CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 393: Admit mistake

Chapter 393

"So, you are here because you have lived here for a long time ..." Bai Cihui's words did not continue, but her eyes became a little strange.

Realizing that she had made a few words, Lianhua quickly said, "Not all, but the main thing is, Madam, you are so kind to me, and I can't bear to leave you at all."

Bai Cihui smiled and said, "Is it? In fact, you are still married and you can still work with me. This is not a conflict."

"I ..." There was a smile on her face, and she finally said, "Anyway, it's over. I'm now at this age. Being able to accompany you is the greatest blessing. I don't want anything else. "

"What if I want you to go with Lao Peng?" Bai Cihui looked at her with a serious expression.

"What?" Lianhua didn't expect that she would say these words, and for a while, the whole person froze.

"You also saw that now my relationship with Hao Hao has eased. He has re-established a new relationship with my mother. I have been in this family for a long time, and Hao Hao will marry next. This family will also welcome a new mistress. I have no plans to continue to manage the family, so in fact you do not need to stay here for me. I will give the identity of the family to the future hostess of the Su family. We all Old, it's time to take a good rest. "

"Mrs .... are you planning to get the younger master to marry Miss Baozhu?" Lin Huan keenly noticed that Bai Cihui's words had hidden mystery, and asked quickly.

"If Hao Ha likes it, I have no intention to oppose it. After all, Baozhu's mother and I are still girlfriends for many years, and I think they can be regarded as their own." Bai Cihui intentionally said.

When Lianhua heard this, she was obviously relieved: "Miss Orb is indeed a good candidate. In this case, it is better to wait until the young master and Miss Orb are married, and then discuss my stay."

As long as Zheng Baozhu can become the grandmother of the Su family, then she believes that Zheng Baozhu will leave her anyway.

"I didn't see that you had a good relationship with Baozhu." Bai Cihui looked at the lotus root with a strange look, thoughtfully.

"Where, it's not because she's your wife, your favorite child, that's why I'm not impressed with her," Lotus said, concealed.

"I like her? Yeah, I really liked her at first, but then I did not accept the things she did. But now it doesn't matter. As long as Yun Hao likes it, as long as the woman is not Luo Qingyun, I will Can accept. "Bai Cihui said at the end, his tone seemed a bit helpless.

This is absolutely good news for lotus root.

At first she was worried that Bai Cihui would not accept Zheng Baozhu, but just used Zheng Baozhu to stabilize Su Shihao's heart, but now it seems that everything is going better than she thought.


In the apartment, Luo Qingyun was so excited that he saw the two children brought back by Su Qize.

After seeing Mommy, she flew into her arms and burst into tears: "Mum, where have you been? I thought you didn't want me and my sister anymore? Why don't you go home? You don't At home, I miss you so much. "

Luo Qingyun hugged Tuan Tuan and started to cry, tears falling down, "Tuan Tuan good, Mommy has something recently, so I can't stay with you, sorry."

"Mum, have you divorced your father?" Tuantuan suddenly raised his head and looked at his mother with big eyes in tears. "But my father doesn't have a beautiful vixen, why do you want to divorce?"

Luo Qingyun originally saw the child. She was very excited and sad. Now Leng Buding heard the words of Tuantuan and looked embarrassed and wiped the tears on her face. She adjusted her mood and asked: "Who told you Daddy and Mummy are divorced? "

"My classmates, many of them have been divorced by their mom and dad, and then dad has found a new mummy. Mommy, I don't want a new mommy, don't you divorce your father, okay?" Tuantuan said, another She hugged Luo Qingyun's waist, leaned her head against her chest, and coquettishly.

"Relax, Mommy won't divorce her father, Mommy will always stay with you and your sister." Luo Qingyun said, looking up at Xiao Yuanyuan, who was resting quietly in Su Qize's arms. She was staring at her brother with her eyes wide open at this time, probably did not understand what he was doing, or maybe because Su Qize's arms were too comfortable, she had no intention of leaving.

"Yuanyuan baby, do you miss Mummy too? Hurry up and let Mummy hug." Looking at his little pink daughter, Luo Qingyun's heart was instantly soft like cotton candy, on his face With a loving smile, he reached for her.

Xiao Yuanyuan glanced at Luo Qingyun and glanced at Su Qize, as if hesitating.

At this time, Tuantuan turned to look at her sister: "Yuanyuan, she's mommy, do you remember?"

"Well ... hemp ..." Xiao Yuanyuan learned the accent, and two words popped out of his mouth.

