At first, Wen Shutong just wanted to ask a passer-by. Who knows, he also asked a story teller.

His voice was rhythmic and deliberately mysterious. Hearing this, Wen Shutong could not help but clench his fist. He didn't care about things outside and just wanted to know the answer.

"Two became pure white and one became gray black." He tutted softly, "that gray black is really wonderful. Before, there was a saying on the Internet that what is called colorful black? That's the feeling!"

In fact, it's OK to turn into pure white. It's still common.

But it is really rare that flowers can turn black. Looking at all kinds of species, it is not common for flowers to turn black.

Wen Shutong gave a wow: "it's a pity that I didn't notice when I came in."

The man smiled and waved his hand: "I don't blame you. White is mixed in the pink petals. It's not obvious. You really don't notice that black is more special. It usually opens only at night, and it still opens for a while like Epiphyllum. What's more, it opens whenever people want."

Wen Shutong was even more curious: "is it because he accidentally made it genetically modified during treatment?"

"Hahaha, maybe, you little girl is very humorous!" The man laughed exaggeratedly. "If you want to see this scenery, you have to wait not only for the gray and black petals to change, but also for the wind at night. We're right today. Look, isn't it windy?"

Unknowingly, the two men had gone downstairs. Just outside the door, a wind mixed with the fragrance of flowers swirled into Wen Shutong's nasal cavity.

The flower city has a strong fragrance of flowers. It can be said that every wind is sweet and greasy.

But now the wind is different. It has a very fresh feeling, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The man took a deep sniff and said, "this is the taste of Ganoderma lucidum. Look at this flower. Not only the petals are beautiful, but also the fragrance is so unique. I come here no less than 30 times a year, and I can see it very few times. Today is really great!"

Wen Shutong then understood why he suddenly popularized science with himself. It turned out that he had met something happy.

When she was about to speak, the strength of the breeze suddenly increased and a little cool.

The forbidden step on the waist was blown, and the jade objects collided and made a crisp sound.

The man's face was visibly excited. He grabbed Wen Shutong's arm and immediately said, "here comes the strength. The time is just right. Come with me. I know the best viewing place!"

"Ah, but I..." Wen Shutong remembered that he came with Huo Yanlin and hurriedly asked for an explanation.

The couple were in a state of ecstasy, but they couldn't listen at all. They ran all the way with Wen Shutong.

There was really no way. Wen Shutong had to passively run with him, and then turned his head to look back.

Huo Yanlin, who had been following her not far away, disappeared at this time. She looked into the crowd behind and didn't see a trace of him.

He was dressed in black and tall. He stood out in the crowd and could be recognized at a glance.

I can't see where I can see now. I'm afraid I've gone far.

She was in a panic for a moment, and even her steps stumbled involuntarily. She almost couldn't even run stably.

"What's the matter with you? Are you afraid I'm a bad man?" The man finally realized that she was wrong and asked, "I just want to show you. Don't be afraid."

After a brief fluster, Wen Shutong soon calmed down. They are both adults. It's not that they can't find their way home without each other.

What's more, it was very embarrassing before. Even if we stood together, we didn't say anything. We might as well look at each other. Anyway, we can meet back in our room at that time.

So she shook her head calmly: "it's all right. I can't see my companion. I'll meet him later."

"Is it your husband who will catch the bad guys for you? Don't worry, he looks so strong and will be fine. Maybe people will find a good place for you first!" The man smiled and said, "I brought my wife here. She didn't want to see it with me. She said it was too unlucky for me to stand next to me and damaged the beauty."

Wen Shutong felt that he spoke with humor and smiled.

Soon, their running stopped, and Wen Shutong was dragged to the next floor on a huge terrace of the hotel.

Originally, she thought it was a distant view here, but she didn't expect that the branches of the tree had extended into the terrace, and a layer of petals fell on the edge of the terrace.

Then the man took her to the widest view of the terrace, pointed to the middle of the trees and said, "see? You'll stare at this direction later. You'll never forget it in your life!"

I have to say that the viewing angle of this place is really very good. It is not only a condescending perspective, but also extremely open, which can have a panoramic view of everything outside.

The terrace also has a strong smell of flowers. Standing here, it seems that half of you have really stepped into the fairyland.

Wen Shutong couldn't believe it: "isn't there anyone coming up in such a good place? It's strange."

"Of course, it's impossible for anyone to come up, because there's money here!" The man smiled. "You can rent it here for one night, but the rent is 10000 yuan. It takes only a minute or two to see the process of flowers. Do you think many people will be willing to spend this price? An inch of time and an inch of gold, which is more expensive than gold!"

"Many people can rent it together, and there won't be many if they share it equally." Wenshutong opening road.

The man said, "it was like this at the beginning, but later the manager of the hotel felt that it was too cheap to sell. He would rather not have money to make it a unique place, so it became that only one family could come up at most."

This means that no matter how expensive the rent is, it can only be borne by one person.

Wen Shutong was a little embarrassed: "then I didn't go whoring on the venue you rented for nothing? Otherwise, I'll transfer the money to you after reading it, and it'll be considered that we shared it. Anyway, they didn't violate the rules between them."

The man was stunned at first, then slapped his thigh and laughed: "you really think highly of me, girl. I've spent more than 30 times a year and I don't know how much money I spent on the road. Can I rent this place?"

"I sneaked up with you. I came here many times. The manager turned a blind eye to me and allowed me to watch here for a while. Anyway, no one else bought it at ordinary times. Let's just go after reading it."

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