When he got out of the door and came to the elevator door, Wen Shutong saw the figure of an acquaintance.

The director just stood on the side of the elevator sweating, looked at Wen Shutong tremblingly, and said tentatively, "what does the president say, Miss Wen, what's your decision?"

"I agreed to sign the contract." Wen Shutong nodded, "by the way, please do me a little favor..."

After hearing that she agreed to sign the contract, the sweat on the director's forehead calmed down. As a result, when she heard the second half of her sentence, "miso", her hair stood up.

He is too afraid of this ancestor. If he puts forward any more requirements to him, he is a small director. How can he deal with it!

"After signing the contract, I hope I can work face to face with your company if I need it." Wen Shutong opened his mouth with a serious face.

The director didn't respond at once. He scratched his hair and looked blankly: "sorry, I don't quite understand. What's your idea?"

"Before, in order to cooperate, we would use online cooperation, which is also our main way of cooperation." Wen Shutong spoke in a businesslike manner, "but according to the distance I took the bus all the way, our company is not far away. I hope we can increase the way of cooperation. For example, if the psychological counselor is free or the children really need it, we can come to our institution for face-to-face consultation."

Wen Shutong really wants to be good for these children, but at the same time, he also holds a little bit of Xiaojiu in his heart.

Since a cooperation has just been negotiated here, Huo Yanlin may come often, so if she comes often, she can see him from time to time.

With multiple contacts, she can imperceptibly help Huo Yanlin eliminate the fire, and the contradiction may be solved slowly.

The director was overjoyed. He didn't expect the other party to have such a good service attitude, Immediately, he held out his hand excitedly and shook hands with Wen Shutong: "Miss Wen, you are so angry! The pattern is too big. I didn't expect you to have such an idea. I thank you for those children. During their class, you and other teachers are welcome whenever you want to come!"

Those who teach and educate people in schools are called teachers. Psychological counselors like them are generally also called teachers.

Probably because the names are similar, so there is a sense of synaesthesia. Wen Shutong is also very considerate of the hard work of those teachers.

So she patted the director on the arm with her backhand. On the one hand, she motioned him to let go of his hand. On the other hand, she comforted him: "this is what we should do. You're welcome."

At this time, the door of the office was suddenly opened. Huo Yanlin stepped out with long legs.

The president's elevator was not far from them. He stood at the door without expression and did not squint.

Wen Shutong quickly pulled out of the director's hand, then forcibly walked around to Huo Yanlin and said hello to him: "Hey, I'm leaving?"

"Otherwise?" Huo Yanlin lowered his eyes and glanced at her. The look on his face was still cold.

"Where are you going back? No. 2 Gutong road?" Wen Shutong stood side by side with him, pretending to be unfamiliar. "I heard it was a big villa where three men and a woman lived."

Huo Yanlin glanced at her inexplicably. He didn't know what medicine was sold in her gourd, but he still nodded.

Wen Shutong clapped his hands and said with a surprised look on his face, "look, what's wrong? I happen to be going there too. Why don't you give me a ride and you drive?"

In fact, even if she doesn't mention it, Huo Yanlin must take her back, because it's too dangerous to let her go outside alone.

After all, crises are everywhere.

But he didn't expect that Wen Shutong, who had just patted the table and challenged him in the office, should be replaced now. His attitude was so good that his tone was even as light as crosstalk.

But soon Huo Yanlin reflected that she was humorous and funny. She was just guilty. She might not be sincere at all.

"Then I have to make it clear. I'm not a good man. You know it well. If you go the same way with me, be careful of danger." Huo Yanlin said.

"Small things, beauty, at present, small dangers are nothing to say." Wen Shutong smiled, "I'm willing."

"Really?" Huo Yanlin glanced at him sarcastically, "I didn't see you were such a heavy color before."

Wen Shutong said seriously: "that may be because the color I met before is not enough."

Huo Yanlin: "..." although he knew that she was deliberately being obedient to make himself happy, the corners of his mouth were still incredible and raised slightly.

The director next to him was stunned. Unexpectedly, these two are still interested in role-playing. It's still outside. That's it!

Was the shock he had just received inexplicably just a seasoning for the couple?

He suddenly felt like a dog walking on the road. He was kicked inexplicably. It was just a wisp of dead soul under the knife of lovers' love.

So when the elevator came up here, he hurriedly told Huo Yanlin goodbye. Then he got on the elevator and ran away.

In fact, Huo Yanlin didn't even hear what the director said.

My mind is full of what Wen Shutong said just now. The whole person is a little confused.

Finally, when the elevator came up and the door opened, Wen Shutong walked in front of him, then blocked the door and said solemnly: "it's too dark in the elevator, so you need to come in and light up this place, and provide laymen like us with light comparable to the sun."

Huo Yanlin's smile almost twitched, but his voice was still cold and indifferent: "it's almost OK. Don't act so excessively."

"This is not acting, this is my heartfelt praise." Wen Shutong closed his eyes intoxicated, "if you don't come in again, I don't know how to get along with myself in the dark."

Huo Yanlin was happy but also speechless. He quickly walked in and took the elevator downstairs speechless all the way.

After getting on the bus, Wen Shutong stopped talking and just sat in the back seat with Huo Yanlin.

She fiddled with the tablet computer, replied to the messages from the background of the system, and things at work. She seemed very busy.

Huo Yanlin didn't intend to disturb her at first, but after she was a little idle. He pinched the center of his eyebrows and leaned back, carelessly opening: "why don't you play, you're out of electricity?"

"I don't think you were a little bored just now, so shut up as soon as possible." Wen Shutong said without raising his head, "I'm afraid you'll let someone seal my mouth."

Huo Yanlin sneered softly, but he didn't say anything more and didn't bother her any more.

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