Although her barking was not standard, she listened to Luo Qingyun's ears, just like the sound of nature.

She looked at her daughter with surprise: "Baby, did you just call mother?"

"Ah ... let's ..." Madoka opened her mouth and issued two more monosyllables.

Tuantuan looked at Luo Qingyun with regret at this moment: "Mum, she doesn't remember you anymore."

"How come, she definitely remembers me." Luo Qingyun didn't believe it and reached out to take Yuan Yuan from Su Qize's arms. Who knew she would hold the child in her arms, the little one would sip a little mouth, cry with aggrieved faces When he got up, he reached out to Su Qize and let him hold him.

Luo Qingyun was embarrassed at this moment, she patted her back gently and coaxed: "Yuan Yuanbei, I'm Mummy, don't you really remember? Don't cry, don't cry, Mummy loves you. "

Unfortunately, Madoka didn't understand her at all and kept crying.

This is embarrassing. Her daughter doesn't recognize herself at all, but she likes her uncle who met for the first time.

Seeing this situation, Su Qize had to reach out and hug Xiao Yuanyuan again: "Let's do it. She may prefer handsome guys, which is very tasteful."

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Yuanyuan returned to Su Qize's arms, he did not cry for a moment, and his head was lying on his shoulder, extremely well-behaved.

"It's weird. Why didn't I realize that she liked handsome guys so much, and I didn't see how sticky she was?" Luo Qingyun was confused about her daughter who was so prone to Han.

"Su Yinghao is not as handsome as me." Su Qize said the truth in his mind.

Luo Qingyun heard the words and couldn't help laughing: "Then you say this in front of Hao Hao."

"I didn't say it, but he didn't shame, and he didn't admit it every time he died." Su Qize raised her head, turned to sit on the sofa, put Xiao Yuanyuan on her lap, and started teasing her play.

What did Luo Qingyun think of at this time and asked, "Yes, how did you take the child over? They didn't embarrass you?"

"Distress me? Are they dare?" Su Qize sneered, "I told them that you are my wife now, and in name, I am the father of the child. If they don't give the child to me, I will ask the lawyer to deal with it. "

Luo Qingyun heard that, his expression was embarrassed: "You ... really told them like this? What did Hao Hao react to? He promised to let you take the child away?"

"Su Yanhao is not at home." Su Qize said, and laughed: "I am teasing you, anyway, you don't care how I took the child, originally you only let me take the group, now I have both children I'll pick it up for you, even if it's a buy one, get one free? How about thanking me? "

"Uh ... thank you, but you don't need anything right now, and I don't know how to thank you. Otherwise, you say, what you want me to do, as long as I can do it, I must do it for you. Luo Qingyun is very grateful to Su Qize, but she also understands that Su Qize does not need her thanks.

Sure enough, as soon as her voice fell, Su Qize laughed: "Stupid woman, I am amusing you. You must not owe me this life, I will ask you for it in the next life."

Then, he held up Xiaoyuanyuan in his arms, and the little guy was laughed at by him instantly.

At this time, TuanTuan reached out and quietly pulled Luo Qingyun's hem and whispered to her, "Mum, I have something to tell you."

Luo Qingyun looked at Tuantuan's hesitant expression, squatted down, and looked at him: "What's the matter, you say."

Taking a look at Su Qize aside, he seemed a little embarrassed, so he said, "Mum, let's talk in the room."

Luo Qingyun heard the words, immediately got up, took him into the room.

When the mother and son closed the door of the room, Luo Qingyun turned around and saw Tuantuan kneeling on the ground.

"Baby, what are you doing?" Luo Qingyun saw this and hurried forward to help him up.

Tuan Tuan's eyes were red at this time, and his voice choked, "Mum, I'm sorry, I did something wrong."

"What's the matter? Don't cry, tell Mommy what happened." Luo Qingyun probably guessed what was happening when he saw his son took the initiative to confess his mistake. He hugged him from the ground and put it beside the bed. Sit down and squat in front of him, looking at him gently.

TuanTuan sorted out his thoughts a little and told Luo Qingyun what he had done in the kindergarten. At the end, he explained: "Mummy, I really didn't want to bully them. I just love them, so I kiss them and hug them. Before those beautiful sisters and aunts liked me, did n’t they kiss me and hug me? Later, my father told me that if they did n’t like me, I would still kiss Dear, I'm not right. Mommy, I know I'm wrong. I won't do this again. I don't want to be kept at home. I want to go to kindergarten. When can I go to kindergarten? "

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