Wen Shutong's voice was extremely cold, without a trace of emotion.

Huo Yanlin seemed calm on the surface, but in fact his fingertips had trembled slightly.

He lowered his voice: "listen to what you say yourself. Can someone who is going to be a mother say it?"

"You still have to pay attention to the wording. I'm not going to be a mother. I'm not interested." Wen Shutong said coldly, "don't press this name on me."

Huo Yanlin walked away quickly, his face almost touched her, and his voice was cold: "I used it for so long before and finally covered you with heat. I thought the relationship between us was a little relaxed."

"Now it seems that you have changed in the final analysis. Everything is different from before. You are like a cold heart... No, you don't have a heart at all."

Wen Shutong also raised his head and looked at him without fear: "so, now you are asking questions?"

Huo Yanlin grabbed her wrist and said, "I don't want to quarrel with you here. Come with me."

At the moment when he held her, Xiaoheng's hand came in.

His voice was as light as before, but his tone was the same: "my sister doesn't seem to want to go with you."

Huo Yanlin looked down at him. Although his face was still morbid pale, his aura could still frighten people: "what does it have to do with you?"

Xiaoheng can look at him frankly: "brother-in-law, I also call her sister. Naturally, I want to protect her."

"I just heard her say that your relationship has come to a dead end. Even so, don't you want to let her go?"

"This is between us. It has nothing to do with you." Huo Yanlin looked indifferent. "It's a good thing that you have returned to he's house and have a new power. But it doesn't mean you're qualified to shout in front of me."

Because of his injuries, Huo Yanlin didn't speak very loudly, but his words were like nails.

When he looked at Xiaoheng, the gap between them was nothing.

Huo Yanlin's body has a kind of maturity and hegemony after years of precipitation. The swords and shadows in the mall and the accumulation of family wealth for generations have piled up into such a noble, elegant and superior appearance.

That's a temperament that can't be compared with any acquired training. It's enough to make people scared to go there so lightly.

Although Xiaoheng didn't give in at all, he dared to look at Huo Yanlin with all kinds of swords and shadows.

But the gap between them can still be seen at a glance, because he is too young.

"Brother in law, I'll call your brother-in-law to show respect for the time being." Xiaoheng spoke slowly, "but I'm not shouting. I'm just stating the facts. You've lived with her for so many years. Can't you write with respect?"

Huo Yanlin would not have said if it were just the two of them fighting, but the problem is that now there is a person in the middle, Wen Shutong.

More importantly, Wen Shutong, who no longer loves him and is determined to leave.

Huo Yanlin's action became more and more overbearing: "I don't need you to teach me. Don't get in the way."

Xiaoheng's hand still didn't loosen. He slowly said, "this hotel is full of my people. Let go of my sister."

"Well." Huo Yanlin raised his eyebrows expressionless. "That's unfortunate. All the people downstairs are mine. It's also natural for me to take my wife."

The two men were right, and they were in a stalemate for a moment.

Until Wen Shutong snorted coldly and said, "sorry, you two, I'm dead. Don't I know? I haven't spoken about my affairs yet. You are scrambling to make a decision for me?"

Xiaoheng quickly showed weakness, with an apology on his face and said, "sorry, sister, I don't have to make a decision for you, but I just hope you can do what you want to do and don't be forcibly disturbed by him."

Compared with his examination and timely bow, Huo Yanlin's tough nature is not pleasing at all.

What's more, Wen Shutong already had the answer in his heart at the beginning. It's self-evident who he would choose.

Xiaoheng raised his eyelids and looked at Huo Yanlin. Although he didn't show too obvious expression, the smile at the bottom of his eyes seemed to be unable to hide.

However, the next second, Wen Shutong said calmly, "I'd better go back with Huo Yanlin first. This matter must be settled."

Xiaoheng's expression changed slightly: "sister?"

"If you have any difficulties here, go to the new address of the company to find me. If there is no accident, I will basically be there." Wen Shutong stuffed a business card into his hand, "if you feel unhappy, you can also come to me. I specialize in treating unhappiness."

"But now, it seems that you are unhappy..." Xiaoheng's voice trembled slightly. "Can I really see you again?"

Before Wen Shutong could speak, Huo Yanlin forced Wen Shutong to go his separate ways.

Then there is such a seemingly divorced couple, but at the moment of holding hands, both sides tightened their wrists.

Although they didn't say anything, the strength in their hands tightened a little, as if they were holding hands and silently fulfilling their promises.

So they went back. That night, Wen Shutong still asked to kill the child and completely tear his face with Huo Yanlin.

Finally, although the child didn't reach an agreement, the two had made three rules.

When the child is a little older, he will have a comprehensive screening. If he is not ill, he will be born, but Wen Shutong will have two-thirds more property at the time of divorce.

Such behavior is nothing more than threatening the child. Huang Shuyun naturally turned his face on the spot, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law quarreled bitterly.

Wen Shutong did not care and told him that if the child was ill, she would directly kill him, and she would not take any extra property, and now if she did, the same would be true.

However, Huo Yanlin refused to give in and still planned to wait for a period of inspection, as if he was bound to win the child.

After the quarrel, Wen Shutong didn't know where to go, so he went back to the previous ward alone and slept quietly all night.

However, the next day, the door of Wen Shutong's room was snapped, and Huang Shuyun's recognizable voice came in.

"What do you sleep? Wake up! Where have you taken your two children? What do you mean, you snake hearted woman?"

"If you want to divorce him, I won't say much. What's the point of taking the child away now? You don't do this on purpose because you know that if you divorce, the child can't be judged in your hand?"

"I've given you what I want. Why don't you know how to be satisfied? I've misjudged you for so many years!"

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