The two men committed suicide. So far, the clue is completely broken. We can only investigate their traces first to find out where they came from.

However, people who commit suicide directly after being caught must be death squads. It's strange if they can be found out.

"But I thought of a question. Why didn't the other party use bullets directly?" Ouyang Wen spoke aside.

"Are you really starting to analyze?" Huo Yanlin glanced at him, "what do you think?"

"Normal discussion will provide you with ideas, and I will clear up my grievances as soon as possible. Everyone is happy." Ouyang Wen said calmly, "what do you think?"

His way of questioning was like the police came to investigate the matter and then asked the client.

Wen Shutong pressed down the doubts in his heart and said, "this is Huacheng. There are so many people here. If he shoots real bullets directly, he is likely to hurt others by mistake. If the target is just us, there is no need to do so much and take too much risk."

"That makes sense." Ouyang Wen nodded, "and if you really hurt others, it will also affect innocent people. When the police get involved in it, the people behind it will be more troublesome. I don't think he will do such a stupid thing."

Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong ignored him, but Ouyang Wen didn't feel anything. He continued to analyze, "but then again, his success rate in doing this thing is very low. What are you trying to do? Make it so troublesome?"

"Another possibility is that this man can't get a gun at all." Huo Yanlin said, "we follow the idea of retrogression. If this person is really a god of death, it was easy for him to get this thing before. But now he can't do it. Maybe he is restricted."

"It makes sense." Ouyang Wen nodded thoughtfully, and then suddenly thought of something like opening his mouth, "Oh, no, who is the God of death you said? I heard a little bit when I checked the information of the small investigation, but I'm not very clear. Do you have a grudge against this man?"

Huo Yanlin didn't respond, but said meaningfully: "take him away first, don't waste time."

The bodyguards immediately put up ouyangwen's arms and took him out directly.

"Don't let me listen? I'm just a little curious..." he struggled in the hands of the bodyguard. "I think what I just analyzed is quite reasonable and justified. Let me stay here first. Maybe I can help. Don't be so ruthless!"

The two people had a very tacit understanding. They ignored him and watched him dragged away.

There were only Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong left in the room.

"He's definitely more than he looks." Huo Yanlin spoke softly.

"Yes, he even knows who the God of death is. He almost revealed his secret just now." Wen Shutong nodded, "if he is really a man sent by the God of death, he should not make such a low-level mistake, who is he?"

"It may be a deliberate cover up. Keep looking." Huo Yanlin said, "how were you just now..."

He suddenly remembered what the bystanders said when he came back with Ouyang Wen. His eyes involuntarily fell on Wen Shutong and tentatively extended his hand.

No matter what kind of contradiction happened between two people, in the matter of life and death, those are all worthless.

Wen Shutong was also inexplicably nervous. He was hesitating whether to hide. At this time, there was a chaotic sound of footsteps in the corridor. Someone shouted excitedly: "you can see the immortal under the moon. Wake up, come on, come on!"

Most of the people who stayed in this hotel came for this reserved program. After someone shouted, the corridor became noisy and excited one after another.

Wen Shutong quickly turned around and forcibly changed the topic: "do you hear me? They said we could watch it, and we'll go down too!"

Huo Yanlin's hand stopped in the air and pretended to take it back at will. He looked faint and said, "OK."

Because he didn't know where it was and didn't even know how to watch it, Wen Shutong walked with the flow of people after he left the door.

Most of the people hurried out, pushing and shoving in the corridor. Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin were soon separated by the flow of people.

Wen Shutong walked in front. She turned back frequently. Huo Yanlin was always two or three steps away from her. He nodded at her every time and silently told her that he had not lost.

"Hey, please ask you, what is the scenery of immortal dreaming?" Wen Shutong was afraid that he couldn't see clearly, so he pulled down the person next to him and asked.

The man looked at him with a surprised look on his face, and his mouth grew slightly: "I didn't know you were running so fast? When you came, you should see a large tree in the middle of the hotel, right there."

The garden in the middle of the hotel is really not small. It is about the size of two basketball courts. There is a pool surrounded by trees. The moonlight shines and the waves are very beautiful.

Wen Shutong made a special observation when he came here and didn't find anything special.

So she was also curious and said, "that's it. Is there anything different?"

"Of course there are different places! And whether this thing can be seen depends on Providence and luck. Some people live here for several days and may not be able to see it. We are lucky!"

The man said excitedly, "all the trees in the middle of the garden are an extremely valuable tree species called Xianzhi. You should be able to see that the color of the petals is pink and white."

Wen Shutong nodded. At first glance, this kind of tree looks a little like begonia flowers, but it looks different carefully.

Her petals seem to have their own flash pieces. Even if they are not in the sun, they seem to be sparkling and glittering. They are really beautiful.

"When the hotel opened, it spent a lot of money to buy more than a dozen trees, and then specially repaired a pool. As a result, something happened when it was transplanted, and the innermost three or four trees got seriously ill." The man lowered his voice and whispered, "the saplings of this tree are hundreds of thousands, and the survival rate is very low. Three or four trees are ill, and the loss is almost millions!"

This number is really terrible for ordinary people. Wen shutongming couldn't help but sweat: "it's terrible!"

The man also nodded solemnly: "yes, so at that time, the owner of the hotel asked a lot of big cattle majoring in horticulture to save these trees. Later, it was saved. Strangely, the color of the flowers of these three trees changed!"

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