"Now the anger is almost over?" Huo Yanlin looked down at her.

Wen Shutong was silent for a moment and thought about his speech just now.

Although she did misunderstand Huo Yanlin a lot, it was true that she was abused.

In fact, in the final analysis, her anger was aimed at those humiliations, and then she put all her mistakes on Huo Yanlin's head.

The only mistake of this man is probably that he turned the table against the wind with the help of Zhou Zhengan.

So she took some seriousness and said, "almost, because this matter has nothing to do with you after all. I want to find out who is behind the scenes."

"No, I'll help you find out. There are those who have abused you. No matter how troublesome or how many people there are, I'll find out for you one by one." Huo Yanlin opened his mouth expressionless.

In this matter, he is not afraid of trouble, even if it will waste a lot of human, material and financial resources. He doesn't care. He wants everyone to swallow the knife out of his mouth.

Think you can humiliate his woman like this with a layer of Internet skin? It's beautiful.

Thinking of this, Huo Yanlin raised his lips with self mockery.

However, she is still her own woman.

Or Wen Shutong doesn't mean to be with him anymore.

So the tenderness at the bottom of his heart turned into a cold, expressionless mouth: "speaking, you are sorry for me."

"You can obviously ask me so many wrong things. But you have to drive me into the abyss because of your suspicion, because I'm not trustworthy in your heart?"

Wen Shutong rubbed his fingertips and said softly, "it's not that you're not trustworthy. There are still a lot of words. I don't know where to ask, such as Zhou Zhengan."

"In fact, if I hadn't suffered those humiliations, it would be a beautiful turnaround. I thought that since we had completely broken up, you wouldn't care what I went through."

"That's why you think I did it on purpose. If it weren't for today's anger, it might still be hidden in your heart?"

Huo Yanlin took a sneer at the corners of his mouth. "At first I thought it was just a mistake. Now I understand that some people don't intend to speak at all."

He thought of taking her home again, but Wen Shutong thanked him for taking her in and helping, and his anger didn't come out.

Although she said she didn't have to divorce, but now she's so anxious to get rid of herself, doesn't she still have this idea?

There is even a feeling that she wants to take back the studio by talking about cooperation with her with the help of Xingyao. How small-minded she is in order to do such a dirty thing!

The expression on Wen Shutong's face was a little uneasy, but she didn't know how to refute it. She could only smile: "not everything can be exchanged between people, but the problem is really me."

"I thought it would make our relationship a little better to ignore you these days." Huo Yanlin's eyes are still floating with a layer of shallow ice, "but now it seems that there has been improvement, just the improvement of the river."

Wen Shutong had to say something more. Huo Yanlin raised his hand and interrupted, "since this thing started because of me, I'll help you do all the aftermath work. You can rest assured that the things I sent out have never been taken back, because it's your name, which I said before."

"In addition, I won't do anything else behind your back in the future. If we have to communicate, I'll tell you all. At the same time, please take care of your roommate under the same roof a little. Don't feel that there is no need to speak about anything."

"Is there anything else? If not, you can go down and choose to sign a contract or directly push off the contract with Xingyao."

Then he leaned down slightly, picked up the glasses that had just fallen to the ground and glanced at them in the light.

This eye is very delicate. When it falls on the ground, I don't know where it touched. One lens is actually broken. It reflects colorful light in the sun, which has a broken beauty.

Of course, this broken beauty is bought at the price of money.

Huo Yanlin didn't speak any more, leaving only Wen Shutong with a cold side face. The whole person is like a jade statue, separating himself from the outside world.

She didn't leave in a hurry and stood in front of the desk for a moment. He said softly, "I'm sorry I broke your glasses. Why don't I give you another pair?"

"No, get out." Huo Yanlin looked pale. "That slap is regarded as your understanding of your bad mood these days. We're clear."

Although Wen Shutong couldn't wait to stay away from him and stay with him, it was also because of death, so he had to.

But now seeing Huo Yanlin's appearance, she should clearly realize that it was because of her misunderstanding that he was completely disheartened.

Although she brought him less pain than one tenth of what she had suffered at the beginning, people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and they broke up completely. She didn't know where to find a safe haven.

Even if Sui Jian can ask for help, he is their friend, which will put Sui Jian in the middle.

Although Wen Shutong doesn't want to be so spineless, he really has no way.

Now she really feels that Huo Yanlin's shelter to her is true. He is like a towering tree, which can quietly block all the wind and rain outside.

So she adjusted her mood, smiled at the corners of her mouth and took his glasses.

"I know the brand you often use and how to maintain this kind of glasses. I'll pay for it. In the final analysis, it's my reason. Don't be angry."

Huo Yanlin turned his head and looked at her. His surprise flashed by. He soon understood what Wen Shutong wanted. He didn't say anything more, but nodded slightly: "since you are so brave, I won't stop you. You deal with it."

Wen Shutong waved to her with his glasses, and then quickly turned and left.

His eyes stared greedily at her back. Huo Yanlin didn't take it back until Wen Shutong completely left.

He sighed gently, and whispered in an almost undetectable voice, "what should I do with you..."

He couldn't find reference books or read any cases. He didn't know what kind of attitude to treat Wen Shutong.

She had to go to the doctor in a hurry. She tried all possible ways, but she still couldn't open her heart.

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