The people on the cruise ship changed their faces, and no one expected that this would happen.

The faces of these people were not easy to annoy, and they even found all kinds of knives and guns from under the table nearby.

Some people have begun to shiver, can't help but tear down all their valuable things, and intend to show that they can live safely.

Some are old or afraid of death, have covered their chest, scared almost suffocating.

There are also some people carefully holding their heads squatting on the ground, eyes around the circle, trying to find a chance to escape.

Wen Shutong immediately squatted down with Huo Xinghui and moved forward for a few steps, so that both of them entered the range of the crowd and did not stay behind abruptly.

"Mommy, what to do?" Huo Xinghui asked nervously in a low voice, "Dad and brother are on the other side."

"Hush, don't talk. Listen to what they're doing." Wen Shutong whispered a quiet gesture, and they held their heads together and did not speak again.

On the other side of the banquet hall, Huo Yanlin protects Wen Yueqi in front of him.

Su Zong shudders next to Huo Yanlin and squats beside him. Although he is very afraid, he still holds back and does not lose his temper. Moreover, he tries to hide the child with Huo Yanlin.

Wen Yueqi, worried and nervous in Huo Yanlin's arms, couldn't help saying, "Mommy, stars. They're not here. Where have they been? "

Huo Yanlin gently covers Wen Yueqi's small mouth, turns his head to look at the direction of the corner of the card seat, and finds that Wen Shutong is not there.

"What's the matter?" Huo Yanlin lowered his head to Wen Yueqi's ear and asked.

"The star's marbles fell on the ground, and he went after them all the time, but they didn't come back. Mommy was worried about chasing them." Wen Yueqi whispered, "Mommy, are they going to be ok?"

"Probably not. Now we can't see them, and the bad guys don't even notice them." Huo Yanlin can only comfort Wen Yueqi like this, "do you see the direction they are going?"

Wen Yueqi carefully stretched out his hand and pointed to: "it seems to be the direction of the toilet."

Huo Yanlin tightly twisted his eyebrows and was about to get up a little and look up to see if there were mother and son there. As a result, those who surrounded them began to speak.

"I warn you, if you still want something, just squat down and hold your head. Don't do something that shouldn't be done. All communication on the cruise ship has been blocked. Don't try to play tricks. In addition, we have sent text messages to your family members, asking them to take money to redeem you. If anyone's family doesn't agree, they will be killed on the spot. Anyway, it's just a waste of food on our ship. " Cried a big man with a trumpet.

All the people present were shaking. Except for those lovers who came to enjoy themselves with the rich, none of them was of low value.

Everyone is entangled with wealth, but also influential people in the society. An accident will cause market economic turbulence or political situation rewriting.

Nowadays, the collective has been caught and threatened.

If the family members of some of them do not agree to take out money to save people, or if their enemies maliciously obstruct them, it will not be good for the whole cruise ship.

Therefore, when the collective silence, all people are praying in secret, hoping that someone can come forward and promise to exchange money for their own to go out. There must be no accident in the middle.

If something happens, I hope it's better to have no news than to get rejected news.

Wen Shutong twisted his eyebrows and pondered for a while. She was not sure which family members would call for money. But Wen's father and mother were her nominal parents. If those people called them for money, they might not only be unable to get money, but also might be scolded by Wen's parents. At that time, she would be implicated and punished.

Wen Shutong is not afraid of being alone. However, Huo Xinghui has no sense of security or self-protection ability. He may be distracted and can't keep up with her at any time.

So she can't wait to die. She has to hide quietly, so that these people can't find themselves, or send Huo Xingyi safely to Huo Yanlin's side.

Those people who are worried about Huo Yanlin's identity will be afraid and restrained, and Huo Yanlin has the ability to save his children by himself. He will be very safe.

Thinking of this, Wen Shutong quietly raised his head and looked in the direction of Huo Yanlin.

Huo Yanlin and Wen Yueqi happen to be at the door of the banquet hall. There are two large potted plants at the door, which are very suitable for concealment.

Wen Shutong and Huo Xingyi are in the banquet hall near the corridor, which is near the toilet.

The bathroom is on the right side of the corridor, which is a complicated corridor along the corridor.

Wen Shutong anxiously searched around, but it was not easy to see the looming figures of Huo Yanlin and Wen Yueqi behind a tall and thin bouquet.

She was trying to find a way to move quietly, her mouth was covered.Wen Shutong widens his eyes and quickly grabs the wrist of the man behind him with both hands. However, the opponent is obviously a man with great strength. He drags her back on the ground and drags her back as hard as she can with her feet on the ground.

Under her was a thick carpet, and no matter how hard her feet and hands hit the floor, she couldn't make too much noise.

At this time, another man caught Huo Xingyi and covered his mouth behind him.

Huo Xinghui and Wen Shutong struggled together, but they were all useless.

Wen Shutong is worried that Huo Xinghui will be choked by someone's mouth and nose, so he can only pull the hand on his mouth with one hand, and grab Huo with the other.

At this time, there is no way to help, she can only make sure that she and her son stay together.

Wen Shutong's hand is powerless to grasp in the air. Huo Xinghui is also very sensible and forceful to send her arm to this side, and finally let her grasp Huo Xingfei's delicate and tender wrist.

Wen Shutong scratched a tear from the corner of his eye and looked at Huo Xinghui's red face tightly. He grasped his wrist and could only use his eyes to indicate that he wanted to be strong.

Mother and son were originally in the outer part of the crowd. There was no one behind them. Now they were quietly dragged away, and only two or three people in front of them found out.

But those people in order to protect their lives, did not dare to say a word, all kept silent.

Wen Shutong's mother and son were taken away in despair. They didn't cause too much trouble in the banquet hall.

When passing through the corridor, Huo Xinghui's marbles fell to the ground as if they could not be grasped by their owners.

The marbles made a clear sound on the ground, but soon it seemed that they were stuck somewhere, and lost the next sound. The people who took them away did not care about the unexpected sound.

The marbles stuck in the cracks between the floor tiles and the walls of the corridor, emitting a strange green light under the faint retro lights of the corridor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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