After that, he continued with a smile and said, "I have explained clearly enough. Has Miss Wen made a decision?"

"All right." Wen Shutong nodded, "it's really troublesome for you."

"No trouble, no trouble." The director almost clenched his teeth and spoke. Just as he was about to sign, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated and a wechat message was sent.

He stopped writing, took a quick look at his mobile phone, and then quickly returned a message to the other party.

Soon he put his cell phone back in his pocket and raised his pen to sign.

Just at the time of the lightning flint, a thin white hand suddenly stretched out, quietly stopped, and then said, "sorry, I think we should slow down the signing of the contract."

The director raised his head in surprise, and his eyes were filled with an incredible and flustered look: "no, Miss Wen, what do you mean?"

"The person you just sent wechat, can you let me have a look?" She said with a frozen face.

The look on the face opposite changed with the naked eye, and sweat seeped out of his forehead.

He quickly took out a handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it on his bare forehead.

"Miss Wen, why are you talking about this all of a sudden? That's the blessing message sent to me by our partners. I just glanced at it. Why, do we have to ask for other people's chat content?"

As he spoke, he carefully felt out his mobile phone with his other hand behind his back, and was going to take action secretly.

Wen Shutong had noticed his movements with sharp eyes and said without expression: "you don't have to cover up like this, I can see. Is it Huo Yanlin who sent you the message just now?"

If Huo Yanlin had not changed such a recognizable avatar yesterday, Wen Shutong might not recognize it at a glance.

After all, in the whole CEO circle, most people's avatars are either flowers, birds, fish and animals, or directly their own photos. Anyway, they are the same and have little recognition.

The colorful head portrait of Huo Yanlin before is mixed among these people. In fact, there is nothing recognizable.

But it was only after their quarrel yesterday that Huo Yanlin changed his avatar that Wen Shutong recognized the black background and the moon at a glance.

The cold sweat on the director's forehead grew more and more. He had a needle under his ass and couldn't sit still. The whole person didn't look like a panic.

"This... That..." he rubbed his hands nervously. "Does this have anything to do with our cooperation?"

Wen Shutong wondered whether he had contact with Huo Yanlin because he also wanted to cooperate with their company.

At the same time, he thought he was Huo Yanlin's wife, so he took special care of their company.

If the contract is signed for this reason, Wen Shutong really disdains it.

Although other companies have their own weaknesses, they are not as strong as them, so she has not reached the point where she needs food.

What's more, she was so unhappy with Huo Yanlin yesterday. If he knew he would cooperate with this company, he might try to squeeze her out.

So she said politely, "this is my personal factor. I don't think we need to cooperate. This matter is very complicated, but my attitude is also very clear. Thank you very much today, but I won't give you any trouble."

Then she got up and left.

The director almost chased up and hurriedly said, "in fact, although President Huo is our shareholder, the main driving right is still on our side. You don't need to avoid suspicion because of this matter. No one will know the relationship behind the scenes. Miss Wen, think again. This is a rare opportunity -"

Wen Shutong was stunned, and a strange look flashed on her face. She turned her head and asked, "what did you just say?"

The man was stunned. He was also confused and could see back: "isn't that what you mean?"

"You mean he is the shareholder behind Xingyao?" Wen Shutong stared into his eyes and spoke word by word.

The director probably realized that he had said something wrong and was stunned. He didn't speak for a long time and didn't know what to respond to her.

For a moment, he almost wanted to ask for help. I hope someone can show him a clear way.

So his voice line trembled slightly and said helplessly, "Miss Wen, can you just think that this time has not happened? Just think I just said..."

"Don't worry, I'll give you a more detailed excuse later, and I won't involve you." Wen Shutong said politely, "if you are punished for this, you can ask me and I will help, but I'm still sorry about this. I can't promise."

Wen Shutong doesn't want to cause trouble to others, but she doesn't want to jump into Huo Yanlin's trap again.

It was a pit last time, and it's hard to guarantee that anything will happen this time.

"Ah this..." he still had a sad expression on his face. It was obvious that this sentence did not comfort him.

"Is there no room for maneuver at all? This is a good opportunity for cooperation. No matter what the consideration is, we don't want to lose your cooperation."

Wen Shutong nodded firmly. Just after she turned to leave, the director subconsciously looked up and looked upstairs.

He followed his eyes and looked over. Wen Shutong suddenly found a tall black figure. Who else could Huo Yanlin be!

It turns out that others have been watching here!

No wonder the director was so embarrassed. Even if Wen Shutong gave a solution, he didn't relax.

Originally, Wen Shutong didn't want to see him, but he thought it might cause him trouble because of his own affairs, so he said, "I see. Wait a minute and I'll help you solve it."

The director almost shed tears and said, "thank you so much. I don't want to give you any trouble, but there's really no way."

"But I still want to apologize to you. I know Mr. Huo is here, but I didn't dare to say just now..."

"It's okay, I understand." Wen Shutong gave him a firm look.

As a superior, Huo Yanlin can easily decide the fate of one of his employees. It is reasonable for him to be so afraid.

And her help is naturally urgent.

After the two talked, Wen Shutong turned his head and walked quickly to the elevator to go upstairs. At this time, the phone suddenly rang.

She subconsciously thought it was Huo Yanlin, so she quickly picked up her mobile phone, but it was a strange number.

After hesitating for a moment, she still connected, but she was not in a hurry to speak, waiting for the other party to speak first.

"It's me."

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