"Well?" Huo Yanlin raises eyebrows.

Wen Shutong thought, I don't trust myself.

When she was a child, she had no parents to sleep with. When she had a sister, her parents would sleep with her.

Later, when Wen Linlang grew up and couldn't sleep with her parents, she occupied Wen Shutong's room.

Wen Shutong was forced to move to a narrow utility room, cleaned out of the room, cold in winter and hot in summer.

Later, Wen Shutong had a child.

At first, Wen Yueqi was put in the cradle to sleep, and then moved to the cradle when she was older.

When he was older, Wen Shutong finally felt that he could not sleep. He accidentally crushed the child to death. He wanted to hold the child to sleep. However, he found that the child grew up independent and wanted to sleep by himself.

What Wen Shutong fears most is not only sleeping with others, but also suffocating himself in his sleep.

Huo Yanlin didn't know the twists and turns in her heart. He opened the suitcase of the two people neatly, took out the clothes inside and began to hang them in the wardrobe.

Slow and clumsy as it was, it was a decent one.

Wen Shutong was stunned for a moment and quickly stepped forward to help. They hung their clothes in the closet together.

Because one person put one, two people's clothes mixed together in a mess, can't distinguish you and me.

Wen Shutong is about to put out his hand to tidy up, Huo Yanlin interrupted her action and said: "OK, anyway, it's only one month. Don't be so careful. Go wash and sleep."

Wen Shutong's fingers were stiff, and he turned red to wash.

Why can Huo Yanlin say the four words "wash sleep" so naturally?

Wen Shutong doubts life while bathing.

Huo Yanlin is not as much as she thinks. He is just doing what he wants to do in his heart and never goes against his original intention.

When they lay down together on the legendary three meter wide bed, they both had a burst of questions in their hearts. Was it that I was not close enough to the bed?

Moonlight through the window sprinkled on the white quilt, a gust of sea breeze blowing, with a strong smell of the sea passing by.

Wen Shutong shrinks under the quilt, hides his nose under the quilt, and quietly turns his head to see Huo Yanlin.

Even if a man is lying down, his body is straight and straight. He is lying on his back with his face up. His hands are folded on the quilt. It is a sleeping posture that has been corrected by good education since childhood.

Wen Shutong's eyes flashed a little strange. He couldn't help thinking that this hard looking man, like a man with a layer of steel armor, would show some softness and vulnerability after removing his guard at night?

"What are you looking at?" Suddenly, Huo Yanlin opened his thin lips with his eyes closed, and his deep sexy voice sounded in the silent night.

Wen Shutong was so frightened that he felt embarrassed. He had to lean out his head slowly and asked in a low voice, "you, you haven't slept yet?"

Huo Yanlin gently "um" said: "recognize the bed, can't sleep."

Wen Shutong was more curious. He blinked and looked at the side face of his nearly perfect sculpture and asked, "do you still recognize the bed? What do you do when you're on business? "

"I don't need to sleep too long." Huo Yanlin opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. His voice was still cool and insipid.

Wen Shutong disdained to send out a "cut" voice, said: "look at you can, in order to make money don't want to die, right?"

Huo Yanlin did not speak, turned over the body, looked at her and asked, "then why don't you sleep?"

Wen Shutong closed his mouth reflexively and looked at Huo Yanlin. He turned his back slowly and left him a distant figure in the moonlight. After a long time, he whispered, "I dare not."

"What?" Huo Yanlin was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously.

Wen Shutong buried himself in the quilt and said in a stuffy voice, "sometimes I sleep too deep. I will It's a crutch. "

Huo Yanlin frowned and asked again, "what's the wringing leg?"

"It is Lock the throat, you know? Mine will put my legs around your neck and suffocate you Wen Shutong turns around like a prank, makes a grimace, and makes a sly threatening way.

Huo Yanlin chuckled and said, "well, you can rest assured to sleep, I have confidence in my self-defense ability."

Wen Shutong: Don't be too early to be happy. I'm really good

"Just come here." Huo Yanlin said indifferent.

Northhanting, banquet hall.

The resplendent hall finally regained its temporary tranquility on the snowstorm night. Instead of continuing to sing and dance all night long, the guests quietly went back to their respective rooms, playing cards or sleeping.

Banquet hall service personnel and cleaning personnel in the work is also one after another out of the hall, slowly all the doors are locked.

At 2:30 in the morning, a group of people in black night clothes quietly opened the staff channel with the employee card, entered the banquet hall, quietly dispersed to all corners, and began to prepare to complete their tasks.Everyone has a telematics headset behind their ears, and behind them is a comprehensive layout.

"In the southwest corner of the hall, under the buffet table, there is a bug in the corner."

"Find a way to put a few explosives in the ceiling lamp above the banquet hall, if it's too obvious."

"Behind the piano, stick an explosive."

All the people in black are busy in silence.

When all the work is ready to be completed, the collective and orderly exit.

One of them, who looked like the leader, crumpled into the second floor underground of the cruise ship. There was a small staff room at the end of the corridor. It was hidden, but the sound insulation effect was not very good.

Fortunately, several rooms around him are his own confidants, even if the dew sound is heard, it is not much of a matter.

"Hello, boss." The man in black took off his clothes and said, "it's all set up. When will you start to move?"

Han Yiyang was silent at the other end of the phone for a while and said: "wait for a while. These rich people are very vigilant. Some even take bodyguards on board. They have to wait for a few days when they are over entertained and lose their vigilance."


"Make sure nothing goes wrong with it, right?" Han Yiyang asked again.

This time, in order to prevent some rich people from being on board because of Han Yiyang's appearance, Han Yiyang didn't get on the ship. Moreover, there was a great risk at sea. The older Han Yiyang was, the more he was reluctant to take risks.

"Yes. Banquet hall is usually the most crowded place, the most dangerous place is the safest place. And we've taken covert measures for all the pinhole cameras, eavesdroppers, and time bombs that are installed. Even if they are seen, they won't think of them as dangerous goods for the first time. "

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