Li CHENGMAO falters, and the momentum makes him come to the man's big knife. In order not to let himself be stabbed to death by the knife, he can only stretch out his hand to hold down the knife and block his abdomen.

But when he pressed his hands and pushed the knife back, his hands didn't do rough work, and the fat hands were also skin tender. All of a sudden, there was a deep bone cut, and the red blood flowed down the back of the big knife and fell to the ground.

Li CHENGMAO almost fainted from pain, but he held back, he bared his teeth and begged the people in front of him.

After seeing the other side only full of ridicule, he turned back and looked at the arrogant rich second generation who explained him to him: "I have no injustice or hatred with you, why do you want to harm me like this?"

"We people have no injustice or hatred with you. Why do you want to harm us?" The second generation of rich dandy raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

"You know that if you don't stand up, everyone else will be cut off a finger, but you want other people to cover you up. You promise the benefits of a few big bosses you know well, but you don't care about other people's lives and interests. You're not only cold and selfish, but also mean. Why should we people like us bury you for no reason? Go to death, you old thing, live like you It's up to your sons not to save you. "

Li CHENGMAO sat on the ground, despairing: "I'm wrong. I shouldn't take people out for the Spring Festival. I should be honest and stay at home and never go anywhere."

Li CHENGMAO did not arouse much interest of those people. He got a bullet and was killed directly.

Although it's hard to look at the bullet, at least there is no pain in that moment.

At the moment when Li Maocheng was killed in the banquet hall, a strong scream broke out. The sound almost tore up the night on the sea and made the whole cruise ship vibrate.

In order to stabilize the scene, the hijackers fired several bullets at the surrounding area, and then forced the shrieking women and cowards to shut their mouths.

The birth of the first body means that there will be a second, a third.

People in the face of death, all reluctantly let their IQ back online.

"Big brother, please, give me my mobile phone. I'm going to call my parents. I'm the only child. My parents' money will be mine in the future. They will give you any money they want."

A man climbed up in front of the man, tightly grasped the other party's trousers, implored, "let me call."

The other side looked at that person coldly from a commanding position: "can."

When they heard this, they immediately burst into tears of joy. They took out their mobile phones and used the satellite network established by these people to call their families for help and money.

But everyone has only one minute. Almost all of them spend their time expressing to their families that they should pay as much as possible. No one has described their location and coordinates in detail.

General manager Su also took the opportunity to make a phone call to his family. He came up mainly to pursue Huo Yanlin to talk about cooperation. His wife and children are still reunited in the inland.

He's a typical workaholic, and his family understands him and trusts him not to mess around. So, his call for help was effective.

Su is always a smart man. He edited the text message in advance, explained the situation in front of him, made the family prepare the ransom, and explained his current location coordinates, so as to facilitate the rescue and alarm of his family.

Then he took a few photos and sent them back as evidence of being kidnapped. At the moment when the signal transmission was restored, others called the family for the first time, but he quickly sent out the SMS and MMS photos.

After the short message is sent, the contact records are deleted, and the backup of the draft box is completely deleted.

Then, like an old man with bad eyes and slow to press the phone keyboard, he poked his family's phone. The first time he got through was to let the family pay attention to the SMS and MMS he sent, act according to the circumstances and be ready.

Because of this clever move of general manager Su, Ji Tongsheng directly saved half an hour of investigation and evidence collection time when he used the maritime rescue police force.

As soon as Ji Tongsheng saw the rescue information on the desk, he contacted the helicopter, the police officers under his hand and the maritime rescue team he knew. At the same time, he set out and flew to the center of the sea for rescue work.

After all the phone calls, some of them were assured and promised by their families. They relaxed and wept with joy.

And some people are frustrated and desperate because they can't get through the phone or receive the news that they have been abandoned.

The man who shot and killed Li CHENGMAO before slowly raised his gun and pointed at the head of the rich second generation with a cruel and evil smile at the corner of his mouth. Word by word, he asked, "have you got through the phone? Is there a ransom? "

"I..." The rich second generation of dandy was shocked all over, and his face was bewildered and shocked.

He looked up nervously and hopelessly at the man with the gun against his forehead and said in a trembling voice, "I I have money I can pay for myself. ""Oh, your little money is not enough to plug your teeth. Don't dream. No one is willing to redeem you with money, right?" The other side sneered and asked, "didn't you just be very reasonable and arrogant?"

The rich second generation didn't expect that they had just helped to find people. They should have flattered them. How could these people be so mean to themselves, and instead, they targeted themselves.

His mind was a mere ornament, and he couldn't turn around now.

Looking at this situation, other people around are secretly glad that they didn't show off just now. Now they are more determined to follow the pace of most people and resolutely refuse to look for a sense of existence in front of those people.

The other party is still staring into the eyes of the rich second generation dandy, and his smile seems to be waiting for an answer.

The second generation of Fu swallowed and salivated in fear. He carefully drew back his throat a little and avoided the tip of the big knife. He said timidly, "I My mom answered the phone. She said I'm not her own at all. My brother is. I was brought back from the outside by my father Illegitimate children. "

"When my mother died and no one wanted to adopt me, she agreed to let me in, but I didn't have the right to inherit my father's property. The minimum ransom price you want is 10 million US dollars. She can't get it. The procedure is very troublesome, so she thinks it's ridiculous and let me live and die. "

Speaking of this, the second generation of dandy and rich said with a sneer, "live and die? She also asked me not to hate her. She said that she was good for me at ordinary times and did not treat me harshly. However, it was clearly that she did not care about me when I was a child, which led me to become what I am now. If it wasn't for her always facing my brother, I was wrong in everything I did, and my brother was right in everything. Would I come to the cruise ship in a fit of anger? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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