Huo Yanlin, with a flash of panic at the bottom of his eyes, gently grabbed her trembling wrist: "sorry, I don't know there are these in the follow-up..."

He stared at the names one by one. If he had the chance, he really wanted to pick them out one by one, and then let each of them pay the price!

Wen Shutong quietly pulled out his wrist and continued to say, "yes, you don't know, but you shouldn't be interested in knowing, because I'm just the tool man in this time."

"Is it because I'm a woman that I'm inferior in this public opinion war even if I don't do anything? Do you really take me as your former wife when you hype with this thing?"

"If I hadn't made a promise, this video might still be spreading on the Internet. Is that what you want to see? Or do you think I can't stay with you until you completely destroy me?"

Every question she asked was a heart attack, as if it were a complaint with blood and tears.

In fact, the first and biggest contradiction between him and Huo Yanlin comes down to this video, and then it's hard to go back to the past.

Huo Yanlin seems to have recovered from the pain. He paused: "promise? But the video I asked people to delete has dealt with everything on the Internet."

"Edit, continue to edit." Wen Shutong looked at him indifferently. "I called him myself. Don't I know?"

"I didn't lie to you." Huo Yanlin looked serious. "I did use this thing to knock Zhou Zhengan down at one stroke and put his father in a dilemma, but I never wanted to use you from beginning to end."

Although Wen Shutong didn't open his mouth to ridicule, the expression on her face had been clearly written, and she didn't want to believe it.

Huo Yanlin continued to explain patiently: "really, i... the video was released by others. When I saw it, I immediately asked someone to deal with it. I thought they would show mercy to you for your sake of being a victim."

He wanted to say that Wen Shutong was his favorite person all the time. How could he gamble on her reputation.

But Sheng Sheng restrained himself halfway through the conversation, because he knew that such words were too unnecessary for Wen Shutong now.

His mistake is that he is too idealistic, underestimates the fermentation degree of this matter, and underestimates that those people will spread rumors about Wen Shutong.

Wen Shutong obviously couldn't completely accept: "you really don't know anything?"

"This matter is of great concern. I signed all the documents of the public relations department myself. Now come back to the company with me and I'll let you see it a little bit."

Huo Yanlin gently breathed out, "and this company is not my desire to control. This is the idea I had before we broke up. It was conceived after your bidding failure."

Before Shu Tong opened his mouth, he continued slowly: "I want to customize a company that is most suitable for you. As you said, you hope everyone in the studio can find their own specialty. That's why the company took shape. Before it was ready, things became like this."

"Sorry, I messed up all this. I misunderstood you just now. I didn't know you went through this. I thought you just wanted to divorce me, so I spoke like this."

Wen Shutong had not seen Huo Yanlin bow his head before, especially in order to save himself, he also said good words.

But now he has a completely different feeling.

He was not trying to recover, but more like sincerely expressing his apology. His thick and slender eyelashes blinked gently, and his knuckles were a little white. It was obvious that he was trying to bear something.

Wen Shutong was inexplicably touched in her heart. Before she could speak, her mobile phone suddenly rang.

It's true that Cao Cao arrived. Just now he mentioned promise. Now he called.

Eager to verify what he said just now, Wen Shutong quickly connected.

The surprised voice of the promise came out: "I suddenly remembered that I helped you solve the black material on the Internet. It seems that I didn't do it alone, but others."

"Although the program I set can automatically retrieve keywords and delete them directly, if the other party changes other words to replace them, this thing can't be distinguished."

"I was afraid they would adopt this method, so I went to patrol the Internet for a few times when I was free and found that the Internet was clean."

"At first, I thought it was me. Later, I found out that it was because someone set a higher-end program than me, which can delete all these things directly. Did you find someone else or meet some noble person? If you really want to have contact information, please introduce me quickly. I also want to know such a cow!"

Wen Shutong listened to his words and looked at Huo Yanlin with a puzzled look at the bottom of his eyes.

So what he just said is true.

Huo Yanlin also looked innocent and raised his eyebrows slightly at her.

"Hey, hey, are you there? Don't you know such a great God and introduce me to such a ruthless man?"

Promise to chatter on the phone, "if it doesn't work, I'll return the money to you. In fact, I think about it. My bottom program can't help much. I really deserve the money."

"My girlfriend told me not to be too ashamed. Because the other party has directly included me in the past, you know..."

As a social terrorist, promise is not only very generous in front of acquaintances, but also unambiguous when it comes to his own professional affairs.

Wen Shutong really didn't want to talk nonsense with him for so long. He simply said, "Huo Yanlin's people did it, otherwise who else do you think?"

"Sure enough, my idol is an idol. I won't be disappointed at any time, although it's' how old are you '."

Wen Shutong was agitated and didn't listen carefully. He just subconsciously said, "what age?"

Promise to continue to speak enthusiastically: "this is not asking about age, but a stem. It means' how is it always you '. Convey my thanks to the boss for me. If it's easy, kiss him for me ~"

After saying that, he didn't respond, so he snapped and hung up the phone for fear of being scolded.

Without the telephone, the atmosphere suddenly became strange.

Although there was no contradiction between Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin, most of them were small misunderstandings, which were not irreconcilable.

This time, the matter is obviously simple, but it can't be reconciled due to special circumstances, which leads to things getting farther and farther off the track.

After a little hesitation, Wen Shutong said seriously, "sorry, I have a problem with this matter."

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