"It's natural, so there are always some media reports about child abuse in welfare homes. In fact, this is not the case at all."

Shao Yunzheng opened his mouth in a warm voice: "those high-ranking adjudicators are just why they don't eat minced meat. They don't know what the situation is at the bottom."

Wen Shutong couldn't help looking at him differently. Unexpectedly, Shao Yunzheng surprised her twice in a short time.

"Didn't you expect me to say that?" Shao Yunzheng chuckled. "In fact, I am not a person who is full of sympathy. But when my parents had an accident, I felt like they were the same, and I also wanted to be in the welfare home."

Wen Shutong stopped for a moment and didn't know what to say.

"At the beginning, when Shao's father was willing to take me in, I was actually very happy and thought I had found a new family."

He lowered his head and sighed, "but I didn't expect what Shao Qingshan said to me the day before the adoption procedure was completed."

"But I heard from my father that you and he are not adopted." Wen Shutong's eyes flashed.

"It's not, because the day before I learned the so-called truth, I tore up the agreement and said it was only fostered in their home." Shao Yunzheng opened his mouth.

Wen Shutong was about to say something when Dang Wenjuan ran down the stairs in a hurry.

Although she had washed her hands, she still had a faint smell of medicine.

Dang Wenjuan rubbed her body awkwardly and said in a low voice: "I'm really sorry. Several children take medicine all year round. After contacting with them, my body also has a smell of medicine."

"Is little much better? I don't expect her to be as bad as she used to be

"My sister has already done it. What are you worried about?" Shao Yunzheng said with a smile.

Wen Shutong raised his hand and hit him heavily on the shoulder. He rolled his eyes and said, "shut up, you're holding up!"

"In fact, I can't help too much. If my mood is not stable after laughing, I'll take her to my place, and I'll be with you at any time."

Dang Wenjuan quickly nodded and said with gratitude: "good, it's great to have you. In fact, it has nothing to do with her... "

"Just now he has admitted to me that it was she who turned on the gas in the kitchen on her own initiative that caused the disaster."

Wen Shutong said in a low voice, "but President, I hope you can keep a secret for him about this matter. No one should tell it except Yuanyuan."

Dang Wenjuan's face did not show too much surprise. Wen Shutong only glanced at it and knew that she should have known it for a long time.

She sighed heavily, slowed her voice and said, "she's been hit so hard that I can't bear to say anything more."

"Although this matter is unfair to Yuanyuan, I don't want to destroy this child any more, and I don't want her to bear more psychological pressure as a result..."

"Don't worry, we will use our best power to make her return to the same situation as before. I'll go back to the kitchen as soon as possible, and rectify all these places. " Wen Shutong's eyes are firm.

These children's perseverance really infected her, in the corner he did not know, there are such a cluster of life tenacious growth.

This is more moving than any inspirational story and novel.

Dang Wenjuan was so excited that her nose was sour. She grabbed her hand and fell into tears.

"Thank you and Mr. Shao. If it wasn't for you, the welfare home would not have persisted for such a long time. I didn't marry all my life because I couldn't rest assured of these children. With you guys, everything I've done is worth it! "

"All that I can do has been done. Now you can tell me why you were before?" After chatting with Dang Wenjuan, Wen Shutong turns his eyes to Shao Yunzheng.

Shao Yunzheng slightly pause for a moment, slowly opened his mouth: "in fact, what I do is what you just did to help them heal their psychological trauma, but with a more special method."

"What do you mean? Do you mean to be a counselor secretly behind my back Wen Shutong raised his eyebrows and said, "are you brazenly fighting for business?"

Dang Wenjuan chuckled and said, "Mr. Shao has been busy with our welfare home! In addition to the usual financial support, many children have serious psychological shadow after being abandoned, and he has been dealing with it all the time

"In the same way as I did just now?" Wen Shutong asked.

Dang Wenjuan shook his head: "usually when he does treatment, she and the child are in the room, which has me what matter."

Shao Yunzheng gently bumped her with his elbow: "can't you respect me? Why should I ask someone else when I'm still with you"It's not because I can't believe you yet. If you cheat me, I can't stand it." Wen Shutong spread out his hands and spoke with a straight and forceful voice.

Shao Yunzheng was completely amused by her appearance. He said with a smile, "I will give them psychological counseling for those who are in a relatively light situation."

"But compared with your major, all I know is superficial. But some of them are so serious that they can't forget that they can only use special means... "

Knowing what they were going to say next, Dang Wenjuan raised her hand in a hurry.

"I don't want to be with you if I have something else to do. I'll make lunch for the children later. You two will come to eat!"

After saying that, she then cat waist to slip away.

"What special means? Is it the same way you deal with Shao Weiyan? "

Wen Shutong lowered his voice and unconsciously took a bit of seriousness, "then tell me the truth first, those people in black really have something to do with you? Did you know ares before

"They do have something to do with me, but I didn't know ares before."

Shao Yunzheng replied honestly, "they are the killers I hired abroad. In fact, they are the first step in my plan to kill Shao Weiyan."

Obviously, he had been prepared before, but when he heard the word coming out of his mouth again, Wen Shutong's body still shook uncontrollably.

But before, after all, there was a reason for it, and it was useless to criticize him again.

"Then, what is the purpose of these people and the process of doing things?" Wen Shutong said in a low voice, "since these are all related to you, why didn't you say it at the beginning?"

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