But it can be clearly distinguished from the temperament of the child. The expressionless, deep pupil is Huo Xingyi.

another smile, as like as two peas in the eyes, the stars and the stars are similar, and familiar and strange.

Wen Shutong drew back a few photos for the two people to see. There were double photos and single photos. However, their temperament and expression were obviously different, which made it easy for uncle Huo and aunt Zhuo to distinguish the two children.

After looking at the photo, Wen Shutong was silent for a moment and organized his language. Then he looked up and said, "Grandpa Huo, you can be skeptical about what I'm going to tell you. But I hope you can investigate the truth of the matter before you completely distrust it."

Huo grandfather's heart moved: "the girl is not what wronged, you speak out, Huo grandfather is not unreasonable people, will certainly return you a fair."

Wen Shutong nodded with gratitude, and made it clear that Wen Linlang and Wen's mother framed her, and that Huo Yanlin was hoodwinked and distrusted.

Finally, she added in a low voice: "grandfather Huo, when I delivered my baby, you always sat downstairs. That's the only entrance and exit of the villa. You know that I didn't have a stillbirth."

Grandfather Huo was shocked and looked at Wen Shutong in disbelief: "they even framed you like this?"

Wen Shutong lowered his head and nodded, and then said, "grandfather Huo, I'm really desperate. I'm here to disturb you. Please help me."

Grandfather Huo looked at her heartily and regretfully said, "well, it was all my grandfather who made mistakes in those years. I should have known that a girl has such a good temper. How could she do that? Five years ago, when they framed you for distorting the truth, my grandfather was blind and deaf. Five years later, my grandfather will not make any mistakes again. You can rest assured that if you do not want to fight for your grandfather's life, you will get back a justice. "

Wen Shutong said in a hurry: "how can this be done? Grandfather Huo still gives priority to his own health."

Grandfather Huo coughed twice in the wheelchair, and said in a turbid voice: "grandfather has lived long enough. He is trapped in a wheelchair every day. How can he be comfortable? I'm satisfied to see Yan Lin's baby born. "

The atmosphere is silent for a moment, Huo Yanlin's children do not know which.

Because the time is a little late, has missed the bus back, Zhuo aunt left Wen Shutong to live in the villa.

After dinner, Huo grandfather's body can not support, go to sleep first.

After aunt Zhuo served the old man out, she went to find Wen Shutong in the yard. However, the old man slowly opened his eyes, sat up from the bed, reached for a thick photo album on the bedside table, and looked at it pitifully.

This album contains all the photos of Huo Yanlin from birth to the age of 16, which may exclude some memories. As an adult, Huo seldom comes here, and always asks people to take him over for reunion.

Huo Yanlin is cold and quiet, and seldom takes photos. In 16 years, he has only used one photo album to cover half of his life.

At the back of the album, there are some pictures of children, which were taken by grandfather Huo himself when he was in good health.

Baby state, will climb, will walk, will call grandfather Until the day of the child's accident.

After that, Huo never took the initiative to speak, and rarely took photos to play.

Grandfather Huo's old hand slowly rubbed the album, with a blur of hot tears on his eyes.

It is a great difficulty for anyone who can accept his lovely and good grandson at one time, not his own grandson, but maybe just a stranger, while his own grandson does not know where he is.

The old man slowly put the heavy photo album on his leg, picked up the mobile phone next to him, squinting his presbyopia, and dialled a phone.

"Yanlin ah, take the children over tomorrow, both of them."

Wen Shutong was sitting on the swing in the yard, swinging his feet. Aunt Zhuo came over with a plate of cut fruit.

"Aunt Zhuo." Wen Shutong quickly stood up and said hello.

Aunt Zhuo waved and motioned Wen Shutong to sit down and talk.

In the countryside, the early summer night wind is a bit cold, through the wheat field, through the camphor tree, all the way from south to north, through the human body, whistling to the distance.

Aunt Zhuo looked at the girl on her side. She hasn't seen her for five years, and she has become more outstanding. Both her appearance and temperament are different, and she stands out among the crowd.

This kind of beauty which is so publicized that it can't be restrained by my own will is very rare. Huo Yanlin is one, and many movie stars can be so beautiful, and Wen Shutong is also one.

"I haven't seen you for five years. The girl seems to have changed a lot." Aunt Zhuo's wisdom after years of polishing seems to penetrate Wen Shutong's heart, which makes her stunned on the spot.

Wen Shutong stroked his hair with a faint sadness on his face. His eyes were transparent and said: "it's inevitable to experience many unexpected things when one goes out to wander. If he can't become better and stronger, he will be swallowed up sooner or later."

Sad look from her face, fleeting, and seems to have never appeared in general, the corner of the mouth raised a sneering smile, light said: "innocence, is the most useless thing in the world."I used to be naive, but I was wounded all over the world.

Aunt Zhuo immediately understood that complex emotion from her deep black eyes. She had experienced a lot when she was young, and then slowly settled down and used time to lick the wound.

In every night alone digest scars, any wise woman is not born so deep.

Aunt Zhuo sighed. She didn't pretend to be empathetic like others, and then she didn't say anything like "people must be naive to be happy.".

Looking at the dark sky in the distance and the unique moonlight in the countryside, she said in a hoarse voice: "many years ago, there was a boy who said this." "As like as two peas," she added, "


Wen Shutong was stunned for a moment. His dark pupil flashed a touch of surprise, then he seemed to have figured out something. He grinned with relief from the corner of his mouth, and his face was filled with a naive smile.

She said deftly, "but I still want to give my children innocence and a simple world. Maybe People yearn for beauty, though beautiful things are fragile and rare. "

Aunt Zhuo gently smile: "you really changed a lot."

"I don't need to be reminded of that anymore, but it's OK, isn't it?" Wen Shutong tilted his head and blinked his eyes.

Aunt Zhuo thought for a moment, nodded seriously and said, "environment makes character. Although you were kind and naive before, you could not protect yourself. Now there is nothing wrong with it. You are strong and independent, and you can be more natural and easy."

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