After a pause, the man continued: "our people are basically placed in the ranks of waiters and sweepers, and some brothers are steering in the control room and operation room. Brother Yang, don't worry, the whole cruise ship is in our palm, so we can ensure that everything is safe."

"Well, when you return home triumphantly, you can add food to the brothers." Han Yiyang finished and hung up the phone.

In the case of Han Yiyang did not know, Wen Linlang quietly bought several of Han Yiyang's men.

Let them look for the whereabouts of the four Wen Shutong family as soon as the incident broke out.

In any case, we should ensure that these four people are in the sight of their own people, and contact Wen Linlang as soon as possible after catching them. She wants to watch Wen Shutong suffer torture live.

Wen Linlang hate to think that if Wen Shutong is defiled in front of Huo Yanlin, will Huo Yanlin want her?

Ha ha, of course not, since I will not be happy, then I will not let you too easy.

You can live in pain all your life, and I I'm sure I'll be happy to see you're having a bad time.

Naturally, Wen Shutong in the dream will not know what Wen Linlang is thinking, but this does not prevent her from having nightmares again.

She is not afraid of having nightmares, nor will she wake up or have palpitations in the nightmares, which will affect the quality of sleep and the state of life.

Instead, she enjoys her nightmares.

Her nightmares began a month after she arrived in Denmark. At first, there were only endless nights in her dreams. Later, the nightmares began to evolve.

Night gradually breeds all kinds of evil things, in the dream there are countless black hands and dirty vines entangled her body, so that she can not break free.

In the dream, Wen Shutong tries every means to fight against the enemy in the nightmare. Outside the dream, she tosses and turns on the bed, like a hard battle.

Because of this nightmare, she specially studied many aspects of psychology, trying to save herself, her soul and troubled heart.

When most of her attempts failed, she began to change her mind and try to defeat all her enemies in her dream.

In her dream, she changed into a long knife to cut down those black vines, and in her dream, her hands gave birth to a dragon to burn black smoke and shadow, turning everything into fly ash.

And produce clean water to wash everything, and finally wipe the illusory world in the dream with a rag.

Basically, every time she cleaned up her dream world and exhausted herself, the dream came to an end.

She will be awakened in the sun at seven o'clock in the morning, open her eyes to see the real clean and fresh world, and then embrace the new life and embrace the sun.

Every night is a battle and a cycle. After a long time, Wen Shutong began to slack off in his dream. In his dream, he forced himself to sleep and let the black vines bind him.

Later, the evil things in the dream no longer deterred and threatened her, and the depression of Wen Shutong gradually improved in the daytime.

The nightmare disappeared for a period of time, until Wen Yueqi was taken away for systematic training.

This time, the evil thing had a substance. It was like a monster with a big mouth. It had a huge body and a disgusting appearance.

Wen Shutong learned self-defense in the real world and fought with monsters all night in his dream.

The moment the monster falls, she is reborn and wakes up again under the touch of the morning sun.

In recent years, Wen Shutong's nightmares have been reconciled, and she has also found a way to kill each other.

Of course, this also caused a bad phenomenon - as long as it was a nightmare night, she would sweep her bed like a battlefield.

Huo Yanlin felt a palpitation in his sleep, and suddenly woke up. He found that a large group of hair was blocking his whole face and breathing space. The culprit was still doing a lot of evil on his body, constantly twisting his body, and even punching and kicking from time to time.

Seeing that the other side's two thin legs are about to reach out to his fragile throat, Huo Yanlin suddenly turns over to avoid driving.

Then he stretched out his hand and clamped the culprit's slender waist, pulled the man under his broad chest, pressed the other party's wrist, and scolded in a low voice: "wenshutong, sleep well."

Naturally, Wen Shutong would not answer anything. He was still struggling in his sleep trying to run, or waiting for an opportunity to bite the enemy's neck to deliver a fatal blow.

She dreamt that she was being chased by a monster, and the one with the noise all over her body grabbed her back, locked her in his arms and clasped herself tightly.

She's going to be strangled by a monster, suffocating, dying.

But she can't die. She needs a lot of things to do to survive.

Wen Shutong grabs his arm and raises it high. In his dream, he cuts into the monster's mouth and gives Huo Yanlin a fist on the bed.

Huo Yanlin grinned with pain, and his intuition told him that he might have broken his face.When Wen Shutong was still fighting with the ugly and disgusting monster, he suddenly felt that a mountain was shaking in the dream world, and a deep and tolerant male voice came from above the sky.

The voice was ethereal and urgent, as if urging her to leave quickly and go home.

Wen Shutong pedaled his legs and sang a song. He opened his eyes from the bed, only to find that his place seemed to be higher.

She reached out her hand and felt it under her body in doubt. She happened to feel a warm and hard thing. She could not help but pinch it, and then bent her finger to knock.

Just when she was full of doubts to turn over to have a look, suddenly came the voice of the dream under her.

"Are you satisfied with your touch?"

Wen Shutong jumped three feet from the bed like a corpse. He looked back at Huo Yanlin in horror and asked, "you, you, you How do you... "

"I fell asleep and was awakened by your shadowless feet in Foshan." Huo Yanlin grinned the corner of his mouth, sat up slowly, and nodded to Wen Shutong, "how are you?"

With that, he got up and went to the bathroom.

Wen Shutong sat on the bed, wrapped in a quilt. After a long time, he responded: "what's wrong with Huo Yanlin's mouth? Was he beaten? "

Then he remembered his indescribable expression: "ah, can't I beat you?"

Wen Shutong got up carefully, changed his clothes in the quilt, moved to the door of the bathroom and asked carefully, "you Is your mouth OK? "

Huo Yanlin looked back at her coldly and said, "I won't give you such a chance again."

"Well, what?" Wen Shutong grabs his hair.

"You don't have to understand now." Huo Yanlin glanced at her and said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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