"Since xiaodouzi is my son," Huo Yanlin looked at Xiaodou carefully and expectantly. He continued with a sigh, "then today I will take xiaodouzi away and give it to my mother. I will also give you some compensation to satisfy you. But from now on, you will have nothing to do with xiaodouzi."

"No way!" Shaoyi excitedly interrupts his words and drags xiaodouzi to his body.

He is the biggest dependence that he can reunite with Huo Yanlin, and he can never let go, "children can't have no mother! I won't let the child leave me! "

"The child has a mother," Huo Yanlin said, reaching forward with one hand to pull xiaodouzi, but xiaodouzi was hugged tightly by Shao Yi, and he cried with pain and fear.

Huo Yanlin subconsciously let go of his hand and was afraid of pulling the child. He said softly, "my wife is the mother of the child. If you want to let xiaodouzi follow me, this is the best way. Shutong is very kind. Xiaodouzi won't be hurt if she follows her, and my mother... "

Huo Yanlin lowered his head and slowed down xiaodouzi, who was obviously frightened. "My mother likes children very much. She will follow her grandmother. She will also love you, xiaodouzi, with Will dad go home

Wen Shutong's body trembles, and Huo Yanlin clenches and pinches his hand.

"But, I want a mother", xiaodouzi tried to hold back his tears and made a voice of fear and timidity.

Although his mother is not very good to him, but in the face of uncles and aunts who are not very familiar with, xiaodouzi still hopes to stay with the closest people.

Xiaodouzi slightly turns away from Shao Yiyi's arms. A large amount of blue and purple traces appear in the neckline pulled open before.

Huo Yanlin was stunned, then his eyes turned dark, and his voice was filled with anger, "this is..."

His eyes a deep, was about to examine carefully, but Shao Yi turned over and held the child.

"I don't agree! I will not let my son leave me! " Shao Yiyi intentionally cried out loud, and the voice was a little exhausted. Gradually, nurses or patients nearby gathered to point.

When Shao Yi saw everyone, she began to cry, "Yanlin, we started first. You can't stay with her because she is younger than me. And now that I don't want to fight, why should I take my son? "

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Huo Yanlin is annoyed and Shao Yi confuses right and wrong. He is about to say something, but he finds that the finger pointing of the crowd makes his delicate body tremble uncontrollably.

"I'll go first!" Wen Shutong broke away from Huo Yanlin's hand and ran out quickly.

Huo Yanlin looked worried, turned his head and said to Shao Yi, "today you take him home first, I will ask the housekeeper to go to you and pick him up. You can do it yourself."

He looked at the position where there was a slight injury, gave her a warning look, and turned to chase Wen Shutong in the direction he left.

Shao yiben wants to open his mouth and is scared back by him. He almost forgot the traces on xiaodouzi. It seems that we should give him a good raise in recent days, so as not to be found.

Thinking that today's plan was successful, she could not help feeling comfortable when she thought of the miserable look of Wen Shutong crying just now.

"Go! Mom takes you to pizza! What are you crying for? Dirty to death, not a day to let me worry! Forget it! Don't eat it! I'm tired of seeing you like this! "

"Sorry, Tong Tong!" Huo Yanlin grabbed Wen Shutong by the side of the street, but saw that she had already burst into tears and was deeply distressed. He pulled her into his arms. "I didn't expect this. I thought we had already agreed..."

Wen Shutong pushed him away and wiped his face, "yes, I'm not good, I'm not tolerant enough! It's me who betrayed the truth and said it clearly, ha ha... "

Wen Shutong shook his head and sobbed in a low voice, "I can't do it. At least, I can't do it now. I can't take the son you gave birth to with other women as his own child. Please don't force me."

"Tongtong, I don't mean that, it's my fault..." Huo Yanlin stepped forward and tried to hold her, but she threw him away.

Wen Shutong stepped back a few steps. "I need time to calm down. Yan Lin, please let me stay for a while. I'll go back first. Don't follow me.

Then he turned and stopped a taxi.

Huo Yanlin watched her leave, feeling bored but helpless. After all, it was his own fault, and now such a result is self inflicted.

Just to make her so miserable, he was also very uncomfortable.

Is that child really his own son? For Huo Yanlin, xiaodouzi is not only similar to himself, but also does not have the feeling of blood contact between the stars and the moon when they first came into contact with him. It's just the identification result

He turned and went back to the hospital.

"Are you sure the results are OK?"

"Yes, I am operating all the blood samples and tests. There should be no mistake, but..." Bai Qingsen hesitated for a moment, and a picture flashed through his mind."But what?" Huo Yanlin, as if grasping a glimmer of hope, hurriedly inquired.

"Oh, nothing." Bai Qingsen shook his head and felt that he must have been too thoughtful.

Huo Yanlin made a temporary appointment to do the appraisal. Unless someone knows in advance that they are going to do the appraisal here and do the result well in advance, there is no time to replace the result in a moment.

"But you didn't have that kind of intimacy before. Maybe you loved me and loved my dog. It's hard to have that kind of empathy when you're not around all the time. But if you look like you're a little more like your mother. "

Huo Yanlin sits on the sofa dispirited and rubs his eyebrows.

"What are you going to do now?" Bai Qingsen saw his friend's Dilemma and brought him a cup of coffee. "Are you really going to stay with your mother?"

"What else can I do?" Huo Yanlin closed his eyes with a headache. "Since xiaodouzi is my son, I naturally have the obligation to raise him. As for Shaoyi, I will never have a relationship with her. If she wants, I will give her a sum of money, if not... "

"Why not let her take her son by herself? You already have two sons. You are not close to xiaodouzi, and it is obviously difficult to accept the existence of xiaodouzi. Why don't you just let Shao Yi... "

"I found her prone to domestic violence." Huo Yanlin breathed a breath, his eyes were filled with anger.

Bai Qingsen was surprised: "what? You mean? "

"Yes, when I pulled today, I saw some bruises on Xiaodou's body. If I'm not wrong, it should be the scar left by long-term abuse."

Huo Yanlin's voice is frightful. Even if he has no close feelings for xiaodouzi, he will never allow his son to be abused.

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