Wen Shutong was so noisy that his head hurt that he quickly opened the door and said inexplicably, "what did you say in the morning?"

"I also want to ask you, what are you thinking about?" Huang Shuyun pinched his waist and took a deep breath. "Where did you get the two children? I won't stop you if you want to go, but if you dare to touch our grandson, don't blame me for not letting you go!"

Wen Shutong's expression changed slightly: "I didn't touch them. I basically didn't talk to them yesterday."

Huang Shuyun's originally angry expression suddenly paused, followed by a raised voice: "how is it possible? Who else can take these two children away silently except you? You don't pretend!"

After that, she angrily pushed Wen Shutong, which made her stagger and almost fell.

Wen Shutong took a deep breath: "even if you are crazy, you should be reasonable. At this time, you should hurry to find them instead of scolding in front of me! Don't call quickly!"

Huang Shuyun glared at her angrily, and then turned to make a phone call.

At the same time, Wen Shutong was not idle, and Ma kept crying to help investigate.

"I called my son and he'll be right back. If it's really related to you, I won't let you go!" Huang Shuyun passed by her door and didn't forget to stop and scold.

Wen Shutong was speechless and simply ignored her.

She went to the monitoring room of the hospital to get the monitoring, but she didn't see any useful information.

I can only take the elevator again.

The moment the elevator door opened, a figure with a cap stood quietly in the corner without looking up at her.

Wen Shutong faintly felt the smell of danger and subconsciously stepped back, but unexpectedly, the other party was suddenly in trouble.

He strangled her neck and pulled her into the elevator. Then a handkerchief was pressed on Wen Shutong's nose!

She didn't even have time to utter a scream. Her body softened and fell into each other's arms.

When Shu Tong woke up again, she saw Xiaoheng's hotel before, but it was in his room.

Xiaoheng was on his side and leaned over to help her untie the rope binding her hands: "sister, did it hurt you? I'm sorry."

Wen Shutong looked at him with a puzzled look on her face. She lowered her voice: "what do you mean?"

"They were afraid of your self mutilation, so they tied up your hands and feet. They may have exerted a little too much force, so they scratched your wrist. It was not intentional." He whispered and explained, "don't be angry, will you?"

His tone was still so cautious, as if Wen Shutong was still the unreachable person for him.

But what he did didn't look humble and cautious at all!

After taking a deep breath, Wen Shutong lowered his voice: "this is not what I want to ask. I want to ask why you brought me here? And I still use this method. I saw you a few days ago."

"I'm saving you, sister." He blinked and still looked naive on his face. "You haven't appeared these days. Aren't you under house arrest by Huo Yanlin? He's forcing you to give birth to him. I don't want to see this."

Wen Shutong looked solemn and didn't answer.

Xiaoheng squatted down and gently grabbed Wen Shutong's wrist. "I'm going back soon, but I don't want to see you suffer here, so I can only bring you here in this way."

"But what's the difference between you and him now?" Wen Shutong sneered, "let me go now. I have something important to do. I told you, I want to find the person I want to find. What's the matter of delaying me now?"

"Are you talking about the he family?" Xiaoheng looked at her with his eyeliner. His expression was inexplicably like a docile big dog.

But although such a dog looks docile on the surface, it may bite its owner at any time.

"Yes. Since you know it in your heart, don't delay me from doing my business." Wen Shutong frowned.

"But elder sister, you have found out that it's the he family, and you haven't thought about it. In fact, may it have something to do with our family?"

He chuckled, "I heard from Grandpa that our family did lose a daughter about your age before. She is the heir of the whole family. Maybe that person is you. Do you want to go back and take a chance?"

"Lost?" Wen Shutong smiled, "that must not be me. I was abandoned and abandoned twice."

"Sometimes these words sound good on the face, and I don't know what they have done secretly. After all, I'm a newcomer in their family." Xiaoheng tightened his hand holding her wrist. "Sister, don't have other concerns. I've brought your two children here. I can find a way to take you away. They won't find out."

"He Xianheng, this is the first time I've heard someone say kidnapping so well." Wen Shutong still had a sneer on his face. "Do you know if they lose them, the Huo family will go crazy."

"They're crazy. What's none of my business?" He blinked innocently. "What's more, Huo Yanlin was originally a bad man. It's reasonable for him to suffer a lesson. What does my sister think?"

Wen Shutong half lowered his head and briefly thought for a moment: "if you really say that your family may have a relationship with me, I really should go."

"These two children are plastic talents, and I really can't bear to let go. It doesn't matter if you have the ability to take them both."

Xiaoheng heard the speech as if he had heard a promise. He was not happy.

He quickly leaned down and directly hugged Wen Shutong, his voice trembling with joy.

"Don't worry, I must have the ability to take all of you away. I'm not who I used to be. I have the ability to protect you!"

Wen Shutong quietly pulled away and said calmly, "when shall we go?"

"I'm ready for everything tonight, but you can't see your children for the time being, but I can assure you that they are absolutely safe!" He raised three fingers and swore, "I swear to God, I will never hurt them!"

Wen Shutong smiled, pressed his hand down and said lightly, "don't say these words, I believe you."

"Besides, as a child, don't learn the means of adults' oath. It's not suitable for you."

"I'm not a child anymore. I'm an adult!" He curled his lips in displeasure.

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