bai Cihui got up, got up from the sofa, walked to the entrance of the flower hall, and said to the servant outside: "Go, take Yuanyuan and Tuantuan down."

"Yes, ma'am," the servant agreed, and he went upstairs.

At this time, Lianhua came over from the side of the living room, looked at Bai Cihui suspiciously, and then looked at Su Qize behind her. He whispered to Bai Cihui and asked, "Madam, what would you do to take the child down?"

"You don't need to worry about it, go and do it for you." Bai Cihui didn't bother to explain to her, only waved.

Lianyuan was a little reconciled, but didn't dare to ask any more. She just turned around to go to the corridor aside, but her eyes kept turning and she looked at the situation here.

After the nanny brought Yuanyuan and Tuantuan downstairs, Su Qize watched the roundness of his fingers being held in his arms by the nanny, and his face involuntarily revealed a petting smile. Without waiting for him to reach out and hug her, he saw the little guy's bright eyes looking at Su Qize. Two fat hands had been taken out of his mouth and rushed at him.

Su Qize did not expect that the little guy would take the initiative to hold himself. Somewhat flattered, he reached out to catch her, leaned round in his arms, his head was pinched around his neck, and he chose a comfortable position to rest, Looking at the tuans standing on the ground, "giggled" and laughed.

Tuan Tuan was depressed because he couldn't go to the kindergarten. When he saw this strange uncle in front of him, he just crooked his head and wondered: "Who are you?"

"Want to see your mummy?" Su Qize looked at him and asked.

As soon as Tuan Tuan heard "See Mommy", her eyes lit up immediately: "Do you know my mommy? Do you want to take me to see her?"

After speaking, he turned to look at Bai Cihui aside and seemed to confirm with her.

Bai Cihui said at this time: "Tuan Tuan, he is the younger brother of Dad, you should call him uncle. He came to take you and sister to see your mum."

"Really?" Tuantuan heard, and the whole man immediately smiled and rushed up, pulling Su Qize's hand and going out.

Su Qize was so upset by the enthusiastic brothers and sisters that he had to leave immediately, holding one in his arms and holding one in his hands, and went out when he was one or two.

After they left, Lianhua could not help coming over from the side and came to Bai Cihui's side. "Madam, why did you ask Su Qize to take the child away?"

Bai Cihui turned to look at her, and frowned slightly. "Don't you say that, don't you worry about it? Ask so much to do?"

Lian Huan felt a little upset and said, "Mrs., I just want to remind you, be careful, Luo Qingyun will not return after taking the child away. You know, she didn't do this before. She was then Isn't that just going abroad with a single group? "

"She won't." Bai Cihui was extremely determined.

"Don't be too optimistic, you are also a mother, you should understand that in the mother's heart, nothing is more important than the child." Lianyung continued to persuade.

"Because I'm a mother, I understand that she won't do that. She will do her best to give the children the best life. She knows better than anyone else and keeps her child beside Hao Hao. They will get the best care. "Bai Cihui said, suddenly changing the subject, looking at Lianhua:" By the way, Lao Peng offered to resign, and he is going to return to his hometown to take care of his mother. These years, You have been with me for a long time, have you considered it for yourself? "

When Lianyung heard this, she smirked. "What does this mean, Madam? Would you like to drive me away?"

"Of course not. I just don't want to delay you. You have spent too much time with me and haven't lived your own life. Some things, although you didn't say it, I can see that Lao Peng is a good one At our age, we should also think about how we should live in the future. "Bai Cihui explained that she had misunderstood her.

"Ma'am, since the day I was by your side, I haven't thought about leaving you one day. I haven't left for so many years, and I won't leave now. Ruohui is indeed a good man, but unfortunately, we didn't Together, there is not much time left in this life, there is no need to toss anymore. I just want to stay by your side quietly and take care of you to grow old. "Lianhua said sincerely.

Bai Cihui listened to her and sighed deeply: "In the final analysis, I have delayed you. If I had cared about your life-long events earlier, you wouldn't blame me, blame me ..."

"Ma'am, don't say that. We are all of the same age. We have sympathy for sisters. I am willing to be by your side. There is no one who delays others." Lotus said, her eyes were even more tearful.

Bai Cihui shook his head and suddenly asked: "Speaking of, why did you reject Lao Peng? If I remember correctly, Lao Peng can come to our house for you. For so many years, he has never given up Why didn't you give him a chance? Don't you like him? "

"This ..." Lianhua did not expect that Bai Cihui would continue to question, and her face changed slightly, and her thoughts changed, and she persevered, "At that time, she was young and didn't understand what she liked or disliked. She just wanted to ask. Earn more money, Madam, you treat me so well, I never even thought about getting married. Later, I stayed in this mansion for a long time, and I have become accustomed to living, let alone thinking about that ... "

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