Shao Yiyi's face suddenly changed and said angrily, "what are you talking about? The child has not opened up yet. When you grow up, you will naturally look like it."

"Oh, just say it casually. What is Miss Shao nervous about? Is she guilty of a guilty conscience?"

People's subconscious reactions are often the most real. Seeing Shao Yiyi's tightly clenched fingertips, Wen Shutong suspects that xiaodouzi is not Huo Yanlin's own son, but is curious why she agrees to do the paternity test.

Huo Yanlin turned his head and looked at Shao Yi one by one, and seemed to have doubts about her reaction.

Shao Yi immediately pretended to be calm and walked to one side and sat down. Xiaodouzi stood behind her timidly, peeping at them.

Shao Yiyi was angry with him for his appearance that he couldn't get on the stage, and glared at him fiercely. Seeing that he immediately bowed his head, he said slowly: "ha ha Naturally, this has the final say that Miss Wen does not want to recognize it. "The little bean is the son of Yan Lin. It can not be done. If you worry about what I am going to do, I will choose the place where you can make paternity testing."

Seeing her like this, Wen Shutong is not sure of her intention.

But the place is chosen by them, and it is Yan Lin's friend who does the test. There should be no problem.

What's more, the original intention of the two people was to do identification today to solve the matter as soon as possible. She turned her head and looked at Huo Yanlin. They looked at each other, and she nodded slightly.

"Then go to Parkinson's, now." Huo Yanlin was silent for a moment. He still obeyed the trust of his friend, picked up his clothes and motioned the two ladies to set off immediately.

He walked in front of him without noticing Shao Yi's relaxed back and slightly upturned corners of his mouth.

Wen Shutong, who was walking behind, noticed that Shao Yi was passing away one by one with a sigh of relief. Subconsciously, he felt that there was something wrong with him. When he looked again, Shao Yiyi had already taken his son and walked out behind Huo Yanlin.

Looking at the front of the three people as a family's back, her heart inexplicably some tingling.

If xiaodouzi is really Yanlin's son Wen Shutong's step slowed down subconsciously.

Because of the personal privacy involved, Huo Yanlin did not arrange for a driver, but intended to drive by himself.

After arriving at the underground garage, Huo Yanlin signals Shao Yi to take a seat in the back seat with Xiaodou, and then naturally goes to the co pilot to help Wen Shutong, who is left behind, to open the door and protect her first class. She sits in.

When Wen Shutong lowered his head to get on the bus, Huo Yanlin gently rubbed the top of her head and said softly, "don't worry, Tongtong. Believe me. "

Wen Shutong turned his head and looked at it. His deep eyes filled with stars and the sea were full of strong pity and warmth. The magnetic ending and intimate address instantly pressed his uneasy heart.

Yes, I haven't prepared for the worst. Even if xiaodouzi is really his child, he has made proper arrangements. How can he be upset now.

Wen Shutong just bent his mouth and said, "well, I believe you."

Huo Yanlin gently shook her hand, saw her calm down before closing the door and turned to the driver's seat.

At this time, Shao Yiyi, in the back seat of the car, just received the message from Song Qi: "everything is done". His face is full of excitement, but when he looks up, he sees the intimate interaction between the husband and wife. All of a sudden, his face is full of Yin, and he stares at Wen Shutong's back with hatred. His whole face is twisted and horrible.

Her heart is cold hum, Wen Shutong, let you be proud for a while, when the result comes out, hem

Xiaodouzi on the side of his body saw his mother's ugly face and subconsciously shrank to one side. He hid his head in the corner and did not dare to make a sound.

Along the way, everyone on the bus was worried and silent.

After entering the municipal hospital, Bai Qingsen, who had already received the news, took them in.

Blood test, all procedures are in order, it seems that there is nothing wrong, about because he was framed twice before, Wen Shutong still felt uneasy.

However, Huo Yanlin saw that although xiaodouzi shrank in silence during the whole process, he was very clever and obedient. Even when he drew blood, he just frowned and didn't cry. He subconsciously took a few more eyes.

Wen Shutong looks at the past with his eyes, and his heart gets more and more uncomfortable. Are they really connected with each other? Do you want to lick the calf in front of her?

Fortunately, after two hours of waiting for the samples to be submitted, Huo Yanlin did not pay half attention to the mother and son. He just held on to Wen Shutong, who seemed to have known the results for a long time, and Wen Shutong felt relieved.

Half an hour later.

"What?" Although he had been prepared before, Wen Shutong stood up nervously after seeing the 99.99% gene similarity in the identification document.

Huo Yanlin also turns his head to look at his friend. With Bai Qingsen's helpless nod, Wen Shutong suddenly loses his strength and sits down on the chair.

After Bai Qingsen leaves, Huo Yanlin frowns in disbelief, and then stares at Shao Yiyi fiercely, as if to see something in her expression.

Shao Yiyi is also uneasy, even though he received Song Qi's assurance before, but before he did not succeed, his heart was full of ups and downs. Now, as he planned, everything went smoothly, and his face suddenly showed a proud smile.Seeing Huo Yanlin's ferocious look over, he was frightened by his eyes. He lowered his head and pulled Xiaodou out of his back. He pushed Huo Yanlin's side, "quick, Xiaodou, go to Dad."

Xiaodouzi is pushed to a stagger. Seeing Huo Yanlin's scrutinizing eyes, he subconsciously takes two steps back, turns his head and looks at his mother. Shao Yiyi stares at him in an invisible position and says, "go

Xiaodouzi hurried over, opened his mouth and called for his father timidly.

Even if he resented Shao Yiyi's style, he could hardly say anything hurtful to him in the face of his blood related child, and even the coldness in his eyes faded.

"Well," Huo Yanlin was silent for a moment, but he still answered.

But this sound is like a heavy hammer in Wen Shutong's heart. Big tears fall down and hit the ring finger's wedding ring. The hot skin is painful.

She hid her head and quickly wiped it down. She got up, turned her head and pretended to be calm and said to Huo Yanlin: "since the matter has been clarified, xiaodouzi is your son. Well, let's follow the plan we discussed before. I have something else to do in the clinic, so I'll go back first. "

"Wait a minute!"

Huo Yanlin and Shao Yiyi speak at the same time.

Huo Yanlin took a look at Shao Yiyi, whose face was full of pride and wanted to open his mouth. He asked her to hold back the show off that was about to be exported. He took Wen Shutong's arm and motioned for her to wait a moment, "sorry, wait for me to deal with it and go back with you."

Wen Shutong recognized the guilt and debt in his voice. He stood with his back to his back and didn't leave, but his heart was in a mess. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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