"This is quite good to solve," Jiang Xingwen pushed his eyes. "In an explosion, a person can't be completely untouched."

"Judging from the reaction just now, it is possible that Lu Linfang was fooled by the bombing. So Lu Xingchuan is still hostile to us, which is understandable. "

"But now that we have found him, why do we have to look for the previous information?"

Wen Shutong continued, "and I have observed the man's eyebrows and eyes in the back. He looks younger than Lu Linfang. He should not be very old."

Although the Sui detective's heart was also expected, but heard such an answer, or disappointed some.

From the bottom of his heart, he still hopes that Lu Linfang can live, even if he becomes a fool or disabled, as long as people are still alive.

But judging from the current situation, it is probably impossible.

Huo Yanlin nodded with approval and continued to open his mouth: "and according to the mask on Lu Xingchuan's face, we can see that his make-up and face changing skills are very powerful."

"it is as like as two peas to Lu Linfang, who is a bit similar to him."

"But what is he up to? I haven't seen him behave like this before

Sui detective was holding his forehead with a headache, "I'm going to be crazy by this boy now, can't I be good? How can I trust Lu Lin's things to him when he is like this? "

Jiang Xingwen also pondered for a moment and said, "according to Wen Shutong, this man should be his substitute."

"It should be. Maybe he took these things just to deceive himself and make him more like Lu Linfang in his mind."

Wen Shutong nodded, "this is called empathy in psychology. Shao Yunzheng had this kind of situation before, but it was totally different from him. "

"He is a typical person who regards the person who is still alive as the shadow of his old friend, and then forces that person to live as he wants to be."

Jiang Xingwen began to analyze clearly, "he is afraid to have mental illness now."

"Is his mental illness just now? Well, it's been there all the time, OK

Sui detective turned a big white eye, "from the beginning of his deformed love, he has been abnormal! What's more, his crazy plot before is not all paranoid? "

"It's no use saying that now. Your people have gone to track his car. You should be able to find useful clues." Jiang Xingwen shook his head, "don't say these, or eat first."

"Not only that, as long as there is that diary, he will come back to me one day." Sui detective was confident to the extreme and nodded his head.

Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin also adjusted their emotions and began to focus on the dishes ahead.

It has to be said that the cooking skills of private kitchens are very good. The simple dishes are delicious.

Wen Shutong couldn't help but stir his fingers. He even ate several times more than usual.

Just when they were full of food and drink, Sui detective's mobile phone suddenly came a message.

He immediately sat up straight, the light in his eyes flashed: "so soon there is news of Lu Xingchuan? Come on, let's see it together

After that, he opened the mobile phone and placed it in the middle of several people's desks.

At the moment when the screen lit up, Sui detective discovered that something was not right. It seemed that Lu Xingchuan's news was not in it.

All the people gathered together to see it. When they saw the picture above, Sui detective took a cold breath, covered his mouth and said in surprise, "what's this thing?"

On the screen of the mobile phone, there are two one inch photos of Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong.

The photos don't look any problem, plus the two people's good looks, this inch is a star can't be too much.

But what's terrible is the background behind the photo. The red and black lines with high saturation are interlaced. You can see the skeletons at the delivery place.

Even if the background is not too much exaggeration, the gloomy atmosphere makes people feel chilly,

the whole person of Sui detective almost jumped up and almost threw his mobile phone out.

Then his staff then sent a message: President, this is the information we accidentally saw on the Internet. You can help to ask if Mr. Huo and his wife have offended anyone.

The Sui detective slapped the table hard and said, "this waste has been talking for a long time, but he didn't say where he saw the photo! I'll let them check it now! "

"This is the dark net." Huo Yanlin suddenly whispered, "the person behind should not be investigated."

Wen Shutong was stunned by this fresh saying. He raised his eyebrows and said, "what is the dark net?"

She was not familiar, but the others present were extremely familiar.Sui detective's face changed slightly. After staring at the screen carefully for a moment, he slapped his thigh fiercely and said, "I'll go. It's really true. What's going on here?! Have you offended anyone behind your back? "

Wen Shutong looked at them with a sad face and didn't know what to say for a long time.

The Sui detective tentatively opened his mouth and said, "do you not know who you have offended, or you have offended too many people, and you do not know which one is it?"

"It should be the second situation," Wen Shutong said in a low voice. "There are many times when Huo Yanlin and I don't know what's going on, and somehow they offend others."

Sui detective shook his head, sighed and said, "what should I do now? This is the only screenshot that doesn't show anything. I'll ask them to send me the address later. "

"You haven't told me what the dark net is." Wen Shutong patted the table and opened his mouth curiously.

Huo Yanlin slightly frowned, worried that she would think more, and did not intend to speak.

But unexpectedly, the Sui detective was extremely quick witted and said, "well, the dark net was created by a group of technology enthusiasts for trading a long time ago."

"What was originally traded was not available for sale in the market, but later, the development of the dark network became more and more large, and some illegal transactions began."

Speaking of this, Wen Shutong probably understood something.

"Is it true that some people trade that kind of things and use dark nets as well?" Wen Shutong made a gesture of taking medicine.

"Not some, but most of them should use this."

Jiang Xingwen began to answer, and for a moment he seemed to suddenly think of something.

"we have investigated Ares's background before. He seems to have done this kind of business in his family. He seems to know something about the dark net. Could he have done it? "

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