Shao Yiyi pulled his palm to the front of him and studied carefully for a while. He confirmed that there was no glass fragment. He turned out a roll of gauze from the bag and wrapped it skillfully around his palm.

"I'm sorry, last night, I was drunk and made you laugh." Shao Yi apologized, "I know I shouldn't drink. If I don't drink, I won't even know that my son has a fever and faints in the bathroom. I almost made a big mistake. But I'm really sad, Yan Lin, to see you with her, to see you running out after her, to watch her cuddle up to your side, happy look, my heart... "

Shao Yiyi choked, "all this should have belonged to me. If I didn't leave with anger, the person standing by your side today is me..."

"No if," Huo Yanlin interrupted her, "everyone has chosen the road they want to go. Since they have chosen, don't regret it. Yi, we have passed. "

"If only I could go back to the beginning." Shao Yi looked gloomy and dropped his head. A drop of tears fell on the gauze and instantly infiltrated into it and disappeared.

Huo Yanlin did not speak, since can not give the result, will not give her hope, silence is the best choice.

Maybe no one is right or wrong in love, just meet the right person at the right time.

"Well, the wound is not deep. It doesn't matter as long as you don't touch water these days." Shaoyi seems to be calming down.

Huo Yanlin stares at the very beautiful bow on his wrist, "this..."

"Ah, this is also a habit," Shao Yiyi apologized, "children, like a little more lovely, if you are afraid miss Wen mind, I'll give you a new package

Huo Yanlin shook his head, "don't bother."

"Well," Shao Yi took back her hand. "It's just a simple hemostasis. Let the doctor disinfect and bandage again later. By the way, what's in the broken bottle? Should not be what chemical preparation, must not infect wound just good

Shao Yiyi asked casually.

"Those, in fact, are..."

"Why?" Shao Yi saw that some of the liquid on the ground had dried up and congealed. He wiped it gently with his index finger and sent it to the tip of his nose.

"It's blood..." Shao Yi a Leng for a moment, the expression on the face changes, seems to be in the heart of a certain guess.

When she looked up, her face was full of disbelief, "this is the blood of Xiaodou, isn't it?"

Huo Yanlin looked at her face slowly leakage of despair, inexplicably lit up a trace of guilt.

Seeing that he seems to acquiesce in the answer, Shao Yi staggers to get up, grins bitterly and takes two steps backward. His fingertips tremble and generally points to Huo Yanlin.

"You never believed me! Even if you have done a paternity test, even if the paternity test is the result of your friend's own hands, you still don't believe that xiaodouzi is your son, right? So you want to do it again, again! How many times can you believe that he is really your son? "

"Shao Yiyi, that night, I really don't remember whether we had happened..."

"Because I don't remember, I can't forget it, right?" Douda's tears rolled down from her eyes, like a silent accusation against Huo Yanlin.

"You left without saying anything at that time..." He didn't mean to be responsible for himself, so Huo Yanlin always thought that night should not have happened.

"It doesn't mean it doesn't happen! Because I said to leave, so you hate me! Hate to even their own son refused to recognize, right? Yes, I was not sensible at that time. I was willing to sacrifice my love for my career, so I ended up in this way. But I don't want to stay with you. I never regret giving it to you for the first time

She sobbed in a low voice, "it's so hard and hard to live abroad. Especially after I found that I was pregnant with your child, I want to come back to you immediately. But I'm too proud, I'm afraid you will look down on me, so no matter how embarrassed and difficult I'll stick to it. Now I have everything. I'm back, with our son. I thought you would wait for me. I thought you would marry me. But... "

Shao Yi said more sad, almost choked can not go on.

Huo Yanlin didn't know what to say. Maybe he had some expectations and expectations, but when she chose to give up, she couldn't go back.

"But when I came back, I found that you were going to get married. You had forgotten me, even that night But why don't you recognize the bean? I did the paternity test you asked me to do! Why don't you believe it? Huo Yanlin, I misread you

Shao Yi burst into tears, those who have experienced these years, at this moment, heartily catharsis.

"I'm sorry," Huo Yanlin's face flashed a trace of impatience. "It's not that I don't believe you, nor don't want to recognize xiaodouzi. It's just..."

"Don't say that again..." Shao Yi raised the back of his hand to cover his eyes. Tears flowed from his fingers. "Xiaodouzi is not your son, just be him. I was born with other men."

She turned to go, it seems that she did not want to let Huo Yanlin see his embarrassed appearance, or perhaps he did not want to see the man he was thinking of, the cold in his eyes."Shao Yiyi!" Huo Yanlin subconsciously reached out to hold her.


On the arm several Qin Qin blood bead red mark to reflect Huo Yanlin's eye, "you also injured?"

Shao Yi took out his arm and said with a sad smile, "the pain on the arm is how to compare with the pain in my heart."

Huo Yanlin was silent for a long time, "xiaodouzi is my child, I think, but about us Sorry, Shaoyi. "

Did you choose wenshutong? Shao Yi's eyes darkened.

"I understand that we may never go back to the past, but when I was at a loss, all I could think of was you. I was drunk yesterday. Maybe I'm awake now. I hate what I say and do with my temper

"Don't worry. I've thought it out clearly. I won't pester you any more. I hope you don't hate me and avoid me. After all, even if we can't go back to the beginning, but you are always xiaodouzi's father. If xiaodouzi wants to see you, please don't refuse, OK

Huo Yanlin can't find a reason to refuse. He will find another chance to confirm whether xiaodouzi is his own son. During this period of time, it's OK for xiaodouzi to be distributed around Shaoyi.

As long as Shaoyi can figure it out and stop trying to intervene between him and his wife, even if xiaodouzi is really his own son, he believes he can handle it perfectly.

"Well, I promise you."

Shao Yiyi seemed to be relieved and stabilized a lot.

She wiped her tears. "I'll get something to clean up here."

Huo Yanlin raised his hand to stop her, "I clean up, you go to clean up the wound."

Shao Yiyi nodded meekly.

Seeing Huo Yanlin striding to the washing room, Shao Yi's sad and melancholy expression gradually disappeared, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised showed his confidence that he was determined to get.

I will take back your heart step by step. The only person standing by your side is me.

Wen Shutong, wait and see. Our war has just begun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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