Ji Tongsheng is a repentant, but he can't help it. He is about to admit his mistake. Wen Shutong uncovers it himself. He waves his hand and says, "it doesn't matter now. I want you to do me a favor."

"Say it." Ji Tongsheng looked at the small life and still hope to keep it, said immediately.

Wen Shutong thought for a moment and said, "please help me to book a hotel near the hospital. I think this hospital is also a provincial hospital, and the medical resources are very good. Huo Yanlin has just finished the operation and is not suitable for moving around, so he wants to stay here for a period of time. Reserve a hotel for seven days, a bigger one, with a kitchen in the room. "

"By the way, what did the doctor say about the transfer?" Wen Shutong remembered that he had not listened to the doctor's advice.

Ji Tongsheng nodded and said: "the doctor and your idea is the same, temporarily not suitable for transfer, the specific situation should wait for the later examination results to come out, because of the abdominal bleeding before, so the doctor's suggestion is actually to discharge directly after recovery, do not transfer easily."

Wen Shutong nodded and said, "OK, I see. Well, I'd like to book a larger family suite because my two children are here with me, and then help me find a nurse? I'm afraid I can't take care of myself. When I go back to cook, I can let the nurse watch over here

Ji Tongsheng agreed to come down and asked, "OK, I'll help you do it. When the hotel and the nurse are settled down, I'll watch with the nurse here. You'll take the child back to have a rest first. It seems that the two children can't bear it any more."

Wen Shutong nodded his head absentmindedly and said, "good, good. Thank you so much. I'll give you the money later

When Ji Tongsheng left, Wen Shutong led the two children to the doctor, indicating that Huo Yanlin hoped to transfer to the advanced single ward when he transferred to the ordinary ward, and then came back to sit in the corridor in a daze.

"Mommy, don't worry and be afraid. We'll be with you." Wen Yueqi opened his sleepy eyes and said.

Wen Shutong nodded his head and said, "I'll take you back to sleep later. It's too late today, and baby suffers."

Wenyueqi and Huo Xingfei took wenshutong's hand and shook his head and said, "not tired or tired."

Ji Tongsheng worked very fast. The hotel and the nurse were settled on the same day. The nurse was a man's middle-aged uncle with great strength, quickness and diligence, and had nursing experience. Wen Shutong was relieved a lot.

Huo Yanlin's condition is very good. He woke up not long after the anesthetic was used. Although he has not yet left the sterile room, the doctor said that this state is very pleasant.

After Huo Yanlin wakes up, Ji Tongsheng takes a look. He is relieved and immediately turns to the helicopter and leaves.

He was very busy with official business, especially when Huo Yanlin was unconscious and could not get out of bed. He also helped to stabilize Huo Yanlin's company.

Ji Tongsheng easily followed the clues to find Han Yiyang and Wen Linlang. He had long wanted to clean up Wen Linlang. He didn't have a soft heart. How to deal with it was how to deal with it.

Especially Han Yiyang, Wen Linlang's accomplice, Ji Tongsheng knows that there are such a number of people in Jincheng underground. However, because of Han Yiyang's business, it seems that although Han Yiyang's business is a little arrogant, it is actually legal.

On the other hand, Han Yiyang's main business is developed in foreign countries. He doesn't pay attention to Jincheng at all. He is very ambitious.

But in fact, Han Yiyang didn't have that great ability, so he was pocketed a lot of money.

After Huo Yanlin came out of the aseptic room, he moved into the senior private ward and gradually got to eat some food.

Wen Shutong goes to the nearby supermarket every day to buy organic vegetables and fresh chicken, duck and fish, and comes back to cook for him. However, Huo Yanlin is only allowed to eat a little, and most of them go into the stomachs of the nurses and Wen Shutong's mother and son.

Wen Shutong walked in with the incubator as usual. He nodded to the nurse on duty at the door with a smile, and then walked to the bedside.

Huo Yanlin heard the sound of footsteps, and immediately opened his eyes. His eyes were intensely staring at the incubator in Wen Shutong's hands. His mouth was smashed by naked eyes. It can be seen that he has been looking forward to it for a long time.

Wen Shutong couldn't help but smile. His eyebrows and eyes were crooked and he looked very gentle.

She gently put the incubator on the side of the small cabinet, turned and bent to stand up the small board on the hospital bed, helped Huo Yanlin shake the shaker and raise it to a comfortable height.

Huo Yanlin asked in a hoarse voice, "where are the stars and the little moon?"

Wen Shutong wears a large disposable mask on his face because Huo Yanlin's wound has not yet healed, and he is worried that he will be infected with bacteria.

Every time before she came in, she had to clean herself carefully. The process was very troublesome, so Wen Shutong generally tried not to let the children follow in.

Wen Shutong shook his head and said, "they are eating in the hotel. When they come in the afternoon, let them come in and give you a massage."

Huo Yanlin said with a smile: "their strength is not enough to tickle."

But a smile, pulled the wound, Huo Yanlin instantly grinned.Wen Shutong patted his face and said, "what are you laughing at? Don't you know that you are the patient now?"

Huo Yanlin looks at Wen Shutong wrongly. Because he has just had a major operation, he is weak all over and has no strength to speak. His voice is usually weak.

But he often forgot his wound can not move, can not turn over things, at the beginning often pulled the wound, later still not long memory.

Wen Shutong was angry and anxious. If he wanted to hit him, he was afraid of hitting the wound, so he had to pat his face.

Now, almost every nurse and doctor in charge of Huo Yanlin knows that the handsome man in this room will be beaten by his wife as long as he is not obedient and has no long memory.

Not only do not dare to answer back, but also have to plead for mercy, apologize and please, all kinds of coax.

Wen Shutong is not unreasonable. He is just worried about his health. He is not willing to get angry every time he admits his wrongs.

She couldn't help murmuring: "what strength do you feel aggrieved? Where did the dictatorial and indifferent president fan Er go at the beginning?"

Huo Yanlin whispered: "scared away by his wife."

Wen Shutong blushed and turned his back: "what are you talking about?"

"Well, where are you going? I can't lift my left arm. " Huo Yanlin asked nervously, the voice is not aware of a degree.

Wen Shutong looked back at him and said, "don't you speak softly and don't use your strength? I can hear you. I'm going to fetch you water and wash your hands. "

Huo Yanlin blinked his eyes: "Oh."

Wen Shutong had no choice but to turn to the bathroom. She had used up the disposable wipes she had bought before. She forgot to buy it today. She could only use a white towel to dry it and then wipe his hands for Huo Yanlin, although he could not use his own hands to eat.

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