However, things are a little richer than before. Wen Shutong thought Sui detective had changed his mind temporarily. When he was about to send a text message to ask, the door was knocked again and another person delivered the takeout.

This is the shop Sui detective said.

She was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes looked warily at the takeout that had been delivered at the beginning.

Shouldn't Huo Yanlin know she's working overtime, so she asked someone to send it?

Because there are some desserts in addition to food. Wen Shutong has been talking about it some time ago, but he never had a chance to eat it.

After hesitating for a moment, she took the initiative to send a wechat message to Huo Yanlin: is it the dinner you sent?

There was no response, and Wen Shutong didn't wait foolishly. After working for a while, he received the news of his return.

But there is only a simple question mark.

Wen Shutong took a picture and sent it: that's it.

Huo Yanlin's reply is quite fast, but there are only two words: No.

Now Wen Shutong was confused. She wondered if Huo Yanlin was deliberately so awkward.

So she went back to the news half true and half false: isn't it really you? Then I'll call someone else. Don't embarrass me then.

Huo Yanlin is still a simple word: No.

That's what I've said. It's definitely not him.

But who else will it be besides Huo Yanlin?

Just when she scratched her claws and wondered, her mobile phone suddenly shook and Huo Yanlin called.

Wen Shutong didn't notice it. When she saw the call, she had a smile on her mouth.

Before she could answer the phone, Huo Yanlin took the lead in saying, "check the location of a single person, and then send it to my men to check. You didn't say someone was following you. It's better not to make any mistakes at this time."

"By the way, you should be careful in the future and try not to accept other people's things. Don't forget this simple truth."

"Oh, because Sui detective also said he would give me some takeout. At first, I thought it was him. I didn't think so much. Then I thought it was you." Wen Shutong opened his mouth calmly.

"I didn't know you worked overtime tonight, and I didn't know you didn't have dinner. Why did you order this for you when you were free?" Huo Yanlin's voice also has no ups and downs. "Be more careful next time. If there is another Zhou Zhengan, I may not be able to help you."

Wen Shutong's anger suddenly got up, sneered and said, "you should hope to have a second Zhou Zhengan. After all, it can make your future bright and all the problems can be solved."

There was a brief silence. Huo Yanlin asked in a gloomy voice, "do you know what you're talking about?"

"How dare you say you didn't climb up through this?" Wen Shutong spoke impolitely.

There was no response to her, so she just hung up.

At this moment, Wen Shutong felt that he was going to be angry to myocardial infarction. What's his attitude!

I didn't speak clearly, so I hung up on purpose, didn't I?

The more she thought, the more angry she became. Suddenly, a evil fire jumped up. Then she didn't want to think about it. She directly pulled Huo Yanlin's phone into the blacklist.

You can't talk well, can you? Just stop talking!

There is also a little girl who is not running behind his ass. why should she be responsible for his emotions.

After he hacked his phone, Wen Shutong left a pile of things sent by unknown people nearby and only ate those sent by Sui detective.

When you are full, your work efficiency starts to soar, and you basically remember what you need.

Make sure you won't show timidity after meeting tomorrow. Wen Shutong put down his hanging heart and planned to have a rest.

She was lying in bed with her mobile phone in her arms, but she felt inexplicably uncomfortable in her heart.

It seems that she did it a little too childish.

So she dragged him out of the blacklist again. For a while, he probably didn't know.

She took another look at the message list on wechat, and there were only some group messages. The dialogue with Huo Yanlin remained at the last sentence she sent, and they didn't intend to send it at all.

Wen Shutong glanced. When he was bored to turn off wechat, he suddenly found that his avatar had changed.

Huo Yanlin's head was a back figure of four families. At the beginning, the detective also said he had no make complaints about his head. It was like a forty or fifty year old uncle.

Because only older people look forward to peace in their homes.

This time, he replaced it with a moon on a black background. It's easy to think of the emo avatar of netcloud suppression.

Wen Shutong somehow felt a little funny and gave him an evaluation in the bottom of his heart: great president, it turned out to be a night.

After seeing his head portrait and confirming that Huo Yanlin was probably unhappy now, Wen Shutong was happy, so she had a good sleep at night.

Early the next morning, I rushed to Xingyao educational institution with full spirit.

Due to the holiday, there were no people in Xingyao's headquarters. There was only a security guard who looked not too young at the gate.

When she went, she met with a small deputy director of the company. It seemed that the whole person had some vicissitudes of overtime.

"Miss Wen, you're quite punctual. It's really hard for you to come and talk about cooperation at this time." He handed Wen Shutong a cup of coffee and opened his mouth politely.

"No, no, it's you who worked hard enough. We couldn't finalize the company at the beginning. As long as we saw the invitation sent by your company at the last minute, we were very satisfied. So the idea in my heart is to cooperate with you successfully anyway." Wen Shutong spoke politely and generously.

Then she explained the reasons for choosing Xingyao with reasonable reasons. When she was about to continue to talk about her understanding of their company, the director raised his hand and interrupted him with a smile:

"We don't have to say these high sounding words. I understand that Miss Wen has a warm-blooded person in her heart, and I can see that you really want to cooperate. That's enough."

"Have you brought the contract? We can sign it today. Everyone wants it. Let's make a quick decision when we go home on holiday."

Wen Shutong was in the middle of the night yesterday. As a result, he didn't even finish the beginning. Is that over?

She didn't even have three minutes for Solo, which made the deal too fast.

But it also proved the other party's trust in her, which was a good thing, so Wen Shutong quickly said, "take a closer look. If there's no problem, we'll finalize it."

He almost glanced at the contract and accepted it: "yes, that's it."

"So fast?" Wen Shutong slightly raised his eyebrows.

"You don't know. The risk of our educational institutions is too great. At the end of a semester, many students and parents have some psychological problems. We just want to solve them as soon as possible." The director said painstakingly, "you are our Savior!"

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