At the moment of the gunshot, the air on the cruise ship's deck froze for a moment.

Ji Tongsheng's helicopter has risen to five meters above sea level. Holding the armrest with one hand, he leans out of the helicopter and fires three shots at the man. Then he nervously turns his head and shouts to Wen Shutong: "is he not dead?"

Wen Shutong was shocked and caught Huo Yanlin's falling body. His lips were trembling and his words were incomplete.

Can only clumsily cover Huo Yanlin's wound, scared eyes red, but did not dare to tears, afraid not to see clearly.

"I It's ok Don't be afraid if it doesn't hurt you Huo Yanlin gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his abdomen and said in comfort.

Wen Shutong's tears burst into his eyes and sobbed: "don't talk. As soon as you speak, the wound will bleed. I I'm not afraid. I'll take you to the hospital. Wuwu, Huo Yanlin, don't scare me. I'm scared Wuwuwu... "

Wen Yueqi locked Huo Xinghuang in his seat, jumped down from the helicopter, rushed to Huo Yanlin, made emergency measures, and then looked up to the pilot and said, "help to carry it. We're going to the nearest hospital."

The helicopter, with its people in a hurry, landed firmly in the hospital with the shortest route, and then started from the hospital stairs and returned to the sea again.

Wen Shutong and his two children followed the doctor to push people into the emergency room. Not long after that, Ji Tongsheng also arrived.

Wen Shutong's body and face were covered with blood. The doctor refused to leave even though he was persuaded. He had to guard the emergency room.

Wen Yueqi and Huo Xinghui stood close to the wall, their mouths closed and they did not speak. They held their fingers tightly and their fingertips turned blue. It was heartbreaking to look at them.

Ji Tongsheng sighs and walks forward. He holds two children in his arms, rubs his head and pats his thin back. Then he turns to Wen Shutong and sits down slowly.

"Don't worry," he whispered. "The doctor on the helicopter didn't say it. He didn't hurt the vital part."

Wen Shutong's eyes turned red. He buried his face in his palm and shook his head. After a while, he heard a stuffy voice with a choking voice that made people feel sad.

"No, I I just can't forgive myself. I'm so It's so incompetent. "

Ji Tongsheng sighed and said: "you are excellent. You didn't see the other girls we rescued. They were scared to death. When they were taken to the plane by rescue workers, they began to scream at the touch. Some of them even attacked the rescue workers with fierce reaction. Some even tried to jump into the sea on the plane. It's really unclear What happened to Chu. "

Wen Shutong closed his eyes and leaned back. He said wearily, "they just have stress disorder. Take them to see a psychologist."

Ji Tongsheng nods. Seeing that Wen Shutong doesn't want to continue talking, he gets up and goes out to buy them some light porridge and rice to bring back.

Wen Shutong asked the two children to eat more or less, but he couldn't eat it. His eyes were fixed on the door of the emergency room.

As soon as the light went out, Wen Shutong got up and walked quickly to the door. However, he was too anxious to stand. He was so dark that he almost fell down.

Ji Tongsheng held it by the side.

The doctor came out and asked, "where are the family members? Is that a family member? "

Wen Shutong held his forehead, pinched himself hard, sobered himself for a while and said, "I am, I am the wife of the patient. Doctor, how is he? "

"You dealt with it in a timely manner. The patient was out of danger. However, he lost too much blood because of two bullets. The bullet in the inner thigh fell a little deep. Although it was taken out, it would hurt him when he woke up after the anesthetic was withdrawn."

The doctor turned over the record book in his hand and said, "what's more, now we have to transfer to the sterile room for observation. Family members can't go in."

"When can I go in then?" Wen Shutong asked anxiously, "can he eat energy when he wakes up? When can I go in and take care of him? "

"You are a very interesting family member. It depends on his recovery. Wait for the notice. We will arrange a special nurse to watch the night. You don't have to worry about it." The doctor waved his hand and left.

After a while, the nurses pushed Huo Yanlin out of the coma.

Wen Shutong saw Huo Yanlin's pale face. His eyes were hot and he almost cried again.

"OK, don't worry. It's out of danger of life, and there's no sequelae. I'll ask the doctor when I can transfer to another hospital. We're not familiar with this side and can't stay here for a long time." Ji Tongsheng said and turned away.

Wen Yueqi and Huo Xingyi follow Wen Shutong and go to the aseptic room where Huo Yanlin is temporarily staying.

Because the nurse can only see two children in the hospital bed.

Wen Shutong touched their heads in comfort and squatted down and said, "you can't transfer to another hospital for a while. Do you want to go back with Uncle Ji first? I'm afraid mummy can't take care of herWen Yueqi twisted and said, "no, we are here to accompany Mommy."

Huo Xinghui followed closely and said, "we were on holiday, and we couldn't go to school. It's the same everywhere. But dad was injured and hospitalized. We'll stay to take care of dad."

Wen Shutong hesitated for a moment, or slowly nodded and said, "well, I'll ask Uncle Ji to reserve a hotel nearby where we can cook by ourselves."

Huo Yanlin hurt his abdomen, so she has strict requirements on diet. She is worried that the rice she bought outside is not clean and that eating hair is not good for the wound.

After Ji Tongsheng came back, Wen Shutong was sitting on the bench outside the corridor, typing with his mobile phone. When he saw him coming over, a touch of unnatural flashed across his face. He quickly stood up and said, "Ji Shao, today is really troubling you."

"Huo Yanlin and I grew up in a pair of trousers when we were young. We can't talk about trouble." Ji Tongsheng said with a careless wave.

Wen Shutong's face was stiff. He stopped to speak. He turned to look at Ji Tongsheng's face and asked, "small?"

Ji Tongsheng's whole body is stiff. He can't help but beat himself in the mouth, so he wants to turn around and run away.

He suddenly remembered that because he wanted to chase Wen Shutong, he asked her not to miss her family when she was looking for a private detective, and asked Huo Yanlin to help conceal the fact that they actually knew each other in private.

Later, when they came back from the court to confront in the Huo's study, they pretended to be unfamiliar.

Later, Wen Shutong became his brother's wife. He didn't have those thoughts. He didn't expect to turn over at this time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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