In the ward.

Wen Shutong originally wanted to leave early. After all, in her capacity, she was always embarrassed when facing xiaodouzi alone.

But xiaodouzi would not eat until Shao Yi came back. Wen Shutong, afraid that he was weak and could not stand hunger, asked xingxingyue to patiently persuade him and coax him to finish eating the porridge. Then he cleaned up and prepared to leave with his two sons.

When the door opened, Huo Yanlin took the lead.



The stars and the moon embrace Huo Yanlin's legs.

"Yan Lin? Why did you come? "Wen Shutong looked up and saw him, slightly apologetic." did you wait too long? We just got ready to go. "

"Well." Huo Yanlin nodded.

Wen Shutong felt that his expression was a little strange, and noticed a white on the back of his hand, "your hand..."


Hearing the cry of xiaodouzi's surprise behind him, Wen Shutong is stunned.

A small figure turns out from behind Huo Yanlin.

"Miss Wen, thank you for helping me take care of xiaodouzi. Yesterday I had too much to drink, which disturbed Yanlin and you. I'm really sorry for the trouble."

Shao Yi stands in front of Huo Yanlin and faces Wen Shutong.

Under the voice of sincere apology, her face was full of complacency and provocation. She even turned her arm slightly to Wen Shutong, revealing that she had specially asked the doctor to wrap the same bow with gauze.

Wen Shutong knows that Shao Yiyi is trying to make himself difficult, so as to arouse Huo Yanlin's dissatisfaction with himself.

That's a good idea.

But just a short while did not see, pour like changed a person, let her can't help but rise a faint sense of crisis.

"The child is burning, and miss Shao can drink happily. She is really a bit more hearty. She just doesn't know who will disturb her husband if she wakes up today without accompanying her child?"

"You..." Shao Yi's face suddenly changed.

"Moon, star, let's go home."

Wen Shutong doesn't want to talk to her any more, while beckoning the two children to go out over Shaoyi.

Don't want to just walk to her side, have not yet got Shao Yi's arm, she exclaimed and fell to the side.

Huo Yanlin stretched out his hand and held her shoulder to make her stand firm.

Without waiting for Wen Shutong to open his mouth, Shao Yiyi took Huo Yanlin's arm and said, "Yanlin, I don't blame Miss Wen. It's my own failure to stand firm."

Wen Shutong was very calm.

"I don't have one."

Huo Yanlin raised his hand and pulled Shaoyi's hand from his sleeve and looked at her coldly. "Don't forget what you promised me. Don't let me hate you again, Shao Yi."

Shao Yi, pale, stepped back.

Huo Yanlin handed his hand to Wen Shutong, "let's go."

Wen Shutong nodded and was pulled out by him. The moon and stars also led his parents one by one.

The moon made a face. Hum! The bad woman bullied her mother.

Shao Yi stomped her feet in anger.


The weak voice from the hospital bed made Huo Yanlin's family stop and look around.

Xiaodouzi is curled up on the bed with a quilt, like a forgotten little beast.

Looking at Huo Yanlin four people's eyes are full of envy and expectation.

Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong looked at each other, strode to the hospital bed, bent down and touched xiaodouzi's head.

"The doctor said you're all right. You can take another two days off and be discharged soon. Don't be so self willed in the future. Listen to your mother's words. I will visit you often

A big and a small eyes collided together, perhaps because of the little bean's eyes less sharp and defensive, Huo Yanlin also rare with some warmth.

After rubbing his soft broken hair, Huo Yanlin returned to wenshutong and said, "let's go."

When he goes out, Wen Shutong subconsciously turns back, but he sees xiaodouzi's twisted face with jealousy and resentment. He is almost the same as Shao Yi, and is instantly shut behind the door.

Back in the car, sitting in the back seat of Wen Shutong some silence, Huo Yanlin afraid she think more, care way, "what's the matter?"


Wen Shutong shakes his head. He may be wrong. How can a child have such a complicated mind.

"Mom," the stars whispered to Wen Shutong.

Wen Shutong bent down to his ear and said, "what's the matter?"

"Little brother, don't like us," the star whispered

Wen Shutong looks at the stars in surprise. He can feel the stars. It seems that he really did not read wrong. If xiaodouzi really has such a heavy mind, in case he is really Huo Yanlin's son, then

"Yan Lin, don't you go to Dr. Bai first?"

"It's going to be very late. Take the children to dinner first, and I'll go again in the morning. What would you like to eat, moon and stars"I want a barbecue!"



It was more than ten o'clock when I got home in the evening. The two children couldn't resist being sleepy and went to sleep in the car.

Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong each hold one, gently put them on the cot, take off their clothes and cover the quilt for them, and then back out lightly.

Each took a bath and lay in bed.

"Go to bed early." Wen Shutong gets up and wants to turn off the lights.

"You have nothing to ask me?" Huo Yanlin couldn't help speaking.

Wen Shutong sat back, thought for a moment, then laughed, "what should I ask? Why did you go back to the ward with Shao Yi? Or do you have the same bow gauze? By the way, are your hands OK? "

Want to get up to check, Huo Yanlin pressed back, stretched out his hand shaking, gauze has been removed, the palm of the hand pasted with quick band aid.

"You see, it's all right. Shao Yiyi was worried about his child. When he ran to the ward, he accidentally knocked down a nurse. I happened to see him and helped him. He was accidentally scratched by the broken glass. You know, nurses like to make a fuss... "

Huo Yanlin pretended to be helpless and didn't want her to think more.

"Ha ha The nurse is very loving Wen Shutong covered his mouth and snickered, "Yanlin, don't explain to me. Since I believe you, you won't be influenced by anyone."

"That's not angry with me."

Wen Shutong shakes his head.

"Let's go to bed..."

There is a hint in the tone.

"Villain, aren't you tired?" Wen Shutong pushes him with a smile.

"Not tired..."

After a quiet week, Shao Yi did not call again and again, nor ran to the company to find someone.

Huo Yanlin called the hospital to ask, xiaodouzi recovered very well, two days later he was discharged home.

He was at ease. It seemed that Shao Yi really wanted to open his mind.

This week, he tried to spend more time with Wen Shutong and his two children. He even took them to a long-awaited amusement park for a whole day.

Several people seem to have returned to the previous beautiful, only Wen Shutong remembered and asked about redoing the paternity test.

Huo Yanlin said that the blood sample failed to meet the standard, so he had to wait for the next opportunity to think about it. Wen Shutong was a little bit sorry, but he soon forgot about it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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