"But ares has said before that if he wants to fight against us, he will use the most aboveboard means."

Wen Shutong pondered for a moment, "he can't secretly arrange these things for us secretly, but he doesn't say anything."

"You'd better think about him. He's just turning around now." Jiang Xingwen denied and shook his head. "You also said that before he had no less tricks in the back of foreign countries, who knows if he is still stubborn now?"

Thinking of this, Wen Shutong also began to be silent.

What Jiang Xingwen said is also reasonable. It is easy to change the nature of the country.

He was also a bad guy before, and it's no surprise that he did it.

Huo Yanlin stares at the photos and looks at them: "the transactions on the dark Internet can't make any difference with us. Why do we suddenly have photos of the two of us on it? Is this a notice for finding someone

At this time, Sui detective's subordinates have sent over the address of the dark network.

His hand speed is extremely fast, after taking a computer from the shop assistant, he quickly logs in.

The whole Sui detective jumped three feet high with fright, and said with a sharp voice, "what is that bastard thing that sent me? Did you send me the website where he usually watches movies? "

Jiang Xingwen had no choice but to turn his eyes: "if the dark net is so easy that you can search and go in, what's her name? Just call Baidu Encyclopedia directly. Are you stupid?"

"I'm a fool. Are you happy?" The Sui detective made a grimace at him, "who makes people a good citizen who abides by the law, has never done such a thing."

"In terms of your family background, you are not a good citizen who abides by the law. You are just stupid." Jiang Xingwen grabbed the computer from his hand, and after inputting a few codes on it, he re entered the website.

Wen Shutong is a little envious. Looking at their way of getting along with each other, it would be fun if he could fight like this.

Thinking of this, she looked at Huo Yanlin, who was not smiling, and quickly threw the unrealistic idea out of her mind.

He really can't imagine, Huo Yanlin in front of all the people in front of her fight is what kind of scene, it is really too exciting.

After Jiang Xingwen had done it, they landed smoothly.

At first, when they saw the screenshot sent by their subordinates, they just felt a little curious. After all, they just asked for two one inch photos of them. Except for the background, it was not so special.

But when they just opened the home page, the expressions of Sui Jian and Jiang Xingwen instantly became ugly.

After staring at the screen for several times, Sui detective then uttered a dirty word from his heart.

Wen Shutong faintly felt something was wrong, and he hastened to the past and said, "what's the matter?"

"What kind of psychopath is this? How disgusting Sui detective beat the table hard and pushed the computer behind him.

Huo Yanlin's slender fingers against a corner of the computer, and then his eyes lightly swept on it. The

computer screen as like as two peas just now, is an inch of their two photos.

But there's a reward notice.

The person who sent the message offered a reward of 50 bitcoin for all the interesting ways to kill people.

Then the person who sent the message posted a comment below.

He will trade bitcoin back to the reviewers, and then add a picture comment below, that is, their deleted information.

It's like what an interesting deal this is.

Not only that, the following comments are also very shocking.

All kinds of cruel killing methods emerge in endlessly, and even some people ask for help voluntarily. They just find it interesting.

After only a few eyes, Wen Shutong felt that he could not help shaking, as if there was a knife scraping on her body.

Huo Yanlin quickly stretched out his hand in front of her, whispered: "nothing, don't be afraid, these hidden under the network, who do not know who will be."

"What does 50 bitcoin mean?" The Sui detective pointed to the numbers above and said curiously.

Jiang Xingwen pause for a moment, then quietly opened his mouth: "according to the current exchange rate, a bitcoin is about 70000 yuan, you can calculate it yourself."

"Three hundred and fifty..." The Sui detective made a calculation with his fingers, and his eyes widened in surprise, "are all these crazy?"

Everyone here is rich or expensive. In fact, this amount of money has not been paid much attention to.

But the most important thing is, 3.5 million only to buy a way to kill people. Isn't this something that a psychopath can do?

This is a serious premium. Who can be so rich?Strange atmosphere in the middle of all circulation, Huo Yanlin's face is still calm, but Wen Shutong's body has begun to shake.

Jiang Xingwen looked at them with concern and said, "have you ever thought about who is willing to go out of this family to do this?"

"I think it must be that ares didn't run away. It seems that he is not a good thing. Next, we should unite and focus on him!" Sui detective beat the table hard and said in a loud voice.

The shop assistants were startled and looked in their direction.

The Sui detective looked back at the past without any politeness, and all his eyes were filled with words that he was not easy to be provoked.

Where do those waiters dare to talk more, they quickly drop their heads and quietly avoid their own president, who is in a state of rage.

"Now we can't make a conclusion so early," Huo Yanlin quietly interrupted them.

"And you'd better not get involved until the truth is clear. There may be a huge chain of interests among them, so it's better to be alone. "

"Friends have never been alone. This is not true in my family." Sui detective opened his mouth with indignation on his face, and then hit the people around him fiercely, "do you mean, Jiang Xingwen?"

Jiang Xingwen nodded and said, "Sui detective was right, but what you said is unreasonable. It's better. Let's compromise. We're both investigating this matter in private. You should be on guard. "

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