Xia Qingchun showed an embarrassed look on her face, lowered her voice and said, "I don't mean that with him. Most of the time, we talk about death. He and his brother just want to try with our previous experience and see if we can piece up information about this person."

"But he hasn't appeared recently. We haven't talked much. We just talk about you and your husband. There's nothing else. We can be regarded as friends."

Wen Shutong said lightly, "do you still like Jiang Xingwen?"

The place where they stood was shady, and it was quite cold on winter mornings.

Jiang Xingwen took two coats very gentlemanly and wanted to keep the two ladies out of the cold. Who knows that he heard this sentence as soon as he came over with his clothes.

He stepped back to escape from the center of the topic. As a result, Xia Qingchun said, "don't like it."

"The essence of me is mu Qiang, that is to say, I think whoever is strong will involuntarily want to get close to him. Before, for me, Jiang Xingwen has always been a strong presence."

"But it may also be that when you are old or in contact with the society, you will feel that there is no point in admiring Qiang. It is true that you are strong."

"So without the filter, people will become more calm and have less strong feelings."

She pondered a little for a moment, but she was still very sober at the beginning. "More importantly, he is a gay. I can't straighten others?"

Wen Shutong wanted to say, didn't you have such lofty words and ambitions before?

But it's not appropriate to pour cold water on others at this time, so she smiled and nodded: "what you said is reasonable. Most of us are not as strong as ourselves. We have the same view on this."

"But I think so. You shouldn't like Shao Weiyan's foolishness. He should be more suitable for people who are also jumping off on weekdays. I'll let my mother think about something later."

Xia Qingchun's face changed slightly, and subconsciously said: "not necessarily a dissolute person should like a person with jumping personality, maybe..."

"They're coming! The second lap, so fast!" After Jiang Xingwen confirmed that the content of their chat was safe, he took the initiative to come up, "has the front car been changed?"

After a lap, the car in front is not the one just now.

Xia Qingchun recognized it almost the first time: "it's Shao Weiyan!"

When he came to the car, he was a lot ahead of the second place. When he crossed the corner, he even put his head out and gestured in the direction of Xia Qingchun.

The second car is sui Jian, who doesn't drive in a hurry. Probably because they are all his own people, he seems to be walking around at first glance.

Shao Weiyan made such a gesture that Xia Qingchun's ears turned red in an instant.

I forgot what I had just said. I didn't even remember what I was going to say.

Jiang Xingwen gently bumped into Wen Shutong and whispered in her ear, "there's a play."

This time, Wen Shutong didn't care about other people's emotional problems. She looked straight around, but couldn't find Huo Yanlin's number.

When Mingming set out before, he was in the third. Why did he run around and disappear?

Several other cars have appeared, but he is still missing.

There are so many people watching together, there will certainly be no accident, but Wen Shutong thought in his heart, this fool is not inferior to others. He directly breaks the jar and falls, and doesn't even run away?

It's unnecessary. No matter what he looks like, it's a surprise for Wen Shutong. After all, I didn't expect him to race before.

Just when his heart was in a mess, suddenly a silver car appeared like a ghost.

It's Huo Yanlin's car!

He was not as fussy as Sui detective. He had to stop to say hello. Instead, he gently honked his horn when passing Wen Shutong.

Then he circled the outermost circle, and the car was like a streamline, easily crossing the penultimate, penultimate... And even the first!

The whole process can be said to be completed at one go, almost without any effort.

Wen Shutong had seen many pictures of Sui spying on their car racing before. When she wanted to catch up with the car in front, it could be said that it was all kinds of overt and covert fighting. On several occasions, she doubted whether the two cars competing for the position would collide with each other.

But his surpassing is like he is the only car on the field. It doesn't take much effort at all. It's ridiculous.

Jiang Xingwen exclaimed, "Oh, this professional level is no different from frying fish to play with them."

"What does fried fish mean?" Xia Qingchun took the lead in asking Wen Shutong's doubts.

"It's some high-end players in the game who maliciously bully some junk low-end players." Another cheerleader nearby said, "but he's definitely not a malicious bully. Just now when his car followed him, he was like a supervisor. When I accelerated to catch up, my fucking heart was almost paralyzed. It's so handsome!"

"Yes, isn't this feeling of controlling the track a professional racing driver?" Another person echoed, "Miss Wen, did Mr. Huo have multiple identities before? Tell us the truth, has he ever run a racing car before?"

"Of course, Shu Tong didn't know that before they got married," Wen said

"That's genius, proper genius!" The person who first spoke sighed, "why didn't you see him play with us earlier? He taught us that we little bastards can win or lose at the moment."

His friend is so good, and Jiang Xingwen is also with you Rongyan: "he is the president of the company. He is usually busy with his work. Where does he have time to take you newcomers to play racing? This is a big man who can't be hit by high salary."

"You know he's great?" Wen Shutong looked at Jiang Xingwen unexpectedly.

He nodded. "Well, I've run before. How do you think we know him?"

"Together, I don't know alone?" Wen Shutong smiled bitterly, "I don't know how many surprises he has?"

"People always have to keep their strength to have a sense of mystery. It's boring if they hand in all their cards at the beginning." Jiang Xingwen said with a smile, "he must have many little secrets. You haven't discovered them yet. You two live a few more years and look at them a little."

While talking, their second lap came back.

There is a block in the distance. I can't see the specific situation clearly. I can see the ranking of the car only when I pass the penultimate corner.

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