He came over early in the morning, obviously worried about Douzi. It seems that Douzi's weight in his heart is getting heavier and heavier.

Fortunately, she had been prepared. She got up early and washed her face and painted a make-up. Otherwise, she couldn't imagine that he would hate himself if he saw his ugly appearance when he just got up.

Huo Yanlin looked at her heavy make-up after staying up late because of hangover. Some of them were hanging on her face, and her eyebrows were wrinkled more tightly.

He inexplicably thought that Wen Shutong was crushed on the floor by his bodyguard in order to rob him of his son. His hair was messy and his face was covered with tears. He cried and his eyes were red and his mouth was tight. However, he was a hundred times more beautiful than the woman in front of him.

The son is still sick, but the mother does not care at all. She really failed xiaodouzi. Last night, she tried to hide and excuse her.

He wanted to scold, but he was afraid to wake up the sleeping villain. He had to suppress his anger and say in a deep voice, "I'll take the beans and check them out. You'll keep your voice down and quarrel with the child!"

Huo Yanlin walks to xiaodouzi's bedside, picks up his mobile phone from the cabinet, unplugs the charger, turns on the machine, and wants to call Wen Shutong first.

"How can it disturb him? Every time he sleeps like a pig, you see, I've been up for a long time and he hasn't woken up yet."

Shao Yi's face turned white and red, and then explained to herself, reaching out to lift Douzi's quilt.

"Why? Bean Shao Yiyi finally found something wrong. The little man buried in the quilt clenched his teeth, flushed, shivering all over his body, and his eyes were tightly closed, which seemed extremely uncomfortable.

Shao Yiyi was a little flustered. He reached out and shook Douzi's shoulder. "Douzi, what's the matter with you? Wake up

The villain under him has no sign of waking up. Instead, Shao Yiyi is frightened by the temperature of his hands.

Don't do anything, or she will tie Huo Yanlin's heart.

Think of here, Shao Yi's expression tone then all took some worry, and the anxious tension that droops to sob.

Huo Yanlin also found that xiaodouzi was not right, so he had to hang up the phone he had just connected and put it on the cabinet. Big hand a probe, cover in small bean's forehead.

It's hot!

This temperature has not only lasted for how long, Douzi's clothes have been wet with sweat, but Shao Yi just opened the quilt. The cold wind poured into the quilt made him shiver.

"Bean! Bean Huo Yanlin calls his name in a low voice, but there is no response. Xiaodouzi's breath is too shallow to be heard.

"That's what you said, right? He's had a fever for so long, you don't know how you're a mother! Still singing? Make up? No matter how you paint, it's ugly in my eyes! You don't deserve to be a mother

See Shao Yi a silly Leng Leng stand, Huo Yanlin can't help anger, yell loudly.

Shao Yi's whole body slightly shakes, the hand consciousness caresses on the face, ugliness Ugly? Yan Lin said she was ugly?!

Huo Yanlin saw that she was still in self pity. He felt hopeless. He was too lazy to take a look at her. He wrapped up his small body with a quilt, and strode to the door.

"I'll take xiaodouzi to the emergency department, and you can pack up his medical records and bring them here"

"Yanlin!" See Huo Yanlin has gone out of the ward, Shao Yi a hot pursuit of two steps, want to ask him exactly where he is ugly.

Behind him came a mobile phone ring, Shao Yi turned to look at the past, "Dear Tong Tong" on the mobile phone page, incomparably dazzling.

Her face suddenly became gloomy, picked up her cell phone and hung up.

Wen Shutong almost stayed up all night. When he got up in the morning, the faint green halo looked a little haggard, so he had to apply a thin layer of powder to barely hold it down.

When eating breakfast, the moon and stars washed themselves early and sat in the exclusive seat beside the table and waited.

However, I saw that my mother, who always gets up early, is late today, and there is no sweet smile on her face.

The star looked up at Wen Shutong, turned her slightly swollen eyes and lowered her head in silence.

"Good morning, Mommy." The moon looked behind Wen Shutong, "where's dad? Haven't you got up yet

"Good morning, babies."

Wen Shutong sat down, put down the mobile phone screen he had been looking at since last night. He put his hand to touch the heads of the moon and stars, and said with a strong smile, "Dad, he, er I have to go out in the morning, so I can't eat with the moon and stars today. Will your mother take you to school after you finish eating

In any case, she didn't want the children's mood to be affected until everything was settled.

"Oh, all right." Although it seems that mummy is not happy subconsciously, she doesn't want to say that there must be her own reasons, ah Adults are so complicated.

The moon shook her head, picked up the tableware to start.

"Mommy, lie." The silent star suddenly spoke.


Wen Shutong and the moon both look at the little man with his head down. Even if he doesn't see his expression, he must be angry at the moment."Dad, go out at night and see auntie." Star looked up at Wen Shutong, small mouth stubborn Du, as if dissatisfied with mummy's cover up for his father.

Last night, he got up to go to the bathroom and heard his father go out to find the woman, while mommy was crying.

He didn't know what to do. He stayed outside for a long time. Until there was no sound inside, he couldn't resist sleepiness and ran back to the room.

"Dad, he just I went to see my little brother because he was ill yesterday. He was very serious. Just like if you were sick, Dad would take care of you, right? "

Although he doesn't know how the stars know it, Wen Shutong doesn't want to hide it in the face of the child's clear eyes.

I just don't want the child to have a deeper misunderstanding of Huo Yanlin, so I have to be honest.

"Mommy is crying and unhappy."

Wen Shutong realized that the star was not sad for his father to find his aunt, but because he felt his own uneasiness and sadness, he would blame Huo Yanlin.

Wen Shutong's tears fell. She took the star in her arms and kissed her. She said with a smile, "Mommy is not sad. Mommy is just worried about her little brother's condition, just as you worry about you when you are sick."

"Is it?" The star stares at Wen Shutong, trying to make sure that mummy has cheated herself this time.

Wen Shutong nods hard.

"Hum! I don't like dad anymore Wen Yueqi a knife and fork, the mood is not happy to pull down the face.

"And why?"

"Because Daddy makes Mommy sad, I don't like my little brother any more! The little brother made Mommy cry

The moon also leaned over her small head and was held in her arms like Wen Shutong.

"I only like mommy." Wen Yueqi hugs mummy's neck and kisses her on the cheek.

"Stars, too." Stars also gently kiss on the other side of Wen Shutong's cheek.

"Mommy loves you, too." Wen Shutong returned the two little babies with a kiss each, and then put them on their respective dining chairs, "OK, Mommy is not sad or sad, so don't be angry with your father and little brother. How about this? After school today, Mommy will take you to the hospital to look for your father and see your little brother by the way

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