"I think what I just said should not be difficult to understand. I mean, leave her alone." Huo Yanlin's face became more and more gloomy. "Even if she doesn't choose by herself, I'm her husband and have the right to choose for her."

Shao Yunzheng sneered: "I'm afraid you've already been selfish to your bones. You want to know what that memory is. You don't care whether she's in pain or not. You just want to satisfy your selfish desires!"

Between the lightning and flint, the two are already at a crossfire, and their eyes seem to be crackling with lightning and thunder.

"Are you his husband? You know better than me?" Huo Yanlin was still expressionless.

He sat so lightly, but the hostility in his eyes was not concealed at all.

Seeing the atmosphere getting more and more tense, Tan Mingyi hurriedly said, "come on, come on, two big guys, stop arguing. I have a relatively neutral opinion here. I don't know what you think."

At the same time, they turned their heads and looked in her direction, which made Tan Mingyi shiver.

She hardened her head and said, "if she insists on remembering, we'll try to beautify her memory."

"Didn't I hear that one thing you took back from Ares's laboratory can transform people's memory?"

Her voice just fell. The voices of Huo Yanlin and Shao Yunzheng sounded in her ear at the same time: "no!"

Tan Mingyi's numb scalp seemed to be pulled by someone, and she quickly raised her hands.

She begged: "I just said it casually. I think it's a little easier to solve. If you two have a better solution, of course, you don't need this."

"Her memory has been transformed before. If she still needs to be transformed in this way, it will be a secondary injury to her." Huo Yanlin said.

Shao Yunzheng agreed, but his voice was cold and said, "you know this kind of thing will hurt her for the second time. Now you have to let her face the fear of memory, which is also a kind of harm."

"She has the right to know." Huo Yanlin continued to speak with a cold face.

Anyway, who said who was right? None of them planned to give in. Sui Jian sat next to them and simply became a foil.

"Then what? I think in the final analysis, I have to ask my sister. It doesn't make sense for you two to decide for her."

Shao Weiyan said cautiously, "anyway, she doesn't remember now. It won't hurt to ask. Tell her what's at stake. My sister is not a fool. She can choose by herself."

"But you can see from her normal appearance that she is the type of cat killed by curiosity. We must find out anyway." Shao Yunzheng frowned, "do you want to see her tortured by memories?"

"As you said, she is like this. Why should she block her nature? If she chooses to escape, isn't she?"

Shao Weiyan opened his mouth and asked, "brother, what do you think? Who doesn't want to have a complete memory, and who wants to be deceived by the wrong things?"

He had a tit for tat fight with Huo Yanlin and had a terrible quarrel. Now Shao Weiyan said that it was strange that he began to think deeply.

Just now, in addition to holding their own ideas, they also meant to vent each other. After calming down, he found that Shao Weiyan's statement seemed to be reasonable.

After a short pause, Shao Yunzheng said, "we can let her know the past, but all of us must accompany us all the way, and there can be no mistake in the middle."

"She is my wife. I can accompany her myself." Huo Yanlin answered with a cold face, "what does it have to do with you?"

Shao Yunzheng's expression changed and seemed to turn over again. Tan Mingyi quickly stretched out his hand and pulled it.

She didn't know how to resolve the contradiction between the two people, so she had nothing to say: "Why are you two arguing so fiercely? Aren't you his brother? Don't you like your sister?"

Tan Mingyi is just trying to adjust the atmosphere and make everything easier.

Who knows, as soon as this sentence came out, the room was suddenly quiet.

Shao Weiyan said directly, "when did you see it?"

"Lying trough!" Tan Mingyi suddenly enlarged her eyes, "is it true?"

"You say less." Shao Yunzheng glanced at Shao Weiyan and finally sat back in his position. "We also need to know her physical and mental condition. This is the bottom line. It saves some people from waking up her memory regardless of the cost for their own selfish desires."

"Guys, I'll interrupt a little. I really don't understand. Why do you always think Lao Huo will forcibly awaken her memory for his own selfish desires?"

After all, they are husband and wife. Sui detective didn't think about it at all. Why did Shao Yunzheng insist on it.

The two men sneered almost at the same time, and then said the same point of view almost unanimously.

Because of that memory, Wen Shutong's hormones and brain were forcibly regulated, and his response to feelings was slow and indifferent.

Huo Yanlin must be in a hurry to get this feeling back. After all, such a big wife can't be said to be gone without her.

After that, Huo Yanlin glanced at him indifferently and said word by word: "don't use your narrow mind to guess others."

Shao Yunzheng snorted and smiled. Obviously, he didn't intend to talk to him anymore.

Sui Jian smiled awkwardly and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

When there is no contradiction between the two at ordinary times, they seem to be able to get along well with each other. Moreover, Shao Yunzheng is a rare gentleman with a great degree of hesitation.

Unexpectedly, when there were differences, the two immediately degenerated to the level of primary school students.

"You really like your sister?" Obviously, Tan Mingyi still stays on the last question, and she can ask it silently.

"Before." Shao Yunzheng pondered for a moment, but still whispered, "now I just hope she can be happy and live happily."

"I think your sister was like before. If you fall in love and get married, she is expected to be very happy." Tan Mingyi spoke solemnly.

Shao Yunzheng was not in the mood to joke with her at this time, and the topic returned to the right track: "is there a way for our technology to restore her memory? Under the condition of reducing the pain as much as possible?"

"In fact, we basically don't need our technology. I think the other party should just want to awaken her memory."

Tan Mingyi said positively, "so I think we should do the opposite and slow down the speed of her memory recovery. We should try our best to ensure that she is not so painful. What do you say?"

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