During the conversation, the door of the hotel had been opened and a man and a woman came in at the same time.

It is today that Shao Yunzheng and Tan Mingyi did not appear.

Previously, Shao Weiyan specially invited his brother, but he refused on the grounds of having a job. Originally, he thought he would not meet today.

Unexpectedly, he not only came, but also came with Tan Mingyi.

Shao Yunzheng nodded and said hello. He didn't have time to explain something to Shao Weiyan. He directly said, "is there the same situation as we guessed?"

Tan Mingyi's face was also dignified. "Is there really a stress response?"

"No, what riddles are you playing? Because we have no culture, isn't it worthy of listening?" Sui Jian came up with a blank face.

"Well, you know I've been trying to get close to wenshutong some time ago." Tan Mingyi changed the appearance of running the train with her mouth full before, and spoke concisely and effectively. "In fact, I'm trying to observe her behavior pattern."

Sui detective said unexpectedly, "really? I still can't see it."

"I have to hide a little deeper. Otherwise, if she pays too much attention, it will not be conducive to the observation effect." Tan Mingyi explained, "instead of talking nonsense, I'll directly say the conclusion. I found that the change of her behavior pattern is indeed affected by hormone levels."

After she finished, no one answered next to her, probably because she couldn't understand.

Shao Yunzheng took her words: "we didn't have a suspicion before. We said we suspected that something had been implanted in his body, but we didn't find any big problems after doing his cranial magnetism. We just suspected that something had amplified her mood."

With his explanation, Sui investigators probably understood: "that means, have you found out what it is now?"

"Well, but we can see that it's not a drug, let alone a chip, but a memory." Tan Mingyi nodded and spoke solemnly.

"Memory? What does that mean?" Everyone was confused again. Such a dialogue was like playing charades. Every sentence stepped on the point they didn't understand, "can this thing also have any impact on emotion? Is it the ghost of death?"

"According to my speculation, it's likely that he sent this thing, but it shouldn't be his ghost, because it's almost impossible to bury the line for such a long time." Tan Mingyi said, "this memory should be at least before she was ten years old."

"No, what memory? Why can't I understand?" Sui detective became more and more confused. "How can I feel like an illiterate now?"

"I don't know what memory it is. How can I tell you?" Tan Mingyi was beaten back to the original shape, "I also want to know what happened in her mind. It may be helpful for the research, but now I can't ask directly. I'm more anxious than you!"

"Wait a minute, I stroked the previous consequence, which means that there was a very painful memory sealed in her mind, and then death woke up her memory with a potion when she left." Jiang Xingwen said calmly, "is that almost what he meant?"

"Yes, but it's not a complete awakening. I don't know how to explain it to you. It's that different things are managed in human brain regions. There is something called amygdala, which probably controls emotions such as fear."

Tan Mingyi began to popularize science, "but if trained, it will make people desensitized, that is, there will be no fear, but it is also difficult to generate trust and love. She has received such training before."

"Later, for some reason, she forgot the content of the training, and the brain learned to repair itself, which helped her seal this memory, but now a medicine woke her up again, okay?"

"It means that there is a scar on her brain, which has been forgotten, but now the scar has been uncovered again." Sui Jian tried his best to translate it in vernacular, "so there are two emotions intertwined in her mind now, which makes her so painful."

"Yes." Tan Mingyi nodded, "so now there are two solutions. One is to let her forget this memory, but to let her remember it all and face the past."

"Forget it." Shao Weiyan said, "my sister looked so scary just now. What did such a thin person look like?"

Shao Yunzheng's expression changed slightly, lowered his voice and said, "what's the matter with her?"

Shao Weiyan described to him vividly, highlighting Wen Shutong's terrible muscle spasm.

Tan Mingyi is quite used to this: "this is the physical changes caused by psychological factors. If he is allowed to face these memories directly, the body should have this situation frequently until complete desensitization."

"Otherwise, let her forget. Let's try again." Shao Yunzheng subconsciously took the road.

During this time, Huo Yanlin and Tan Mingyi were not the only ones working hard. Shao Yunzheng also provided a lot of help.

He was also good at psychology before, but he hasn't used it for a long time. Now he's back in place.

Tan Mingyi and I didn't deal with each other at the beginning, but gradually became partners. Many times, Tan Mingyi was amazed by his operation.

Even later, I had to admit that Shao Yunzheng was a real cow, even better than her who had a lot of internship experience.

"Respect her own ideas." Huo Yanlin whispered, "when she wakes up, make her own choice."

"I can probably guess that she will choose to face it directly, but that memory is not good for her." Shao Yunzheng's face also became dignified. "There's no need to find it back and add distress to his disciples?"

"As she mentioned before, no one is qualified to stop her if she wants to find her context." Huo Yanlin also frowned, raised his eyelids and looked in the direction of Shao Yunzheng, "what qualifications do you have to make a decision for her?"

"But a memory is useless and painful for people. There is no need to keep it at all."

Shao Yunzheng's look became colder and colder. "I've had my own experience, so I can feel it. We don't have to mention it deliberately in front of her. When we can find the medicine in this regard, or even the shield, we can just give it to her directly?"

He had experienced the pain of being manipulated by memory before, and naturally he didn't want Wen Shutong to repeat his mistakes.

But at the same time, Shao Yunzheng also knew that Wen Shutong had always been full of exploration for unknown things. If no one advised her, she would certainly continue to insist.

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