Wen Shutong didn't understand what Huo Yanlin meant until the evening.

Huo Yanlin wants to sleep with her!

This is simply intolerable!

She experienced fierce resistance and struggle, and finally agreed to try again if she was not honest in sleeping at night.

The situation of northhanting was not fast at sea. Four days later, the cruise ship slowly left the domestic waters and gradually moved towards the deep Pacific Ocean.

In order to prevent meeting pirates and fishermen near the islands, the northhanting speeded up after leaving the domestic waters and reached the depth of the ocean. It met a group of passing dolphins, and the speed dropped slowly.

The people on the cruise ship poured out and crowded onto the deck to watch the dolphins dance.

Just in the early morning, dolphins collectively jumped out of the water, carefree toward the sky water spray, a large number of water in the mid air through the refraction of the sun, into a rainbow, decorated the positive sea scenery.

Wen Shu Tong got information in the room, hurriedly turned out his sunscreen and spray, and gave one family a good job of sunscreen work before he went on deck.

"Mommy, look, there are really dolphins." Huo Xinghui exclaimed in a low voice.

Wen Shutong squatted down with a smile and said, "yes, we are guests from afar. They are masters of the sea. This is to welcome us."

"Mommy, someone is feeding the dolphin bread. Let's get some bread, too. The little dolphin in the back is so small that he can't get the bread all the time Wen Yueqi ran back, excitedly pulled Wen Shutong's clothes and said.

"No, dolphins can't eat bread." Wen Shutong said quickly.

"Ah, why?" Wen Yueqi puzzled and lost asked, "so many people are feeding dolphins, dolphins all ran to them."

Wen Shutong gently touched the two children's heads and said, "because before we come and after we leave, dolphins have to find their own food. There is no bread in the sea. We should respect the original habits of dolphins. If they follow the cruise ship for bread these days, when we leave one day, they will starve to death because they lose the interest and ability to hunt. "

Wen Yueqi blinked and said, "then why are uncles and aunts still feeding dolphins? Are they going to kill the dolphins? "

Wen Shutong pursed his lips and was silent for a moment. He looked up to Huo Yanlin for help.

Huo Yanlin smiles and touches the two children's heads. Xiao Cheng always comes over with a Champagne Cup and a bag of bread in his left hand. He should have taken the bread the first time he heard the two children say they would feed the dolphins.

Wen Shutong slightly frowns at each other. Xiao Cheng doesn't know what happened after he leaves. With a dandy smile on his face, he wants to deliver the bread.

The bread tastes good, and the price is very high. The shelf life is only seven days. Ordinary urban white-collar workers dare not eat it every day.

Mr. Xiao Cheng's public voice can be heard on the whole deck: "Mr. Huo, I just heard two children say they want bread, Nuo."

"No more." Huo Yanlin stretched out his hand and pushed it away. He raised his voice slightly and said, "we don't like to feed dolphins."

The dolphin feeders on the deck were all smiling and froze in place, not knowing whether to continue.

Xiao Cheng's total Leng for a moment, puzzled asked: "no, I just heard..."

Huo Yanlin quietly patted the back of wenyueqi's head behind his back. Wenyueqi turned his eyes and cried out in tacit agreement: "I don't want to feed the dolphins to eat bread. When we leave, the dolphins are not willing to find their own food, which will kill the young dolphins. I'd better watch the dolphins from a distance."

Huo Yanlin's face hung a spoiled smile, praised Wen Yueqi, and then motionally looked at Mr. Xiao Cheng and said, "we just need to have a look. Xiaocheng always gives bread to people in need."

Huo Yanlin is the most famous person in Jincheng. Who dares to fight against him when he says this?

What's more, other children have said that dolphins will die if they are fed in this way. Who dares to do such "bad things" openly?

What's more, because people feed dolphins to attract them to themselves, and they like to watch dolphins chase their arms. Now the dolphins are attracted away by them, and the Huo family certainly can't watch them.

No one dares to offend Huo Yanlin, so the people on the deck collectively stayed.

Huo Yanlin smiles and touches the clever little head of Wenyue Qi ghost, gently pats and pats, and says in a low voice: "go and see."

Wen Yueqi and Wen Shutong lie side by side on the overtime railing to watch the dolphins running after the cruise ship. Wen Shutong whispers to Huo Yanlin, "thank you."

Huo Yanlin picks eyebrow to look at her: "why should thank, this is also my son."

“……” "You know I'm not for this," he said, pausing

Huo Yanlin did not speak again, quietly raised his hand and took her under his shoulder, blocking the eyes of some people who seemed to have nothing behind him."Xiao Cheng always said that he would stay in this sea area for two days. After two days, he would speed up and enter the deeper sea area. By then, the contact signal with the inland would be weaker and weaker, and the ultraviolet rays would be more intense. We should gather in the banquet hall to have fun, and would not run out to play so recklessly." Huo Yanlin said in a low voice.

Wen Shutong blinked: "so?"

Huo Yanlin's eyes twinkled cunningly, reached her ear and whispered, "so, if there is any peeping on this cruise ship, and someone harassing the girl, it should be started in those days. Do you want to beg me to carry you in my pocket every day I go

Wen Shutong couldn't help but put out his elbow and rammed his ribs and said, "go to you, I don't ask you. I have the ability to protect myself. You can take good care of two children. Although I'm not worried about the abduction and trafficking of children on this cruise ship, there will inevitably be no all kinds of disorderly eccentricities

Huo Yanlin said with a smile: "well, then you must ensure that in addition to the danger or as soon as you find something wrong, you will immediately find a way to inform me. In a few days, I'll ask someone to find some walkie talkies for you. It's estimated that the mobile phone is almost out of signal. "

Wenshutong reluctantly agreed to come down, Huo Yanlin eyes across a smile, tightly grasp her shoulder hand.

However, Wen Shutong did not break away from Huo Yanlin because of the fact behind him.

Huo Yanlin did not know at this time that the enemy in the dark was not for the sake of beauty, but for death.

After five days and four nights at sea, the northhanting finally arrived at the first stop of its global journey on the fifth night.

Because it is the first scenic spot, people are both looking forward to and excited about it. Mr. Xiao Cheng specially orders people to take out good wine from the wine cellar for many years to serve as a buffet banquet in the banquet hall.

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