Jiang Xing raised her hand to touch her head. After thinking about it and putting it down, she rubbed her pants with her fingertips and said carefully and gently:

"your state will become more and more dangerous. If you go on like this, depression will recur. Last time is postpartum depression, after treatment is not serious, but if you fall into that kind of desperate situation again, can you enlighten yourself

Wen Shutong's eyes moved, slowly turned his head, pale lips slightly opened, voice weak and firm said: "let me leave the hospital."

Jiang Xing sighed and went out to the doctor's office.

When she came back, she had the certificate of discharge in her hand. Wen Shutong had already packed up the things to take away, and sat quietly by the bedside with her few daily necessities.

"Let's go." Jiang Xing sighed.

Wen Shutong gently nodded to keep up with her. She was recovering from a serious illness. Her feet were flimsy and she walked slowly. She didn't look worried.

When she walked out of the inpatient building, she raised her head slightly, took the sunshine with her white face, and said a word in a soft voice that made Jiang Xing cold all over the body in summer.

"It's said that the sun can shine on the earth, but it can't light up people's hearts."

"This world is too unfair to you," said Jiang Xing

"No, I didn't pray for those things for a long time. I don't believe in evil, I don't believe in fate. I only believe in myself

Wen Shutong clenched his fists, looked at the lines on his palm, and said with a light smile, "let's go. I know how to solve this problem."

"I will fight forever."

Jiang Xing carries the bag to walk in the back, suddenly, thought of a sentence: for the mother when self-improvement.

When the car drove to the shallow garden, Wen Shutong refused Jiang Xing's kindness and went upstairs with his bag.

She looked at the dusty home, and her heart did not fluctuate at all. Instead, she went to her dressing table and put on a polite make-up to meet her elders, which made her look much better.

After taking care of his hair, changing proper clothes and carrying a matching bag, Wen Shutong takes a deep breath, smiles at himself in the mirror at the door, and then reaches out to push the door out.

Without a driver's license, starting the car is not suitable. Wen Shutong took the bus many years ago.

It's the same bus line. Even the bus hasn't been changed.

Familiar pungent smell of effervescent water, bumpy vehicles, rough gravel roads.

The surrounding small poplar trees have grown into a strong appearance. The Shizi road is widened and rocking to the distance. There is a fork in the front, and an asphalt road is added to connect the expressway of Jincheng outer ring road.

Wen Shutong suffered from physical discomfort and slowly showed a smile as he watched the changes of the road in the past five years.

An hour later, the car stopped in front of a country house.

Wen Shutong gets out of the car with his bag and looks up at the villa.

In the quiet little yard, an old man sitting in a wheelchair watching the sunset, his legs covered with a thick blanket, the wind gently blowing, the blanket was blown off a corner, and slowly fell back.

Wen Shutong stood at the gate of the small fence with something in his hand. His lips moved and his voice was hoarse. He called out: "grandfather Huo."

The old man in the yard seemed to feel something. He turned his head slowly and saw Wen Shutong carrying a large bag outside the courtyard. His eyes were moist.

Grandfather Huo slowly raised his right hand and pushed the armrest button on the electric wheelchair to drive the wheelchair to open the door for Wen Shutong.

"Grandfather Huo." Wen Shutong squatted down, looked up at the old man who was old and weak, and began to shout again.

Huo grandfather repeatedly agreed and nodded to lead her in.

Aunt Zhuo, the nanny who was waiting here before, was still there. When she saw Wen Shutong enter the door, she was stunned and thought she was shaking her eyes.

It was not until Wen Shutong called aunt Zhuo with a smile that she was convinced that she was right. She patted her thighs happily and went to prepare snacks for Wen Shutong.

"Girl, it's been five years, and she hasn't changed her appearance. However, it's better to see. Her temperament is not the same. She's in a big way." Huo grandfather repeatedly patted the armrest on the wheelchair and sighed.

Wen Shutong put aside the supplements and nutrients he had brought with him. He sat down on the sofa, nodded and said in silence: "grandfather Huo, five years ago, I still want to thank you for helping me when I was in danger."

The smile on Huo's grandfather's face was a little lighter. He shook his head and said, "I'm sorry for you. Girl, when my grandfather did that, it was really cruel to send you a little girl with her children. "

"Don't say that. I went abroad for further study. If you hadn't given me money to let me go out to study and make a living, there would be no Wen Shutong today. It's you. Why are you in this state? Didn't you still have a strong body before

Aunt Zhuo came with a fruit tray. She had been waiting for him for so many years, and he didn't help her to be an outsider.She sat down on the sofa and said with a sigh: "after the girl left, the relationship between the master and the young master has also faded down. In addition, the old man is also old. After a fall, there are a series of serious diseases and minor illnesses, so it is delayed."

The old man glared at Aunt Zhuo. He thought she was talking too much. He took Wen Shutong to change the topic and said, "how can a girl think of coming to see me, this bad old man?"

Wen Shutong stopped for a moment. She knew that it was not good to worry about the sick grandfather Huo again, but she was really desperate. He was the last person to prove that twins were born to her.

Huo grandfather looked at her silent appearance, in the heart also realized many, patiently waited for her to speak.

Finally, Wen Shutong made up his mind, looked up at grandfather Huo firmly and said, "Grandpa Huo, I suddenly returned home because For a reason, I didn't want to disturb your life, just I'm desperate again

There is a bad guess in the heart of grandfather Huo. Is it

"Grandfather Huo, I think you should have guessed that I came to beg you for the sake of the child." Wen Shutong said sincerely.


"Mr. Huo, listen to me first, and then decide whether you want to help me." Wen Shutong took out his mobile phone and said, "take a look at these photos first."

Wen Shutong hands over the mobile phone. Aunt Zhuo and Mr. Huo stare at the photos on the mobile phone screen. Their unbelievable appearance gives Wen Shutong a reassurance.

"This What's going on? " Huo could not help rubbing his eyes, "I am not a grandson?"

The photo was taken by Wen Shutong when they met at Shangdao coffee for the first time.

Two children in front of the camera, soft and lovely expression, in front of the milk and small cake, the picture is soft and warm.

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