The Sui detective and Jiang Xingwen looked at each other, and the Sui detective immediately decided: "I think we have to go together. To tell you the truth, I think you are right. The place you marked just now is the most likely one. "

Jiang Xingwen also agreed and nodded: "and if they are in a busy city, they dare not start at will. It is enough to arrange some rescue workers.

"But such a remote place is likely to be a gathering place for their personnel. After all, the rats in the gutter like this best."

Huo Yanlin nodded. At this moment, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated. It was the message sent by Ares.

There is only a concise sentence above: there is no news intercepted from Su qiaoran.

So there are two possibilities. One is that Su qiaoran passed on the message in a more covert way, and the other is that she did not find anything unusual.

I just hope that this is the second case. In that case, their rescue plan for wenshutong will be much easier.

He only returned a good word, and he did not mean to continue to speak to him.

Huo Yanlin continued to open his mouth: "then if so, the four people are still equally divided, and there is no need to add more people there. Some things will go beyond our expectation, which is beyond our control. "

He didn't dare to gamble with Wen Shutong any more. This rescue was a desperate gamble, and she must not be injured.

After all the plans were not released, the Sui detective immediately rubbed his fists and rubbed his fists and said with great excitement: "next, it's time to arrange the exchange of wheat."

"This time I've brought enough of these earphones to pull everyone into an encrypted channel, and there will be no more eavesdropping."

Last time, I was the victim of eavesdropping, which led to the flight of the clues. Now the Sui detective still has a psychological shadow on this matter.

Huo Yanlin quickly shook his head: "now can't have any changes, all of them have to wait for the night time to act.

"And we have to find a few people who pretend to be us and stay in the room, otherwise things will be worse if they find out."

Speaking of this, Huo Yanlin's eyes flashed a touch of dangerous killing.

If it's not a mousetrap, he will not hesitate to kill Su qiaoran.

It is because of her that all the plans are hindered in the process.

Huo Yanlin opened the shield and chatted with them lightly.

Beyond that, all they can do is wait.

A long wait.

And Wen Shutong's situation is not much better. Those people heard that they had suspended the exchange plan, but even when there was a storm.

Wen Shutong is happy in his heart. Although she and Huo Yanlin are so far away, they are also interlinked.

He knew what he wanted.

We can firmly believe that Huo Yanlin will not come to save her for fear of paying anything. He must have the same idea as him.

Just as she was thinking, the door was kicked open.

At this time, Wen Shutong's reaction was very fast and his acting skills were very fast.

She opened her eyes in shock, looked at the man in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice, "what's going on? Why didn't they come to save me? Did you change your mind temporarily? "

The man in black hit him in the face with a backhand, and said fiercely, "don't try to trick me. Don't you think he favors you most?"

"Would like to offer everything in exchange for you. What's going on now? Can he have a new love in such a short time? "

"No way!" Wen Shutong gave a roar of collapse, and then tears rolled down her eyes.

"There must be some dispute between him and Ares. Ares is not willing to exchange his legacy for me!"

"If they don't want to take out something to redeem you, you'll die here. Do you understand?" The man slapped again.

"If, after tomorrow, they still don't agree to our request to meet, I'll send your body back!"

Wen Shutong covers his face, tears and blood from his face together, looks quite frightening.

She didn't shed a tear when she was beaten like that before.

But now because of this thing cry so painful, black clothes people can't help but choose to believe.

After all, a woman in such a situation, and suddenly by her husband stood up, the mood is bound to collapse.

The man in black clamped her chin and continued to threaten: "you hear clearly. If there is nothing to exchange, you are worthless."

"So if there's no way out, we'll let you call your husband on video, and we'll cut off your hand in front of her."

"You'd better not have that moment come."

Wen Shutong's legs suddenly paralyzed and fell on his knees with a thump.The sound of bone contact with the ground is particularly loud, and people who listen to it can't help but have a burst of toothache.

Even Zhaohe zhaoyue nearby heard it and knocked on the wall.

The man in black fiercely said to the people on the other side of the wall: "you two are not allowed to knock again, or even you will do it together!"

"Nonsense, you don't dare to do us!" Zhaohe shouts loudly.

"Shut up!" The man in black interrupted her with a break.

Just then, a voice came from the man in black's headset. Someone told him that Ares was on alert.

Obviously, I intend to come and take Wen Shutong away with better preparation.

In this case, it means that they will not give up Wen Shutong.

The man in black was in a good mood, even looking at the people in front of him was also a bit pleasant.

He shook off Wen Shutong, pointed to the tip of her nose and said, "wait here. Don't do anything. I can protect you from death for the time being."

After that, he closed the door and left.

After the man in black came out of the room, she turned her back to the surveillance nearby, and her face showed a look of relief.

Fortunately, she is good at acting, otherwise it will be very difficult to deceive this person.

The more useless and scared she is, the less attention these people will put on her.

Nearby Zhaohe and zhaoyue knocked with concern and said in a low voice, "Auntie wenshutong, are you ok?"

Of course. She's too busy.

When I was kneeling just now, I was scared by my knees.

Almost did not break her kneecap bone, immediately hurt her tears came down, is simply unbearable.

Even so, she banged on the wall with a low voice: "don't worry."

Because there are people in black outside, Zhaohe and zhaoyue dare not say anything more, so several people are quiet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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