Wen Shutong asked in surprise: "parent child sports meeting? When? "

"In less than a month, we will issue more formal brochures. Because many children's parents are busy with work, they need to adjust their work ahead of time, so our teachers will give an oral notice to their parents one month in advance. Guo Guo explained.

"Oh, yes, I know. Don't worry about it. We will attend on time." Wen Shutong nodded clearly and said.

Fruit teacher worship and infatuated looking at Wen Shutong, stupidly said: "good, good."

"Goodbye to the teacher." Huo Yanlin saw the fruit teacher put on Wen Shutong's eyes, immediately opened his mouth to his son said.

Wen Yueqi in his arms, Huo xingshe in wenshutong's arms, two people with a clear voice of small milk said: "fruit teacher goodbye."

After returning home, Wen Shutong discovers that Huo's father and mother are also at home.

Wen Shutong looked back at Huo Yanlin in surprise and asked softly, "why didn't you tell me in advance that your parents are here?"

Huo Yanlin uttered a voice and said: "no need, they just come to have a meal."

Wen Shutong doesn't know whether Huo Yanlin's words are unimportant. In the end, he means that he is not important and unnecessary to know, or whether this matter is not important and not worth paying attention to. However, she does not think much about it and follows Huo Yanlin into the door.

Huo Mu was stunned when she first saw her, but she was still quite normal and didn't take it seriously.

Because Huo's father is often not at home, and Wen Shutong don't know each other, Huo's mother simply indicates that this is the star's psychologist.

Huo Yanlin takes people to the front, takes two children to wash their hands, and then tells sister-in-law Lin and the cook that they can have dinner.

It was not until everyone sat down at the table that Wen Shutong understood what Huo Yanlin meant. He wanted to make a big one.

No one thought that he even ate and ate, and threw out two marriage certificates.

Originally, although the meal was a little embarrassing, Wen Shutong still wanted to take the children out to eat.

But the two children are indeed the grandsons of Huo Mu and Huo Fu. It is not appropriate for her to take them away at this time. It is even more strange for her to go out to eat, so she did not go out.

During the meal, Huo's father was reticent. He didn't know these things very well, so he always talked.

Huo's mother knew Wen Shutong and knew more about it. However, Huo's mother had a deep mind and high Eq. she didn't deliberately exclude Wen Shutong. She had a good meal.

However, when everyone finished the staple food and had a dessert while chatting, Huo Yanlin actually took out the two red and gorgeous marriage certificates, and specially opened them on the table.

The atmosphere suddenly stagnated, Huo Yanlin was expressionless, Wen Shutong was shocked, Wen Yueqi was happy, Huo Xingyi was happy, but Huo's mother and father were very angry.

As soon as the two men came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Huo Yanlin put the marriage certificate in his pocket. He was extremely defensive against Wen Shutong and refused to even look at it. He was afraid that Wen Shutong would hide his marriage certificate or tear it up and destroy his body.

Wen Shutong looks at him and puts out his marriage certificate. Reflexively, he reaches out to cover the information on the certificate. He turns to look at him and asks anxiously in a low voice: "Huo Yanlin, what do you want to do?"

Huo Yanlin indifferent face, looked at her one eye and said: "open to parents."

When Wen Shutong heard this, he took a deep breath and calmed himself down. Then he asked in a low voice: "why don't you tell me so much in advance?"

Huo Yanlin said calmly: "it's not necessary."

Wen Shutong turned his head and ignored him. Huo Yanlin looked at the back of her angry head and moved her fingers, but he did not comfort her.

He felt that they should be made public to his family and friends when they got the certificate. However, it was not a big deal. There was no need to make it very grand. He would invite his parents to have a meal and then he paid great attention to it.

Therefore, when it comes to publicity, Wen Shutong only needs to be present, and don't worry about other things.

Huo Fu and Huo Mu also reacted at the moment, and were too angry to speak.

Although Huo Fu has always been reticent, he is also the chairman of Ruihe group after all. When he was young, he was a man of his word in shopping malls and had never been disobeyed.

But the son again and again out of the moth, first married that only know the Fengliu Wen Linlang, now unexpectedly want to marry Wen Linlang's sister.

Huo Fu didn't know the gratitude and resentment. He only knew that a woman who was willing to marry his brother-in-law must not be a good thing.


Huo Fu turned his face on the spot, even in front of the two children, he raised his hand and threw the water cup in front of him.

When the water cup fell on the ground, it broke into pieces. Wen Yueqi and Huo Xingyi shivered for the first time, and shrank into Wen Shutong's arms.

Wen Yueqi is OK, he is not afraid of this.

However, Huo Xinghui had just begun to look ill, and his sense of security was very low. His grandfather, who had been gentle and taciturn, suddenly lost his temper when he knew that his mother had married his father. This cognition was unacceptable to him.The small body shrinks in Wen Shutong's arms and trembles.

Wen Yueqi quietly under the table, holding his hand, to comfort him, but also did not speak, this kind of thing is to let mom and dad to solve.

Wen Shutong did not expect that Huo Yanlin's parents would reflect so much. She wanted to explain the whole story of the incident, but Huo Yanlin glared at her and refused to let her speak.

Wen Shutong looks at him with fog in his head. He doesn't understand why he doesn't explain. It's clear that he did it just to trap himself and let himself take care of grandfather Huo.

Obviously, in addition to Wen Shutong, they all felt Huo Yanlin's seriousness in this matter.

Huo Yanlin didn't look at the glass that fell at his feet, and said without changing his face: "this matter has become a foregone conclusion. I am a notice, not to ask your opinions. You only need to know the result, and don't say wrong words outside later."

Huo Fu's face was sullen, and he said angrily, "you just divorced Wen Linlang, and now you will marry her sister. How do you go out and let people see you? What do people in other families think of the Huo family? "

"Dad, why do I care what people think of me?" Huo Yanlin frowns and says discontentedly.

"Why care? What are they looking at in cooperation with the Huo family? Is it not the character and ability of leaders? In doing so, are you dishonest to shareholders and dishonest to partners? It's hard to make a great thing Huo Fu angrily patted the table and said.

"It's hard to make a big thing? Do you want to marry a well-known girl like you, and then treat each other like guests all your life, just like a person who eats with a partner, is a great achievement Huo Yanlin was also angry.

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