The first one to come this time became Sui Jian's car.

Immediately behind him was Shao Weiyan's car.

When he was about to reach the end, Shao Weiyan's car suddenly turned a corner of nearly 90 degrees, and then pasted into Sui Jian's car!

At first glance, the scene looked like two cars were going to collide, and one of them was going to revenge the other.

Xia Qingchun was startled and screamed: "no!"

When the two cars were close at hand, they suddenly slowed down, and then the LED screen jumped out of the windshield behind them, making a heart gesture.

The two racers also leisurely extended a hand from the window, waving a small white flag with a row of black words: "Miss Xia, I admit defeat, I admit I like you ~"

Words began to pop up on the LED screen: the gambling appointment is false. I like you to be true. Do you want to try with me?

Since the two cars were approaching, Wen Shutong had vaguely guessed what was going on. Seeing the fancy scene, his aunt smiled on his face.

No wonder Shao Weiyan pretends to be mysterious. He is really embarrassed to tell others too clearly. After all, young people are thin skinned.

Xia Qingchun was also stunned. She didn't return to her mind for a long time. She almost pinched the paper coffee cup.

Jiang Xingwen also opened his mouth and said, "he did say the call of chaos before. He said that in order to solve the God of death, he tried to bubble you and get news from your mouth, but the God of death had been solved long ago, but he put himself in."

"Some feelings may have a dirty purpose at the beginning, but love is clean. If you think it's not so bad, you can try it."

No wonder he didn't go to the sports car. He was called a doctor. It turned out that he was doing side talk.

Wen Shutong was very dissatisfied. Shao Weiyan didn't trust himself. If he had mentioned it to her earlier, could he be worse than Jiang Xingwen?

"It's right for you to pursue your career, but sometimes you can try to stop. As you said, it takes so long for mu Qiang to find that he is not as strong as himself." Jiang Xingwen's voice sounded slowly again, "but the meaning of some people's existence is that when you are physically and mentally tired of being tortured by the society, you turn around and find that there are hands waiting to lead you behind your back. That person is not me, but it can be someone else."

Wen Shutong is convinced and knows why he sent Jiang Xingwen to be this lobbyist.

Because Xia Qingchun liked him before, asking him to persuade people to learn to put it down seems to get twice the result with half the effort.

Xia Qingchun still didn't speak, but her eyes were bright and there seemed to be tears in them.

Jiang Xingwen was not in a hurry. When she answered, she smiled gently: "it doesn't matter. You have a lot of time to think about. Shao Weiyan said that he can wait for you until you are 30 and continue to watch."

His voice fell and the two cars separated. Shao Weiyan's car turned a big corner again and ran to the front of Sui Jian's car, opposite his car.

Both cars turned on their lights at the same time, and then began to spin on the road at a very slow speed, as if two people were hugging and kissing.

This is called "kiss of death", which was advertised by a racing driver a long time ago, and it was still a sensation at that time.

Wen Shutong was moved by what he saw. It seems that they can't always say that Shao Weiyan is a straight man. In these aspects, he still has some ingenious ideas of his own.

At the same time, Xia Qingchun's tears finally fell down.

She sobbed and said, "at the beginning, I was still wondering why he chose this place at this time and even this time to confess to me."

"I just thought it over carefully before I realized that the last time you refused me was here, even at the same time. Did he want to make up for what I lost from others?"

"Sure enough, straight men are straight men. Even the way of advertising should be so... Unique?"

Her last words were uttered with almost complete trembling, and her tears had fallen out of shape.

Wen Shutong quickly took out a paper towel and handed it to him. He whispered, "I've never seen him spend such thoughts on other girls before. It seems that he is really serious this time."

Xia Qingchun firmly grasped the paper towel in her hand, didn't wipe tears or speak, so she kept looking at the direction of Shao Weiyan's car.

At this time, the rhythm of the two rotating cars suddenly couldn't match the number. Shao Weiyan's car seemed to speed up gradually.

Sui detective tried to chase him at first, but he probably found something wrong, and then tried his best to play a double flash.

The safety officer nearby also found something wrong and immediately planned to ask in detail. However, Shao Weiyan's car suddenly deviated from the track and rushed directly to the side!

In particular, a small depression, although not high, is extremely steep. If the car falls, it will be slightly injured at least!

Sui Jian also stepped up the accelerator to rush up, but he was still a little slow and couldn't catch up with his rhythm at all.

Xia Qingchun saw that the direction was not quite right, and immediately panicked, trembling and rushed forward.

"Take her! Danger!" Jiang Xingwen hurriedly said anxiously, "let them solve the things on the road!"

Wen Shutong reacted quickly and quickly grabbed her, but she rushed so hard that Wen Shutong almost didn't grab it.

At this critical moment, Huo Yanlin's silver car rushed out like a sharp sword, resisted Shao Weiyan's car with a very tricky action, and then walked inside against him for about four or five meters.

So forcibly pushed him to a safe place.

The security officer also rushed up and quickly opened the door.

Shao Weiyan stumbled out of the car. His forehead and body were covered with blood. He didn't even stand firm. He was about to slide down the car.

At this moment, Wen Shutong couldn't hold Xia Qingchun. She rushed over like crazy, grabbed his shoulder, and said out of control, "what's the matter? What's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

Shao Weiyan opened his blood stained eyes, raised his hand with difficulty, touched Xia Qingchun's head, and said in a hoarse voice, "small problem, I was hit. It took a little time. I didn't stabilize the car just now."

"Is this a small problem? If it wasn't stopped in time just now, you would fall down!" Xia Qingchun's voice was sharp, "who hit you? What's going on? You talk!"

Sui detective also got off the bus and was even more confused: "shit, what's going on? I'm scared to death. How did the confession make a bloody romance?"

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