Xiaoheng was so frightened that his body began to tremble.

He looked helplessly at Wen Shutong and dared not speak for a long time.

Wen Shutong also has a headache. Although she wants to protect the child, it's the police. People have their own way to deal with things.

He can't interfere in a few words.

After taking a breath, Wen Shutong tried to say, "well, he was caught by a wild cat and was vaccinated. I think..."

"It doesn't matter. There's that list, right? Go to the police station and let's help him." Although the policeman was polite, his words could not be refused. "Miss Wen, we have no way to have orders. We have to obey them, don't you think?"

"In fact, he also has difficulties. He is not a wandering child." Wen Shutong tried to explain again.

She often didn't fight with her, but said tactfully, "you're right. Where in the world are children just born wandering? There must be reasons why they are forced to be helpless."

"But since you say he is not a wandering child, you should at least show evidence that everyone can be convinced. Otherwise, we can't explain to the people above."

Although Xiaoheng doesn't understand the smooth communication between adults, he can feel that he is going to be taken away by others.

His mood began to get excited, and he screamed uncontrollably. He picked up the thing at hand and was about to smash it.

The policeman gave a color to the man next to him, and the men pressed him to the ground at once.

His face rubbed against the floor, but his body still struggled to get up, and his knees were skinned.

But the policeman who pressed him did not look half compassionate, and the action on his hand was still very heavy. He even threatened: "be honest, if you are good, no one will get hurt. If you don't obey, we can't protect you!"

Although the actions of the police are rude, they are correct. After all, he is a factor of social unrest. No one knows what will happen in the future.

Wen Shutong quickly opened his mouth to appease him: "don't be afraid, good, obedient."

The chief policeman was very good at examining duo Du and quickly scolded his men: "be light. He is a wandering child, not a prisoner. How do you treat him?"

Then he smiled and turned to look at Wen Shutong. "There are a group of big and thick male monks in the team. You don't get angry if you don't do things lightly or seriously."

Shaking his head, Wen Shutong whispered, "it's all right, but I'd better help him up first. He's weak and his face was hurt before."

He said it was all right, but the man had come to Xiaoheng, grabbed his wrist and wanted to help him up.

Several bodyguards behind her are also eager to try. They want to help. It's inconvenient because the police are present.

The policemen released him with kindness, but Xiaoheng's body was full of wounds.

"I'll go with you." Wen Shutong said, "by the way, if there is a certificate issued by a special organization that he is not a wandering child, he can come back, right?"

The policeman nodded again and again: "that's for sure, and if Miss Wen goes, we will give you a green light all the way and let you bring the child back as soon as possible!"

"But there's one thing I'd like to ask. Are you going to... Adopt the child?"

At first, she did not make such a decision, but if she could not find his family and there was no sufficient evidence to prove his identity, she could only make such a decision.

Although he doesn't necessarily want to be a member of his family, this is the last way.

She seemed weak and gentle, but she stood firmly next to Xiao Heng and took his hand to keep the police away.

Who knows, at the next moment, Xiaoheng gently released her hand.

Wen Shutong turned his head in surprise, but he didn't look at him, but looked down at his hand.

His fingers are abnormally white because of long-term malnutrition. Even his nails are uneven. He doesn't feel like a child of this age at all.

"Can I know what happened?" Wenshutong Wensheng opened his mouth.

"I can do it myself. You don't have to go." He clenched his teeth. "I'll wait for you."

"But..." Wen Shutong was curious, but on second thought, he seemed to understand again.

He probably entered the police station several times. From his own heart, he felt that this was not a good place, so he didn't want Wen Shutong to go there.

Somewhere in Wen Shutong's heart was sour.

Obviously, he is said to live in the gutter, but he can't bear to suffer the same experience as others.

Wen Shutong bit his lower lip and said, "OK, I promise you I won't go there, but it's not because there's anything to fear in that place, but because I respect your ideas."

"The police uncles are not as terrible as you think. I'll bring you back soon. They just help me take care of you for a while."

Wen Shutong doesn't want him to be afraid of the outside world, so he can only guide him as much as possible.

Although he didn't necessarily listen, he nodded vaguely, then walked forward a few steps and came to the head policeman.

The policeman didn't like him very much, and his attitude was not very good.

Now I can't bear to see him like this.

With the expression of the cold face just now, he softened a little, coughed and said, "yes, Miss Wen is right. We will protect you and let you back as soon as possible. What's more, it's not a hell there. Do you have to be afraid of that? Go. "

"By the way, if we can't bring him back in a short time, Huo Yanlin and I will often go there." Wen Shutong spoke slowly behind the policeman.

Although her voice is not big, the meaning is very obvious.

Everyone knows what Huo Yanlin is. He knows he can't afford to be provoked.

The policeman quickly turned around, nodded, smiled and said, "don't worry, we know that the child won't be wronged inside."

He went all the way to the door and watched him get on the police car. Wen Shutong didn't worry much.

When she called the bodyguard next to her, she said, "these days, you should guard at the gate of the hospital as much as possible. Once there is any situation, call me as soon as possible and I'll find a way to solve it."

After returning, the employee was so frightened that he didn't even dare to lift his head. He trembled and said, "sorry, boss, I didn't expect to cause you so much trouble. He is the child..."

"It's all right. It's always so scary to hide. It's not a long-term plan. Go back first."

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