"In that case, why didn't you just say it?"


"Because my mother is angry, my father is with other women, so I drink too much wine and I don't feel sick and faint. Dad, don't blame mom any more."

This kid set a trap for himself.

Huo Yanlin squints at xiaodouzi. The villain's face on the bed has pitiful expectation. However, the hatred and disgust in his eyes are unfolded in front of Huo Yanlin.

So, is the vulnerability that has been shown before all pretended? That's a good acting.

He has been worried that the boy will not live well, so careful logical thinking, even he was put together, his retarded like vase mother, how to play around?

Good! This is not right for mother and son, so he doesn't need to be kind to them.

Bearing the thought of eager to turn around and leave, Huo Yanlin took a deep breath and stood up, "I'll go to the doctor to change the ward."

"Well done, son!" Shao Yi saw Huo Yanlin's figure disappear outside the door, and he was very proud of himself. He didn't expect that this useless son was very quick witted. He was worthy of being his own son. "Come on, have some more. Mother will feed you a green vegetable."

"Thank you, mom." Xiaodou's face was red, and he opened his mouth obediently and ate the cold vegetable leaves.

Rarely by the mother's gentle treatment, xiaodouzi's heart is hot. No matter what you do right or wrong, as long as your mother is happy?

Mom still loves him, well, it must be.

Huo Yanlin finished the ward upgrade, looking at the nurses busy cleaning up the ward, heart a burst of disappointment.

With my back against the window at the end of the corridor, I feel the chill of the night coming from behind and think of Wen Shutong.

He took out his mobile phone and wanted to call her, but he found that the mobile phone had been out of power and turned off automatically.

The night is deep, and the pointer of the wall watch has already pointed to three o'clock. I think his little wife is already asleep.

Forget it, call her when you get up in the morning and charge it. You can't get what he wants until tomorrow. This is the best opportunity, so I can't leave tonight.

I hope she doesn't get angry that she hasn't been home all night.

He'll be back early tomorrow morning.

At the moment, in their bedroom, Wen Shutong, who was lying on the big bed, did not sleep all night. Looking at the clock slowly moving towards three o'clock, she could not help but open the familiar number and dialed the past.

"The phone you dialed is turned off."

The cold prompt sound from the mobile phone broke her last defense in an instant. She turned over and buried her head in the quilt. There was still her husband's breath, but now there is no one.

Tears wet pillow towel, Wen Shutong finally can not help crying.

The upgraded suite is a single room with independent bathroom. In addition to the hospital bed, there is also a single bed to facilitate the family members to rest at night.

Huo Yanlin refused Shao Yi's request to squeeze a bed, asked the nurse for a quilt and pillow to sleep on the bench outside the waiting room.

Although the long hands and feet of his sleep is very sad, but in any case he is not sleepy, and do not want to go back to the ward to face the mother and son of the two birds of a feather, rather stay alone quietly.

He missed his little wife.

Shao Yiyi's refusal by Huo Yanlin was just a few complaints. Fortunately, although the doctor said that xiaodouzi's condition was stable, he was willing to wait until tomorrow morning for blood test and re examination before leaving. It was also an unexpected joy.

After struggling in the middle of the night, I was already exhausted, and the wine was pouring in. Shao Yi casually made a bed and fell asleep.

Soon, her steady breathing came from the quiet ward.

"Yan Lin, don't leave..."

Shao Yi in a dream of low Nan wake up the shallow sleep of small beans, he opened his eyes to see the direction of his mother, only a vague outline.

Shao Yi turned over and fell asleep again.

My mother certainly doesn't want him to leave, as long as she is ill

At four o'clock in the morning, everything was quiet.

No one found a small figure, quietly slipped out of the bed, into the bathroom, opened the shower head.

The cold water spray thin thin pale body, water channel across the back, waist, buttocks, chest and abdomen, usually invisible position, there is a whole piece of silt purple swelling.

Xiaodouzi, with a flower shower in one hand, carefully avoids his head and face, and constantly washes down from his neck. With the other hand tightly covering his mouth, his body is constantly shaking, but he refuses to make a sound.

Ten minutes later, he turned off his bath head and walked back and forth naked in the bathroom for a while, until he felt cold all over his body. The cold spread from the bottom of his feet, and he felt dizzy and painful. Then he quickly dried his body, put on his clothes and listened to the door for a few seconds. Then he ran back to bed barefoot.

Body more and more cold, head more and more heavy, small beans small sneeze, hastily cover his head with quilt.

Hearing the single bed next door, Shao Yiyi just turned over and fell asleep again. Xiaodouzi was content to listen to his mother's breath and close his eyes.It should be possible, he thought.

It's hard, but as long as you can let that uncle stay one more day, my mother will be happy.


He murmured and curled up his small soft body, absorbed every trace of warmth in the quilt, and he didn't know when to fall asleep.

In the morning of the hospital, the brisk and hasty footsteps of nurses and the movement of ward rounds gradually appeared in the corridor.

Huo Yanlin opened his eyes and stretched his stiff and numb hands and feet until dawn.

I looked up to touch my mobile phone and felt it empty. Only then did I remember that I was plugged into xiaodouzi's ward last night because of the charging.

I should call Wen Shutong. I didn't come back all night last night. I don't know if she is worried about herself and whether she will think things over.

He grew up and went into the bathroom to have a simple wash.

The cold water washed away the trace of fatigue on Qingjun's face, and only the bottom of his eyes remained a trace of red.

When she came out, she had recovered her former calm elegance, which attracted a group of young nurses to review frequently.

He went to xiaodouzi's door and stood still for a while. He heard the sound of water flowing in the washing room and the music of singing happily from a woman. Huo Yanlin could not help frowning.

Push open the door, the small figure on the bed into a group, shrink in the quilt, can not see the head and face, motionless seems to be still asleep.

When the door of the washing room is pushed open, Shao Yi comes out of the room humming a song. She looks up and sees Huo Yanlin. She is startled, and then comes forward with some surprise.

"Yan Lin, have you come to see xiaodouzi so early? He's still awake. He's sleeping well. We can go to the restaurant for dinner and bring him some when we come back. Did you not sleep well last night? Or let the doctor have another bed here tonight, so that you can sleep more comfortably

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