The richer the second generation said, the more they felt aggrieved and pitiful.

The knife held by the other Party pointed to his neck motionlessly, and the corner of his mouth was hooked. He said, "I like this play. I like it like this. You rich people have a lot of work to do. I'm afraid there are dirty deals behind all kinds of powerful families? "

With that, the other side raised his hand and raised his sword, and slashed at the neck of the second generation of the rich.

Fu Er Dai's female companion didn't know how. Suddenly, she screamed bitterly and threw herself around the neck of Fu Er Dai. Instead of him, she was stabbed.

But the power of that knife is huge. It cuts iron like mud. The neck of the rich second generation is also wiped. Blood gushes out.

The girl's wounds were mainly from the back to the shoulder, but the injuries were serious and the blood loss was too much. Both of them were doomed to death.

It's just that the wounds of the two people are more unfortunate and will not die immediately.

The girl wrung her eyebrows in pain, reached for the rich second generation's face and said, "I It hurts. Can you hold me

The eyes of the second generation of rich people were shocked and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

This is clearly a poor college student he bought with his money. Some people in his family didn't have money to cure the disease before they came out to sell it.

"You..." When the rich second generation opened his mouth, his neck began to bleed.

Don't be afraid I'll walk with you on the yellow spring road. " The girl is bleeding too much, the injury is lighter than the rich second generation.

She climbed forward and hugged each other's shoulder. She said with difficulty, "you gave me a lot of money. My father's illness is saved, but I don't know how to repay you. I I wanted to save you, but now I can't do it. Let's die together and repay you in the next life. "

The girl's strength gradually disappeared, hands more and more weak, and finally whispered: "fool, I like you."

Under her arm, the rich second generation had already closed her eyes and died completely.

Both of them died on the spot, giving everyone a shock.

Although everyone was touched at the bottom of their hearts, they were all cold egoists. Almost all of them thought in their hearts that this woman was not stupid and had to take her own life and die together.

The crowd chose to keep silent, and those who hijacked the cruise ship looked at the scene in front of them and all showed a smile of irony.

See, that's human nature.

At the beginning, Han's friends were almost deserted.

Han Yiyang is the God in these people's minds to help them revenge and give them a high reward job.

He used these people's belief worship psychology to build a strong empire for himself.

Because there were two more bodies in front of them, they retreated a large part one after another.

In the open space on the left side of the banquet hall, three miserable corpses were displayed there. For a moment, the hall once again returned to its eerie and gloomy silence.

Su always pinched his mobile phone tightly. He didn't expect that these people would dare to kill people.

In addition to celebrating that his family was willing to raise ransom money, he also panicked. What if these people were crazy and tore up the tickets after they got the money?

And Huo Yanlin with a child also don't know where to go, in case of what things can do? If someone catches you, it's a dead end?

Han Yiyang sees a scene in the banquet hall in the remote monitoring, and confirms that most of the family members have already prepared the ransom, and he will soon receive a large amount of money to enter his home.

Because of the problems in his goods, the money he spent, the goods confiscated and destroyed were compensated, so he could quickly turn them around and start a new round of business.

As long as his industrial chain is not broken, and his transactions are still continuing, he will still be the king of Jincheng underground gangs.

If his industry expands, he can also annex the underground gangs in all the cities around Jincheng, and even National.

Just thinking about it, Han Yiyang couldn't help his blood boiling, so he put down his red wine cup in a good mood, turned over and crushed the traces of various props covered with blue and purple kisses and whips. Wen Linlang, who had just woken up from coma, began a new round of tossing.


Huo Yanlin and Wen Yueqi went back and forth for ten minutes in the intricate cruise suite area to confirm that the two people they were looking for were not on this floor at all.

Two people carefully down the stairs, the silence is terrible, because it is the dormitory part of the staff, so the corridor is narrower, the room density is large, if you are not familiar with the situation below, it is easy to get lost.

"How about it?" Huo Yanlin sticks to the wall to observe the road condition after turning, and asks nervously and eagerly.

Wen Yueqi frowned and adjusted the position finder in his hand. He said with a beep: "no, it's hard to confirm. The whole cruise ship has been confirmed as a positioning signal point. We can only determine by the distance. If the two of us are within 10 meters of their location, the search engine in my hand will play a warning vibrationHuo Yanlin frowned and said, "do you know how many square meters it covers? There are rooms all around. As long as the length of the room is more than 10 meters and she stands against the wall, we can't find them at all

Wen Yueqi turned her eyes, pursed her lips and said, "I'll try to communicate with them."

"Communication? There's no signal in the ground, and they don't have wireless walkie talkies... "

Huo Yanlin is saying, suddenly found that wenyueqi suddenly raised his head, eyes shining at himself, the corner of his mouth also slowly raised a smile.

Huo Yanlin swallowed for a while and nervously asked, "moon?"

Wen Yueqi raised the hand of the positioning search device, let Huo Yanlin look down at the small poor screen above.

"Look at something..." Speaking of half, Huo Yanlin's voice suddenly stuck, staring at the small screen.

The word "star and W. has been docked" has disappeared and become the word "moon has been docked".

Huo Yanlin was surprised to see the words above, and said in a daze: "are you trying to communicate by constantly modifying the name of the locator?"

Wen Yueqi nodded, gave a crisp ring finger and said, "bingo."

"OK, let me see how to find out their position coordinates in the shortest time within the limited number of words." Wen Yueqi said, he lowered his head and began to fiddle with the location finder in his hand.

Soon, Wen Yueqi's locator name was changed to "where are you? Connected ".

Huo Xinghui was in the small room, and was surprised to see the response in his hand. Not long ago, he received a Bluetooth wireless docking application named northhanting. Don't mention how happy he was. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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