Wen Shutong frowned when he looked at the photo. Huo Yanlin's hand was on her waist, holding her in his arms. Her left shoulder almost blocked Huo's right shoulder.

"Can you take another one?" Wen Shutong asked in distress.

Huo Yanlin quickly said: "what's the matter? Are these not good? "

Wen Shutong looks at the photos. In fact, both of them are very spiritual and beautiful. But she wants a picture that is not so intimate.

Because it was almost off work, there were not many people, so the photographer agreed.

But after taking a lot of photos, Wen Shutong felt that there was no card. The staff members' puzzled eyes were always shooting back and forth on the two people. Finally, they asked anxiously, "Miss Wen, are you willing to get married?"

Wen Shutong was busy getting angry. He suddenly heard this sentence and was stunned for a moment. Instinctively, he wanted to roar. No, this man forced me.

Huo Yanlin quickly grabbed her waist, pinched it and said with a smile, "of course, we are in love." With that, he gave Wen Shutong a kiss on the cheek.

Wen Shutong was stunned and blinked.

Seeing this scene, the staff nodded with satisfaction, and then bowed their heads to seal the marriage certificates of the two people. They got up and handed the marriage certificates to them in a jubilant mood and said, "congratulations to the two new people. Happy new marriage."

Huo Yanlin said with a smile, "thank you." Then he pulled Wen Shutong, who was still in a daze, and went out.

When he got to the door, Wen Shutong reacted and said, "why did you kiss me just now?"

Huo Yanlin heard this sentence, reflexively looked back at the staff who was packing up things and was ready to go home from work. As expected, he saw the suspicious look in the eyes of the staff member.

Seeing this, he immediately took Wen Shutong's shoulder tightly and walked out, for fear that the staff behind him would catch up.

After going out, Wen Shutong takes out his mobile phone and is ready to see what time it is. He is ready to pick up the child from school. Then he sees the message sent to him by sister-in-law Lin.

She was stupefied, with her elbow, Huo Yanlin said, "sister-in-law Lin said that if you want to do marriage certificate, you should send wedding candy to the staff. Why don't you tell me?"

Huo Yanlin's eyes were dazed: "is it? I don't know. "

"You've been married, why don't you know?" Wen Shutong asked angrily.

Just after work, the staff member came out from work. Hearing the conversation between them, he was even more sneering at Huo Yanlin. As expected, all the good-looking men were scum men, which were unreliable. Unfortunately, this little girl, alas.

Contact with the staff to see the same look of social animals, Huo Yanlin felt extremely aggrieved and despairing, and whispered: "I really don't know. When I got the certificate with Wen Linlang, I happened to be on a business trip and asked the assistant to help me with it. I didn't come at all. If it wasn't for divorce, I wouldn't have seen that computer-generated wedding photo at all

Wen Shutong found that when he heard this sentence, he felt a lot better.

She felt that this mood was really strange, but she still looked like that, and said with a cold snort, "why do you explain these things to me? I'm not interested

Huo Yanlin hooked the corner of his lips and looked at the small woman who was making trouble in front of him. He couldn't help but lift his hand and pinch her face: "don't you want to know? Well? "

"Oh, don't pinch it, don't you know it?" Wen Shutong frowns and pours his temper on Huo Yanlin, but he doesn't find himself getting younger and younger in front of Huo Yanlin.

"Let's go to school. Don't make trouble with me. It's already four twenty. It's too late."

Two people fight noisily to the parking place, drive away.

Wen Linlang, wrapped up tightly, came out from behind a big tree next to the Civil Affairs Bureau. He looked at the direction of their departure with hatred. His clenched fingernails had been embedded in the flesh of his palms. Blood flowed down his fingers, ferocious and bloody.

"Huo Yanlin, I didn't expect that you had such a mind for Wen Shutong. But I don't believe that you, a person with such low EQ, can go to hell! "

Then she turned indignantly and disappeared in the rush hour.

Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin are in a hurry, but they are still delayed in picking up the children. When they arrive, the two children are carrying a small bench and sitting outside the classroom. The teacher Guoguo is cleaning the classroom.

See two children head next to each other muttering appearance, a day's fatigue was swept clean.

"Moon, stars." Wen Shutong exclaimed happily.

The two children looked back in surprise and saw that not only Wen Shutong was coming, but also Huo Yanlin was standing behind his back. He jumped down from the bench and rushed to embrace him.

One by one, they picked up their children with their schoolbags. When Guoguo heard the voice and ran to the door, she saw the child there. Then she felt relieved and said, "Hello, mom and dad of the stars and the moon."

"Hello." Wen Shutong said with a smile, "I'm sorry we're late. We've caused you trouble."Guoguo's teacher took some measures in his heart, swallowed nervously, raised his head and said to the two majestic people in front of him: "well, stars, dad and mom, we have a parent-child sports meeting for a period of time in our school. I hope all of you will be able to attend. "

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