After she left, the relieved look on Wen Shutong's face dissipated and changed into a light dignified look.

She found that she was really born with bad luck. What happened to her can always evolve into the most serious one among countless results.

But fortunately, every time I can find a way to survive.

It is estimated that Huo Yanlin gave her luck.

Thinking of this, she suddenly remembered what she had just said about adoption, so she quickly called Huo Yanlin to ask for his advice.

No one answered.

This is the second time he hasn't answered the phone in recent time. It's evil.

Who knows, the phone just hung up. Soon Huo Yanlin called and said with concern, "what's the matter?"

His voice was a little breathless, and the environment there was a bit noisy.

"Aren't you in the company now?" Wen Shutong opened his mouth curiously.

"Come out and do something. The mobile phone is off. The assistant transferred it to me."

Listening to Wen Shutong's tone, it seemed that there was nothing too anxious. Instead, it seemed that he was chatting. He also relaxed his tone. "At this time, he suddenly called. Did he check the post or miss me?"

"I want to adopt Xiaoheng." Wen Shutong gently licked his lower lip and said seriously.

Then the next second, she clearly heard Huo Yanlin's refusal: "No."


"Not to mention the cumbersome procedures, I want to know what is the purpose of your adoption of him? If you find his parents and family in the future, you have to go through a long-term procedure. And the stars and the moon don't necessarily accept it. "

Huo Yanlin's voice was very calm, calmly analyzed the advantages and disadvantages with her, and advised Wen Shutong to think twice.

"What you said is that you didn't see how terrible it was when the police wanted to take him away. Adoption can solve these problems temporarily." Wen Shutong also tightened his eyebrows.

"Then I'll go to the police and find a way to bring him back." Huo Yanlin continued to speak calmly.

"No, didn't you handle it well before? Why are you so cold-blooded now? " Wen Shutong frowned and opened his mouth.

"This matter needs to weigh the pros and cons. Not everyone in the world is kind. Even if you adopt him and treat him well, his parents may not thank you for finding him. It may also make you legally responsible. "

Huo Yanlin's voice was deep and quiet, completely unhurried.

Wen Shutong saw the picture with his own eyes, so at this time, sensibility prevailed and just wanted to protect him.

Huo Yanlin is more rational because he knows nothing at all, and can calmly analyze with him.

Wen Shutong was about to continue breaking with him, but Huo Yanlin cut off the conversation quietly: "first, I still have something to tell you when I come back."

After that, he hung up without saying a word and left Wen Shutong's face messy.

She stared at the phone that had returned to the main interface and was lost in thought.

Recently, Huo Yanlin seems to be a little abnormal. He always feels that talking to himself is like perfunctory, and he has more important things to do.

Except for his own dangerous things, nothing else seems to win his attention.

Say he cheated. Wen Shutong thought it was too unconscionable because Huo Yanlin couldn't do such a thing.

But if he is as like as two peas before, conscience is more difficult.

When Wen Shutong was deep in thought, suddenly a gust of wind blew out of the window, blew a piece of paper down from the windowsill and floated out of his small room.

Wen Shutong remembered the picture he saw last night and the scene that he often went to get white paper.

She quickly picked up the paper on the ground. There were very chaotic patterns and some messy words on it. She couldn't understand it at all.

Wen Shutong gently opened the door and planned to go in and have a direct look.

Although she was prepared, she couldn't help being surprised when she went in.

White paper was scattered everywhere on the ground in the room. On the bed, table and stool, it was like a large area of leaves blown in by the wind.

Wen Shutong collected all of them, and there were more than 40.

She thought these were just the things he drew when he was flying in the sky last night, but when she looked carefully, she found that some seemed to be logical and regular, not all nonsense.

So he patiently spread out those things again and compared them one by one to find out the logical relationship.

Although the words were messy and the paintings seemed to be scrawled by the reins, Wen Shutong was born and understood him.

When she looked up again, she found that the sky outside the window had been blackened.

It took her a whole day to figure out the logical relationship in the painting. She even forgot to eat.

She casually ordered a takeout and showed the logical picture while eating.

It's about a child. The first one is that he holds the hands of two adults.

Then he was robbed by another tall man and came to a house.

Wen Shutong frowned when he saw the house.

Because this house was built by Wen Shutong himself when he made a sand table for him.

Although the model on the sand table can not be restored one by one, the decoration of the door and the appearance of the door are eight or nine.

Recalling what he had told himself, Wen Shutong felt worse and worse.

Turning back, a little man lay by the window and longed to look at the sky outside.

There was a car parked outside the door. The model was about seven or eight years ago. It was very old.

Wen Shutong thought that it should be the decoration of the place where he lived in his mind.

But when she stared at her, a chill suddenly climbed up along her back.

When Wen Shutong took the chopsticks, he immediately stopped and trembled slightly.

Goose bumps covered her arms and her body trembled slightly.

The license plate number... Is the number of the deck car they have been meeting recently.

In fact, if Huo Yanlin hadn't reminded her before, she wouldn't remember this detail at all, but now it's really chilling.

Is everything the child does guiding them, or is everything connected?

After taking a deep breath, Wen Shutong forced himself to calm down and continued to look at the past.

In the back picture, he was bullied, then beaten and scolded, and finally left his place of residence.

Then came the process of his growth.

Wen Shutong thought that he could draw these because his memory had recovered a little bit., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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