"Hey, everybody's not drunk tonight." Xiao Cheng is always excited to hold the microphone on the platform and shout.

"Our northhanting will stay in this area until the night after tomorrow, when we leave for the next attraction. So, we don't have to worry. We can go crazy for a night, and then we can go back to sleep. When we wake up, we can see the legendary beauty of the flourishing sea

"Good." People at the bottom of the group cheered, and some even whistled excitedly.

Wen Shutong made an exception and picked up a glass of wine, turned around and touched Huo Yanlin and said, "cheers."

Huo Yanlin picked eyebrow to take a sip of wine and asked, "how did you drink again today?"

"Happy, and it's cold today. Drink to warm up." Wen Shutong said brightly under his eyes, "but I have only one mouthful of wine. I can't do it any more. I'll have to trouble you to look at me later."

Huo Yanlin nodded and should come down. Wen Shutong turned his head to see the child: "you two don't run around tonight. There are too many people here. If you get lost, I won't go to you."

Wen Yueqi guaranteed to raise four fingers and said: "Mommy, you can rest assured, I decided to follow you closely, not to run around."

"Well, let's go to the card seat over there and sit for a while. It's very tired just standing. Huo Yanlin, you and your children go first, and I'll get some food. " Wen Shutong pointed to a corner and said.

Huo Yanlin reached out and patted her on the shoulder and said, "you take two children and sit down. I can take food. I know you like sweet food and strawberry. Come on. You just drank wine. I'll be there in a moment

Wen Shutong had to swallow his words and take his two children.

Huo Yanlin finished taking food and was about to turn around. He was stopped by Su Zong of Su's enterprise.

General manager Su intended to discuss a cooperation with Huo Yanlin. Because of the face of his elders, Huo Yanlin could not directly refuse the invitation to talk. He had to say, "Mr. Su, otherwise, I'll go over and put down the cake plate, and then I'll chat with you."

Su Zong took a look at the mother and son in the corner not far away, but reluctantly agreed.

Huo Yanlin quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, he took his children out to relax. He did not expect to go to the cruise ship to talk about cooperation, although he did not want to work at all.

However, Su's enterprise is famous for its wide range of contacts and resources, so it is not necessary to offend him. Moreover, he is a businessman and does not want to go out and make enemies everywhere.

Huo Yanlin tactfully and Wen Shutong talked about this matter, Wen Shutong nodded to show understanding and said: "it's OK, you go over, I'll look at the two children."

"Then be careful. If you feel uncomfortable or someone bothers you, call me to come." Huo Yanlin worried said.

"It's all right, and you can see us in a little while over there. Don't worry." Wen Shutong said with a helpless smile.

These days, she has been able to feel if there is no look behind her. It seems that she has been secretly staring at her. Therefore, her spirit has not been relaxed. Huo Yanlin has been affected by her emotions and has always been suspicious.

Huo Yanlin turns back and leaves uneasily. Wen Shutong looks at the two children. Because she is worried that the two children will be bored, she specially asks for a lot of children's educational toys from Mr. Cheng.

Three people played checkers for a while, Huo Xinghui picked up a bead and was about to put it into the next grid, but accidentally let it go.

Huo Xinghui quickly got up to chase the little green bead. The bead would bounce high when it fell on the ground, and then it would get farther and farther away. Huo Xinghui unconsciously went out for a long time.

Wen Shutong's face changed. Seeing Huo Xingfei's small body almost drowning in the shadowy crowd, Wen Yueqi said, "I'm going to chase your brother. You should go to your father's side for a while. Don't run around."

Although Wen Yueqi felt that there was no big deal, she still stood up obediently and walked in the direction of Huo Yanlin.

Huo Yanlin and general manager Su are talking about the high tide part. The conversation is going on smoothly. You come and go very fiercely.

Huo Yanlin eye corner of the Yu Guanghui to Wen Yueqi close to his side, he just instinctively stretched out his hand to hold the child's wrist to prevent the child from running around.

But did not look back to see Wen Shutong's situation, only thought that Wen Yueqi was running to find himself playing.

On the other side of Wen Shutong, just like the green bead left in Huo Xinghui's eyes, her eyes locked tightly on Huo Xinghui's small figure, completely forgetting the surrounding situation and the eyes that have been peeping at her for the past few days.

Huo Xinghui chased the marbles all the way, from the corner of the card seat through the layers of adults, has been to the diagonal toilet next to.

There are not many people here. He steadily wrapped the green marbles in his hands, straightened up and looked around in a daze. Only then did he find himself chasing a bead across a banquet hall.

Huo has a good memory and believes that she can find it back. However, she is very happy when she sees Wen Shutong running out of the crowd with her skirt in her hands.Every time mommy's tension and attention to him makes his sense of security more profound.

"Star, how can you run so far? Mommy will worry. It's just a bead. " Wen Shutong reprimanded him and held the child in his arms.

Huo Xinghui showed the green beads in the heart of his small palm to Wen Shutong. He whispered, "today, many aunts and mummies wear high-heeled shoes. If you accidentally step on them, you should pick them up."

Wen Shutong touched Huo Xinghui's head with shame and said, "sorry, baby, mummy has wronged you, but you should remember to take your mother with you next time. You can't run away by yourself. It's very dangerous."


"Let's go back." Wen Shutong gets up and leads the child to leave. Suddenly, the cruise ship shakes violently, and many wine glasses on the dining table slide down and smash on the ground.

Many of the women on the cruise ship let out a sudden scream, and a wave of chaos broke out. At the same time, more violent things happened.

Originally, standing in the corner of the banquet hall, there was no sense of existence. The waiters, sweepers, and bodyguards who served this group of bewildered and crazy rich people, collectively took off their uniforms outside, revealing their skilful and tight black action clothes inside.

"Hold your head and get down." A strong man called out, which made everyone tremble.

This person is just a small security guard before, see everyone shrunk their shoulders respectfully, a look that nobody can afford.

Now he straightened his back, and even he was a towering, appalling look.

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