Wen Shutong sighed lightly: "feelings, just don't like it. Not all people have to be together all their life."

"Ouyangwen, you shouldn't have kept it from me. You should have told me earlier. In this way, I saved a lot of trouble."

"Sorry." Xiaoheng rubbed his hand on his knee in a cramped way. "At the beginning, I really just planned to let him observe in the dark as a bystander, but I didn't expect that thing happened that day. He appeared in front of you by mistake."

"And he is a normal heterosexual. In order to let you down your guard, I can only let him pretend to be interested in others next to you. I didn't expect to be a bit self defeating."

There was a child's regret for the hasty plan in his words.

Carefully recall what Ouyang Wen did before. It seems that everything is organic.

After taking a breath, Wen Shutong said, "don't do this next time."

Just then, the elevator door was pushed open again, and a man dressed in a white coat and looking like a doctor hurried in.

Xiaoheng nodded as a greeting, then rushed to Wen Shutong and said, "sister, I know you won't take the initiative to go to the hospital. Anyway, I happened to see it today, so I specially went to the doctor to see what's wrong with you. Don't delay."

Wen Shutong didn't expect that he should cut first and then play, and his face changed again: "no, what are you doing now..."

"It's because I know you. If you go back alone, you'll certainly fool around and won't see a doctor." He still had a sincere look on his face, but what he said could not be refused.

Wen Shutong really felt his change this time.

In the past, he was more inclined to be a good child. Most of the time, he seemed to have no backbone and had been chasing after Wen Shutong.

Now he has completely changed and brought a little killing spirit. Most things can be arbitrary without discussing with anyone.

For the first time, Wen Shutong felt powerless without temper when facing a child. It seemed that he had no way to refuse him at all.

So she had to leave and went into a room with the doctor for his examination.

Xiaoheng stood outside and sincerely apologized: "sister, I know this matter will offend you, and you are likely to be angry with me, but I just hope you are healthy."

"I haven't been here long, and I can't stay with you for long at all. I just hope to see you full of vitality in this limited time."

"You must think I've become a less likable person now? I like to do things that force you."

Wen Shutong in the room didn't speak. After she answered the doctor's question, she closed her eyes slightly.

Xiaoheng outside was a little anxious and said eagerly, "I know you must be angry now, but can you ignore me? Talk with me and say anything, sister?"

The door lock shook a little, as if Wen Shutong could break in without talking.

So Wen Shutong gently exhaled, lowered his voice and said, "it's okay. I'm not so angry. I can understand your good intentions."

Just then, the doctor in charge of examining her suddenly said, "Miss Wen, take the liberty to ask, do you have any plans to have children?"

Wen Shutong was stunned and looked at him with some incredible.

The doctor said, "according to your main complaint and preliminary judgment, what you just said is the reaction of early pregnancy."

He turned over his medical box again, took out the test paper from it and handed it to him. "You can try it, but my judgment basically won't go wrong. But if you don't have this plan, you'd better plan as soon as possible."

After handing the things to Wen Shutong, he got up very politely, then closed the door of the room and left enough time for her.

Then there was the voice of his low voice conversation with Xiaoheng outside.

Wen Shutong was confused with the pregnancy test stick.

It won't be so bloody. When the divorce is coming, this kind of thing falls on yourself. What's the matter?!

Definitely not the last time. It should be before she remembered the past.

But the problem is that after so many things, she used a lot of drugs. It's puzzling how the child stayed.

Although his heart was full of resistance, Wen Shutong went to the bathroom to try.

The result was unsatisfactory - she was indeed pregnant.

She took something out of the door. Xiaoheng's eyes looked at her like a little dog, and there seemed to be some imperceptible grievances in her eyes: "sister, don't be angry."

"I'm not angry, and the doctor's judgment just now is true." Wen Shutong sighed, "because there was no omen at all before, why did I suddenly have a reaction today, and it was the last result I wanted."

There was a feeling of public punishment when discussing this in front of unfamiliar people. Wen Shutong couldn't say it clearly, but his expression was particularly distressed.

The doctor said, "everyone's pregnancy reactions are different. Some even realize it when they are four or five months old. We haven't seen such a big heart. It's reasonable for you to be busy with other things recently."

Wen Shutong was speechless, so he had to smile faintly: "I already have the answer in my heart. I'll take it away."

Xiaoheng's eyes flashed a look of surprise: "have you decided so soon?"

"Isn't it fast? Will it become trouble and burden when he is big?" Wen Shutong said expressionless, "what's more, I don't plan to have a baby for Huo Yanlin now. It's unnecessary. So I'd better beat the child early while he doesn't know. It's better to have a long pain than a short one."

Xiaoheng didn't speak, but his eyes took a bit of panic and looked behind her: "sister..."

Wen Shutong was confused: "what's the matter? Is it that these words I said are a little difficult to understand? Or do you think..."

"He probably thought what you said was too cold and irrelevant." A low voice sounded behind her, "I don't know. I thought you just dealt with a problem, not a child, and it belongs to us."

Huo Yanlin.

Wen Shutong turned his head and bumped into his cold eyes.

He should still be in the hospital to recover, but he actually appeared here.

But Wen Shutong was only flustered for a moment, and said calmly, "if he's here, I'll have the right to execute him. Even if half of it has something to do with you, so what?"

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