They went home at the same time, and the two little guys were there.

But this time they learned to be smart and were afraid of the embarrassing situation like last time, so they didn't hurry to speak at first.

First, I looked around like a searchlight, and felt that the atmosphere between them seemed to be much more gentle than last time, so I gradually became bold.

The moon came up first and said, "why did you come back together today? Did you happen to meet at work?"


Huo Yanlin shook his head and was about to speak, but Wen Shutong immediately took over his words quietly: "you're right. Our work content just coincided. What a coincidence. Others can't have such luck."

Moon: "...?"

The little guy was confused and didn't know what was going on. He hadn't seen such a lively expression on his mother's face for a long time.

Well, it's like being lost.

Wen Shutong didn't care at all and said to Huo Yanlin, "in order to express my apology to this gentleman, I decided to cook tonight. Do you have anything you want to eat? Tell me, I'll do it."

The stars and the moon looked at each other at the same time, and they were almost shocked with the same expression.

The whole body was filled with the shock of "the sky fell, the earth fell, and the little flower dog disappeared".

Even Huo Yanlin paused and said, "whatever."

"Casually means that you are satisfied with my cooking. No matter what I do, I will gladly accept it, right? Then I'll go ~" Wen Shutong smiled gently, then flashed into the kitchen.

When she left, the moon and stars came together. The moon lowered her voice and said, "Dad, you didn't lower your head for mom. What's the situation with her now?"

"Even if you really want to take this method, at least let her change a normal way! Do you want your wife to come back or find a nanny? She has nothing to do to cook!"

In the last sentence, the moon almost roared because he couldn't understand it.

It's not only because she loves her mother's going to the kitchen, but also because Wen Shutong doesn't eat the meal. It can be said that dogs don't eat it.

But when she is in a good mood, she also likes cooking. Her family is no different from the little white mouse that is about to be poisoned.

Huo Yanlin's mood is also very complex. Even he himself can't tell what kind of way to face it now.

He took off his coat and hung it aside. He pinched his eyebrows and whispered, "I didn't ask her to do this. She volunteered. No one lowered her head. It's a long story."

It's really a long story. After all, he can't tell his two children about the misunderstandings between him and Wen Shutong. He can't tell them that he was slapped by his wife in the office just now.

With a trace of expectation in his heart, the star whispered, "has Mom returned to the past? Will she treat us as before?"

Although he usually doesn't like to talk, he is very sensitive in this regard. He is afraid that Wen Shutong really doesn't want him to talk to the moon.

Huo Yanlin looked at their appearance and felt a little unbearable, but he rubbed the cub's hair and whispered, "she didn't go back to the past, just like before. It's just that she probably felt guilty because of some wrong things."

In fact, Huo Yanlin doesn't really need this guilt.

Although he expected Wen Shutong to return to the beginning, it was not like this.

It's like a manikin with exquisite packaging, even if it looks like he likes from beginning to end, but it's not from the heart of Wen Shutong himself.

It's like a clone, even if it grows into what you want in your heart, it's not the original feeling.

He patted them on the back and said softly, "go back to your room and play first. I'll call you when the meal is ready."

The stars and the moon looked at Wen Shutong's back and turned away.

Although they make complaints about their lips, it is a luxury to eat Wen Shutong's food at such a time.

In fact, she was very happy in her heart. Even if she stayed at home all the time, it was like asking for a bargain. She wanted to see her more.

As a mature adult, Huo Yanlin actually has the same idea as them.

Even if I know that everything is false, it's still very important. I want to listen to her more and keep her by my side.

Wen Shutong has been busy in the kitchen for a long time. As a result, he brings out a dinner that is nothing.

As before, she didn't have a clear understanding of her cooking. She looked at Huo Yanlin with a look of appreciation: "I did very well tonight. I hope to get your praise selfishly. Because this will be my courage to continue to work hard."

Huo Yanlin naturally didn't have the heart to let her expectations fall, so he nodded business: "it's good, but don't exaggerate next time. I know you feel guilty, just treat it in an ordinary way."

"The usual way is too easy to quarrel. I look more sincere in this way." Wen Shutong also recovered a bit of solemnity, "tell me when you can't stand it at all. I'll just change it. Or are you a little unbearable now?"

In fact, Huo Yanlin not only didn't, but even enjoyed it. So he coughed gently and said expressionless, "it's OK. Let's do it for the time being."

Wen Shutong glanced at his face: "you know what? In fact, when your heart is happy, the expression on your face is different."

"What?" Huo Yanlin rolled up his sleeves and sat at the table. By the way, he sent a message to the two little guys with his mobile phone and asked them to come down.

"Especially when you are clearly happy in your heart but pretend to be calm on the surface, your eyes will have a very obvious arc of laughter." Wen Shutong continued to speak.

Huo Yanlin subconsciously reached out and touched the corners of his eyes to determine whether he was so obvious.

At this time, Wen Shutong patted the back of his hand and said with a smile, "so I know you don't resist so much. It's just forced to pretend to be calm again."

"When you're not angry, I'll take good care of you during this period."

"If you treat me like this just because I will protect you, you don't have to." Huo Yanlin forced down the surging emotion in his heart and pretended to be calm. "No matter what you do, I will still treat you as before."

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