Jiang Xingwen continued to be a peacemaker: "in fact, we both considered the problem you said, but we didn't tell your parents. If you don't take these two little guys on this trip, they'll be suspicious

"Don't worry. We've already checked the news at home and won't be released."

The words have already said this, Huo Yanlin naturally will not say anything more.

He nodded and said, "the people you're taking should not be in this area, right?"

"Of course not. I left them out in secret. They can be transferred at any time." Sui detective whispered, "at the beginning, I was afraid that those people would fear my subordinates, for fear that they would not let me in."

He silently gave himself a compliment in his heart, but he didn't expect to leave the people under him outside.

"It would be better if I didn't have to risk mobilizing my people." Huo Yanlin looked calm and nodded, "I decided to move this evening, and intend to secretly approach the place where Wen Shutong is."

Jiang Xingwen looked at him seriously and said softly, "do you know where she is now? I tried to check the information before. It is said that these people are cunning, very cunning and have hostages in their hands... "

Huo Yanlin sighed gently, and a deep look flashed in his long and narrow eyes.

"This operation is very dangerous. We have to find out where she is as quickly as possible, and then rescue her before those people do it.

"I don't know for sure, but if it goes on, it's only dangerous for her."

It is impossible to exchange terms with those people, and it is also a dangerous thing to go to rescue without authorization. Huo Yanlin was able to make such a decision, which was also calculated countless times.

But fortunately, that man is his Wen Shutong.

She is smarter and stronger than anyone imagined. She will try her best to help herself.

As long as ares doesn't lose the chain, people over there should focus on their side.

Even Huo Yanlin said so, it can be seen that things are really very dangerous.

After all, when the two little guys disappeared before, he was still sure of everything and was sure to find Lu Xingchuan and them.

The stars and the moon listen to Huo Yanlin's words, but also involuntarily serious.

They have been missing, and naturally know what it means to be taken away by those very poor and vicious people.

Star clenched his fist, frowned and said, "Daddy, what can I do for you?"

Huo Yanlin pondered for a moment. In fact, in order to save Wen Shutong, he had made most of the preparations.

But do not want to let the two children feel that they are useless, Huo Yanlin softly opened his mouth: "you say so I think, I really have a busy here, need you to help."

A flash of light flashed through the eyes of the stars, and immediately straightened up: "Daddy, you say it!"

He's got the location of the stars in his hand, and he's got all the location of the stars in his hand.

"We can probably guess where mom is."

That's why he was nervous a few days ago, but he didn't feel at a loss.

Because when those people left, he seemed helpless, but quietly let his own people put locators in their cars.

These people's anti reconnaissance awareness is very strong, all of them have been checked when they get on the bus.

Everyone, too, has to go through a rigorous metal test.

He put these things in almost every car, and one of the most hidden was left behind.

Based on these location information, we can probably infer the range of their activities.

If you want to guess where Wen Shutong is, you have to rely on these.

The stars suddenly came to live, and immediately began to be busy.

His hand speed is very fast. In less than three minutes, a map has been downloaded and the location has been marked.

In fact, Huo Yanlin and they have already done all this. Just now, they just want to make the stars feel at ease.

Looking at the map on the computer that is clearer than what they made, Huo Yanlin nodded: "very good, you did a great job."

"All these places should be focused on. At night, people should be sent to every place, and no point should be left out."

"It's going to be about dark."

The star gazed at the map, lost in thought. After a moment, he suddenly said, "I think we can exclude a few places. If we go there, we may be wasting our time."

Huo Yanlin raised eyebrows alone: "tell me what you think."

The star magnified several places and said, "there are many places that are open places, and there is no place to keep people."In the room of a long time ago, the light of the reflection in the room of Mr

After a pause, Jiang Xingwen suddenly thought of something and said, "wait a minute. I heard that there seems to be a tradition that some people don't live by the sea because they believe in a certain religion."

"Then because of religion, it seems that the house will be painted in this color, but I just heard that there is no definite evidence."

Huo Yanlin sighed in his heart that it is true that there are many people and great strength. In the past two days, he has been concerned about chaos and neglected a lot of information.

Most of the time, I focus on Wen Shutong's own body, and forget about the geographical environment.

Stars quickly searched the Internet for information and found that there is such a tradition.

He went on and on, finding out all the location coordinates and observing the surrounding environment.

Seven of the original dozens of places were excluded, leaving only six.

In addition, it is not close to the sea, and there is still a need for that kind of house. Two places are excluded, and only four are left.

In this way, it will be very easy to disperse personnel and rescue will be much easier than before!

Huo Yanlin has been tight face, and finally showed a trace of relief.

If there are only four left, the distribution of personnel will be much more convenient.

After staring at several places on the map, he pointed to one of the most remote points and said, "we should arrange more people here."

"They dare to make such a big noise in the room. I think they don't mind if someone nearby hears it, so the less people gather, the safer the place is."

The stars marked the key there: "Daddy, what should we do? Are you going separately or together? "

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