Huo Yanlin also pondered and shook his head slowly.

At first, he guessed that it might be death, but it's not like his style to move on every car.

Because although he has a good means, he basically focuses on the people around them and won't inexplicably involve irrelevant people, let alone he doesn't have the energy now.

So what is the purpose of this?

"In this way, first deal with his wound, and then we'll check the monitoring data on the other side of the hotel to see if there's anyone inside and outside." Huo Yanlin said, "don't move these cars first. I'll ask someone to check the other party's invasion path and see how he controls it."

Originally, this was a very relaxed advertisement. As a result, it immediately became delicious and the atmosphere became involuntarily serious.

Several other people didn't expect to be involved in this kind of incident innocently. Looking at their cars was like looking at a time bomb. They were a little scared.

"Ah, right, right. We can't panic now. Whoever he is, anyway, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth." Sui detective soon recovered, "where's Jiang Xingwen? It's so noisy here. What are you doing there? Why not --"

While his eyes looked at him, his voice suddenly stopped, "what's the matter with Wen Shutong?"

Not far from them, Wen Shutong walked as if he had suddenly lost his strength and fell directly to one side.

Jiang Xingwen quickly stretched out his hand and half hugged her in his arms. He hurriedly went to check her situation, but it seemed to be out of order. He looked a little flustered.

Huo Yanlin was thinking about what was in front of him. When he heard the sound, his expression suddenly changed. He turned his head and rushed over without saying a word.

Seeing his figure, Jiang Xingwen spoke quickly and said, "when we ran here just now, I felt that her state was not quite right, her face turned white and her breath was short. I thought she was worried, so I slowed down and walked with her. I didn't expect --"

Unexpectedly, people suddenly fell down, and Wen Shutong's body trembled gently in his arms. His muscles had very serious spasm symptoms, which looked very scary.

Most importantly, Jiang Xingwen failed to find out her specific situation and what was going on.

Wen Shutong trembled hard. She slowly lifted her thin lips and seemed to have something to say.

Huo Yanlin bent down cautiously and cautiously, gently held her in his arms, and said softly, "I'll come."

Jiang Xingwen released his hand, and his voice was mixed with worry: "I feel that her symptoms are the same as when she was in the hospital last time."

At the same time, Shao Weiyan and Sui Jian also ran over together.

Shao Weiyan was so frightened that he couldn't even speak: "my sister... How's my sister?"

"It doesn't matter. Don't be afraid. I'm here. I'm here." Huo Yanlin held Wen Shutong tightly in his arms, patted her on the back and gently comforted, "Shutong, don't be afraid, it's me, I'm here."

Wen Shutong shook his hands and grabbed his collar. His eyes were full of pain, as if no one's comfort could make her better.

Huo Yanlin was very patient and still patted her rhythmically. His other hand rubbed her spasmodic muscles, and his voice was gentle enough to drip water.

"It doesn't matter. You can say whatever you want. I'll listen here. No one can do anything to you."

"Blood..." she slowly spit out words, "kill... I kill..."

Her voice was not loud, but because the scene was extraordinarily quiet, everyone heard it clearly.

Everyone looked at each other, completely wondering why she said so.

Huo Yanlin didn't have the slightest vibration on his face, not even a surprised expression.

His voice was like a slowly flowing spring: "you don't, you are my wife, my clean wife."

"They... Take people to dark places and drag everyone to hell. I don't deserve it. I shouldn't be your wife." Wen Shutong lay painfully on his shoulder. Tears fell down and filled Huo Yanlin's clothes.

Huo Yanlin closed his eyes slightly and covered the pain that flashed through his eyes.

His hand gently pinched the back of Wen Shutong's neck: "it's not what you think. Those are illusions and fake."

Wen Shutong in her arms let out a painful sob. After half a minute, she squeezed out a sentence: "leave me alone, please."

Huo Yanlin's directness also trembled slightly. His bones were blue and white, but his voice was firm and could not be refused: "I will never, never give up on you."

Sui detective was also confused at first, but when he heard the dialogue between the two, he couldn't help tightening up.

It seemed that they were playing some riddles, and it was a very strange riddle, as if it had something to do with the fate of Wen Shutong.

But no matter what, it probably did work. Wen Shutong was quiet in Huo Yanlin's arms, and then he seemed to fall asleep and didn't continue to struggle.

Huo Yanlin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'll take her back to the hotel to have a rest."

"Is my sister all right..." Shao Weiyan said anxiously, "my sister wasn't like this before."

Sui Jian raised his elbow and gently pushed him, then shook his head slightly and motioned him not to ask again.

There must be a secret behind this kind of thing that others don't want to tell, and there's no need to ask.

Unexpectedly, Huo Yanlin didn't seem to have any intention of hiding. He said, "it's a long story. We'll talk about it later."

He bowed his head and kissed Wen Shutong's forehead lightly: "go to bed and wake up and everything will be fine."

Wen Shutong was sent back. Half an hour later, Huo Yanlin and Sui Jian sat in the coffee area of the hotel.

The wound on Shao Weiyan's face has been treated. It's really not in the way. There's no big problem.

Strictly speaking, today is the day of his successful confession, but because of Wen Shutong, he didn't care about happiness and almost waited for Huo Yanlin for half an hour.

Others looked the same dignified. They were slightly relieved when they saw Huo Yanlin coming.

"How are you? Is she there?" Jiang Xingwen said with concern, "I'm sorry, I can't help at once."

"Nothing." Huo Yanlin nodded, "I'm worried that she will have any emergencies, so I waited in the room for a while. At present, it seems that there should be no big deal."

After that, he raised his hand and looked at his watch. "The time is almost up, and they will probably come too."

Sui Jian looked blankly: "who?"

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