Dang Wenjuan agreed and nodded: "well, before I was too careless, just want to let her happy as soon as possible."

"You see, this professional came, I became a layman." Shao Yunzheng is joking.

"Are you still a layman? How many children have you saved? I appreciate that you haven't had time! " Dang Wenjuan pushed him for a moment and said in a jest tone.

After a visit here, Wen Shutong found that Shao Yunzheng had too many secrets that she had never understood.

As if feeling her doubts, Shao Yunzheng said in a low voice: "you go to see her first, and after you come out, I will explain to you."

Wen Shutong stepped in and saw a thin girl lying on the bed with an empty eye on the bed.

Dormitory conditions are not bad, divided into upper and lower bunks, in the middle is a long table, full of daily necessities.

It looks like a clean and tidy dormitory for college students.

But the people around him just now, and the little girl in front of him, are obviously not over 12 years old.

The girl raised her eyelids and looked at her. She said in a low voice, "Hello, sister. I'm not in a good mood now, so I can't chat with you. Do you have something to do here?"

Another sour attack on Wen Shutong's heart, making her inexplicably uncomfortable.

How can these children be so sensible? It is clear that he is in a bad mood, but he can talk to others politely and politely.

She tried to slow down her voice and gently sat beside the bed and said, "I am a friend of brother Yunzheng. He asked me to come and see you."

"Thank you, brother and sister, but I'm in a bad mood now." She spoke in a low voice.

At this time, the angle of the sun changes, a beam of sunlight along the window cracks in, casting a small light on the table.

It's sunny today. It looks like a fire.

Ordinary people will feel better when they see it.

However, she seemed to have experienced some kind of fright. When the bullet fired, she pointed to the bright light in horror and screamed to wenshutong: "block it, block it! Please, sister

Wen Shutong's body did not move. She looked straight at the child in front of her, and whispered, "why do you want me to block this light?"

She trembled her lips and could not say a word for a long time.

Wen Shutong was not in a hurry. He still looked at her faintly and said, "it doesn't matter. You can speak out boldly. As long as you say what you think in your heart, I can help you block it now."

With tears in her eyes, she shivered for a moment and said, "because it looks like a flame I'm so scared... "

Wen Shutong put his hand around her shoulder and continued to guide her in a warm voice: "what's the fear of fire? As long as he doesn't burn you, it won't hurt. "

"But Yuanyuan, she Suddenly it's on fire Small shrink in her arms, in a flash tears.

Wen Shutong pinched her shoulder with heartache. Looking at her appearance, he could hardly bear to ask.

But she continued: "but Yuanyuan, she is now in treatment. The doctor said that she will get better soon. It has nothing to do with you. You'll be able to see her in a few days. There's nothing to be afraid of. "

"It's not like this..." She sobbed and spoke cautiously, "it's not like that at all!"

"But if you don't tell the truth, everyone doesn't know that Yuanyuan's grievance is just a void." Wen Shutong patted her on the back and whispered.

Her voice was as gentle as a stream, gently enveloping her devastated heart.

She was full of alert eyes and relaxed a little bit. After a while, she began to tremble and say, "I turned on the gas in the kitchen that day..."

Wen Shutong's body was stiff. She tried to suppress the shock in her eyes. Wen Sheng said, "can you tell me why you want to do this?"

"I didn't know it would catch fire, I just couldn't find any other toys..." She nests in Wen Shutong's arms and cries bitterly. Her tears rush wildly. It seems that she is making atonement for what she did wrong.

She watched Yuanyuan catch fire in front of herself and was seriously injured.

But she also knew that all this was caused by her own, so she had been repressing her emotions and did not dare to say, which led to her mental state getting worse and worse.

"In fact, everyone does something wrong when she is young, but she has to realize that it is wrong." Wen Shutong gently patted her back, "I'm not Yuanyuan, I can't forgive you for her."

She cried and shook her head. She continued to say, "it doesn't matter if I don't forgive me. I just want to be friends with her forever. I'm afraid she hates me..."

"She won't hate you. But my sister won't help you keep this secret. She will tell Yuanyuan, but she won't tell other children in the welfare home, OK? "Wen Shutong held her shoulder. "Because the reason is the victim of this incident, she has the right to know the truth, right?"

A little nod, eyes just refused and fear has been a lot less.

A moment later, she lowered her voice and said, "thank you, sister."

"You should have a good rest," Wen Shutong put a card in her hand. "If you have any unhappiness, please call me at any time according to the above phone number, and I will come to help you."

In fact, she knows that today is just the beginning of opening a small heart.

This matter for her, there must be a big shadow, want to completely remove, must rely on time.

After pacifying her, Wen Shutong got up and walked out of the door and closed the door lightly.

Only Shao Yunzheng was left leaning against the wall, and Dang Wenjuan was gone.

"Some of them are paralyzed. Now it's time to turn over and wipe their bodies. The Dean went to help." Shao Yunzheng gently opened his mouth in her ear, "how is the situation now?"

"Much more stable." Wen Shutong's eyes with a bit of surprise, "the president also want to do these things?"

"What a carefree profession do you think the dean is?" Shao Yunzheng smiles and flicks her nose.

"There is no difference between the director of the welfare home and the logistics staff here. In fact, they have a lot of work every day. Because there are a lot of children who are physically and mentally unsound. Every one of them needs to be taken care of. Some of them even have to rely on instruments to maintain their lives. "

Those children who were running and playing outside just now disappeared. Wen Shutong raised his eyebrows slightly: "do those older children also want to help them take care of their poor health?"

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